
中国 陕西 河南 甘肃 新疆 青海 宁夏 西藏 四川 云南 重庆 山西 湖北 湖南 贵州 广东 广西 河北 山东 江苏 安徽 江西 浙江 福建 北京 上海 黑龙江 内蒙古 海南 吉林 辽宁 天津 香港 澳门 台湾

• Did the Great Wall of China work?

Yes, but perhaps not in the way you might imagine.The Great Wall of China was not impenetrable, although it did help defend against attacks.(Image credit: yangna via Getty Images)The Great Wall of China — built over the course of two millennia to bolster

• Did all roads lead to Rome?

Yes, no. Maybe so.At its height, the Roman Empire's roads traversed continents to connect important cities and towns to its capital city. This particular road is in Pompeii, Italy.(Image credit: Oliver Helbig via Getty Images)At the zenith of its control,

• When did Constantinople become Istanbul?

More recently than you might think.The Blue Mosque in Istanbul. The city was captured by the Ottomans in 1453, but when did its name change from Constantinople?(Image credit: Nikada via Getty Images)Istanbul is a rare place. It's the only city to straddle

• Where did watermelons come from?

(Image credit: Charlene Collins via Getty Images)The iconic green and red watermelon is a sweet, refreshing summer staple. But it wasn't always so sugary or vibrantly colored. So what didwatermelonsoriginally taste and look like, and from where did they o

• Why did Rome fall?

Who says it did?

• What was the largest empire in the world?

At its peak, the British Empire ruled a quarter of the world's surface and population, but it still isn't history's biggest empire.(Image: © Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)According to Guinness World Records, wh

