
Petroglyph Site of Sauyskandyk (XVIII BC – III AD)

摘要: Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  Cultural and historical phenomenon of Sauyskandyk complex is characterized by its geographical location on the territory of Karatau transit corridor, whic

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value

  Cultural and historical phenomenon of Sauyskandyk complex is characterized by its geographical location on the territory of Karatau transit corridor, which is located on the border of two other cultural, historical and natural zones: nomadic area of Eurasia steppes and sedentary oases of Central Asia. Trans-Eurasian Karatau corridor was connecting the Margiana and Bactria, Northern Iran, Western and Central Kazakhstan, and Ural Region. Outstanding Universal Value of Sauyskandyk petroglyph site consist in artistic evidence of the communications between the Steppe civilization and civilization of the Middle East in field of technologies (for example transport remedies and weapons), similarity of sacral values and religious stereotypes, presence of the original mythological personages and rituals, images of transport remedies, weapons and other “realities”, which permit to synchronize different artistic rock carding traditions of Central Asia.

  Criterion (ii): Petroglyph Site of Sauyskandyk is a bright visual example of communications between communities from the steppe zone and Central Asia for over six hundred years. Geographical location of the Petroglyph Site of Sauyskandyk (north-western end of Karatau transit corridor of the northern flank of Karatau Mountains) is situated on the territory of the contact area between nomadic and sedentary cultures. Cult function of this area remained unchanged during a long period of time. Natural particularities (landscape beauty, presence of water sources, and protection from the wind), availability and good quality of stone material are the main factors, which provide the information on the place of the site in the evolution process of rock carving art and values.

  Petroglyph Site of Sauyskandyk is the complex of rock carvings, which cover a relatively large period of time: from the period of palaeometal (V-IV centuries BC) to the middle of XIX century. A few important changes of the economic activities, linguistic belonging and anthropological image of local population have happened on the territory of Kazakhstan at that time. These changes were accompanied by a few important transformations of cultural and religious practices, which have left their traces on the rock carvings of Sauyskandyk. Petroglyphs of the Early Iron Age and Early Nomadic Period are closely related between each other and show that these creations had social, ritual and mythological importance for local communities of IV-I centuries BC. Development of social and economic phenomenon of “nomadic civilization”, formation of nomadic states, expansion of writing system and new religions have contributed to the disappearance of the cultural and social center of Sauyskandyk and the transformation of the function of rock carving art. The Modern period is characterized by progressive extinction of rock carving practices. Rock gallery of Sauyskandyk demonstrates the entire transformation process of such historical and cultural phenomenon as rock carvings.

  Petroglyph Site of Sauyskandyk provides the information on the historical evolution of esthetic norms and perception of the rock carvings by human beings, and on the ways to transform the natural landscape into the cultural landscape on the basis of behavioral stereotypes. Artistically decorated Sauyskandyk petroglyphs demonstrate the transformation of the main spiritual ideals and social symbols, which were characteristic to steppe cultures of the Central Asian communities. Zoomorphic Saka symbols were replaced by mythological characters of the period of the palaeometal. New social symbol of nomadic empires – horse solder with complete military costume, has appeared during the Turkic period. Petroglyphs of the Modern period are represented by images, which show the daily life of Kazakh nomads and tamgas – the signs used for marking of winter pastures. Arab epigraphy is another important sign of new religious priorities and transformation of the literacy of nomadic societies in XIXth century.

  Criterion (iii): Petroglyph Site of Sauyskandyk is a unique manifestation of cultural traditions of steppe communities of Central Asia (especially during the period of not written language). High adaptability to natural environment, arid climate, and capacity to use the transit character and local landscape in their cult and sacral rituals were typical to steppe civilizations. Rock carving art has transformed the natural landscape of Sauyskandyk (river valley, rock surfaces, and mountain summits) into the sacral landscape or the sanctuary , which was conform to the basic world view of Asian steppe communities of IInd century BC. Location of the rock carving site and the cult complex demonstrate the cultural tradition of the period of palaeometal (V-II millennium BC).

  Criteria(iv): Petroglyph Site of Sauyskandyk is a unique example of cultural landscape, which demonstrates two important periods of the history of Steppe civilizations: the period of palaeometal (early period of the metalwork tradition), and the period of early nomads (formation period of tribal coalitions, appearance of the first states such as Scythe-Saka culture). Cultural landscape of Sauyskandyk includes the rock carvings, burial and commemorative complex of IInd millennium BC – Ist millennium AC, and the ancient settlements situated in 5 km from the central part of the site. The archaeological complex is closely related to local natural landscape (end of the Ulken Karatau Mountains and the mountain river, which separates Ulken Sauyskandyk and Bala Sauyskandyk). The cultural landscape includes traditional Kazakh houses of XIX – beginning of XX centuries situated on the territory of the site. This situation explains the succession of the cultural importance of the site and illustrates the traditional method of the usage of the landscape, which remained unchanged in the Modern period, and the historical importance of which is directly related to the expansion of Kazakh nomadic communities.

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