
中国 陕西 河南 甘肃 新疆 青海 宁夏 西藏 四川 云南 重庆 山西 湖北 湖南 贵州 广东 广西 河北 山东 江苏 安徽 江西 浙江 福建 北京 上海 黑龙江 内蒙古 海南 吉林 辽宁 天津 香港 澳门 台湾

• 异域盛放-倾靡欧洲的中国植物

异域盛放-倾靡欧洲的中国植物 作者:简·基尔帕特里克(Jane Kilpatrick)出版社:南方日报出版社副标题: 倾靡欧洲的中国植物 译者:俞蘅出版年: 2011-3-1页数: 287定价: 39.90元装帧: 平装丛书:悠享优阅图文馆ISBN: 9787549101726内容简介《悠享优阅图文馆:异域盛放》可称为是由大英博物馆资深馆长领衔的人类探索丛书。这些著作通过对面具、微雕艺术品、药草、 ...

• Sogdians in China An archaeological and art historical research based on tomb finds and historical texts from the 3rd to the 10th century AD

作者: Patrick Wertmann出版社: Verlag Philipp von Zabern in Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft副标题: An archaeological and art historical research based on tomb finds and historical texts from the 3rd to the 10th century AD出版年: 2015-12-1页数: 347定价: EUR 86.00装帧: Ge

• 2,700-Year-Old Leather Armor Proves Technology Transfer Happened in Antiquity

Researchers at the University of Zurich have investigated a unique leather scale armor found in the tomb of a horse rider in Northwest China. Design and construction details of the armor indicate that it originated in the Neo-Assyrian Empire between the 6

• Oldest ghost drawing discovered on Babylonian exorcism tablet

"Do not look behind you."The ghost drawing on a clay tablet with and without a superimposed outline.(Image credit: Photo © British Museum, line drawing © James Fraser and Chris Cobb for The First Ghosts)A museum curator has dis

• Headless statues of a woman and her servant discovered at ancient Greek burial site

Two headless statues discovered at an ancient Greek burial site depict a dead woman in a seated position and possibly her servant.(Image credit: Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports)Headless statues of a dead woman and her servant have been found in an an

• 2,500-year-old temple to Greek love goddess unearthed in Turkey

The Greek goddess of love and fertility had a popular cult at the time.

• Hadrian's Wall joins forces with China's Great Wall to promote heritage sites

‘Wall to Wall’ project will see heritage experts from the UK and China work together to increase understanding of both sites and boost tourism


