
中国 陕西 河南 甘肃 新疆 青海 宁夏 西藏 四川 云南 重庆 山西 湖北 湖南 贵州 广东 广西 河北 山东 江苏 安徽 江西 浙江 福建 北京 上海 黑龙江 内蒙古 海南 吉林 辽宁 天津 香港 澳门 台湾

• Ancient people in India may have buried their dead in giant stone jars

The immense stone jars may be linked to mysterious containers found in Laos.

• Ancient Chinese tombs hold remains of warriors possibly buried alive

The tombs belong to a wealthy clan from 3,000 years ago.

• Metal detectorist finds 2,000-year-old dagger wielded by Roman soldier in battle with Rhaetians

Roman dagger finding led to discovery of "lost" battlefield.An amateur archaeologist in Switzerland has discovered an ornate dagger wielded by a Roman soldier 2,000 years ago.That discovery, found using a metal detector, led a team ofarchaeologi

• 2,000-year-old chariot unearthed at Pompeii

It was the 'Lamborghini' of its day.

• Mushroom hunter unearths gorgeous Bronze Age sword

The cast-bronze hilt and pommel of the sword are intricately decorated with engravings of circles and rows of crescent-shaped marks.(Image: © Silesian Museum, Czech Republic)A man searching for mushrooms in a forest in the Czech Republic found mu

• Study casts doubt on 'sky disk' thought to be oldest representation of the heavens

The Nebra Sky Disk of bronze decorated with gold is one of Germany's most famous archaeological artifacts. But a new study suggests it dates to the Iron Age, at least 1,000 years later than scientists had thought.(Image: © Anagoria/CC BY 3.0)One

• Tomb of Rome's mythical founder Romulus unearthed

Does the discovery bolster the legend of Romulus and his twin brother?

• 3,000-year-old Canaanite temple discovered in buried city in Israel

The temple at Lachish is the first ancient Canaanite temple found in more than 50 years and is extraordinarily well preserved, say archaeologists.(Image: © Emil Eljem/IAA)A 3,000-year-old temple, built by the Canaanites around the time of theanci

• Buried Christian (and Pagan) Basilica Discovered in Ethiopia's 'Lost Kingdom' of Aksum

Parts of the buried town of Beta Samati were occupied for more than 1,000 years, from the Pre-Aksumite era around 750 B.C. through the early Christian period from about A.D. 325 until about A.D. 650.(Image: © Nicole Harrower)An ancient church from th

• Gold and Jewels Found on Minoan Island Devoted to the Color Purple

(Image: © Greece Ministry of Culture and Sports)A storehouse of ancient treasures, including precious jewels and gold beads, has been uncovered by archaeologists on an island near Crete devoted to making a precious purple dye from sea snails thousand

• Early Christian 'Church of the Apostles' Possibly Unearthed Near Sea of Galilee

The excavations at Beit Habek beside the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel have unearthed a Byzantine-age church, said to be built above the house of Jesus' apostles Peter and Andrew.Credit: Zachary WongA 1,400-year-old Christian church unearthed near the

• 10-Foot-Tall Stone Jars 'Made by Giants' Stored Human Bodies in Ancient Laos

More than 100 giant stone jars, thought to have been used in burial rituals thousands of years ago, have been rediscovered at ancient sites in forests, on hillsides and along mountain ridges in remote central Laos.Local legends say the carved stone jars w

• Ancient Carved 'Drums' Give Exact Stonehenge Measurements, Say Archaeologists

Researchers say these chalk cylinders, carved more than 4,000 years ago, give the exact length measurements used to lay out Neolithic monuments like Stonehenge.Credit: British MuseumA set of highly decorated chalk cylinders, carved in Britain more than 4,

• 16 of the Most Interesting Ancient Board and Dice Games

Credit: Jakob Bådagård/Public domainAncient playBoard and dice games have been a popular activity across almost all human societies for thousands of years — in fact, they are so ancient that it's unknown which game is the oldest or the original,

• 4,000-Year-Old Game Board Carved into the Earth Shows How Nomads Had Fun

A distinctive pattern of holes scored into the rock of an ancient shelter in Azerbaijan are the remains of a board for one of the world's oldest games.Credit: Walter Crist/Gobustan National ParkA pattern of small holes cut into the floor of an ancient roc

• In Photos: The Ancient Ruins of Shivta in Southern Israel

Emma Maayan-Fanar was looking for shade from the desert sun when she saw the face of Jesus.The art historian from the University of Haifa in Israel had been studying crucifixes and other motifs on the stone lintels of the ancient churches and houses of th

• In Photos: Ancient Basilica Found Beneath Turkey Lake

A 1,600-year-old Christian church covered by the waters of Turkey’s Lake Iznik is giving up some of its secrets to archaeologists.The church was built around A.D. 390 on the shore of the lake beside the city of Nicaea, as Iznik was then known.But it was d

• Ancient Romans Painted Horrifying Blood-Red Warnings on Wall Across Scotland

The Summerston distance slab from the western end of the Roman Antonine Wall in Scotland was once brightly painted in warning reds, yellow and white.Credit: Hunterian Museum/University of GlasgowAncient Romans used blood red, bright yellow and stunning wh

• Ancient Romans Painted Horrifying Blood-Red Warnings on Wall Across Scotland

The Summerston distance slab from the western end of the Roman Antonine Wall in Scotland was once brightly painted in warning reds, yellow and white.Credit: Hunterian Museum/University of GlasgowAncient Romans used blood red, bright yellow and stunning wh

• Roman Fort Is the 'First Evidence' of Julius Caesar's Invasions of Britain

The site of a Roman fort built when Julius Caesar first invaded Britain has been unearthed in Britain.Credit: University of LeicesterAn ancient fort near a beach in southeast England is the first solid archaeological evidence of Julius Caesar's invasions

• Julius Caesar's Invasion of Britain (Photos)

AttackCredit: William Linnell Edward Armitage/Wellcome CollectionJulius Caesar wrote about leading two Roman invasions of Britain, in 55 B.C. and 54 B.C., in his Commentaries on the Gallic War, which can still be read today.To the Romans of the 1stCentur

• Ancient Roman Skulls Reveal Local Groups' Distinctive Facial Features

Forensic techniques that are used to solve modern homicide cases helped American anthropologists reveal family resemblances in 2,000-year-old skulls from the Roman Empire.

• Nijo Castle’s gleaming gate looks as good as new after repairs

KYOTO--Nijo Castle’s main gate is looking back to its majestic best after the completion of extensive repair to the entrance of the UNESCO World Heritage site in this ancient capital.

• In Photos: Exploring the Mysterious Plain of Jars Site

The mysterious Plain of Jars is an archaeological site in central Laos that has thousands of stone vessels scattered across the ground. Researchers have long tried to figure out why the stone jars were littered across this remote part of Laos.

• 5,000-Year-Old Scratched Stones Could Be Ancient Maps

Is this one of the world's oldest maps?

• Ancient Scratched Stones: World's Earliest Maps or Magic Artifacts?

A set of broken stones covered with etchings of lines and squares, discovered at a 5,000-year-old sacred site in Denmark, may be some of humankind’s earliest maps, according to archaeologists.

• Archaeologists Map Roman Raid on Scottish Hill Fort

Archaeologists are mapping the location of sling bullets on an ancient battlefield to learn more about an assault by the Roman army on native defenders at a hill fort in Scotland more than 1,800 years ago.

• Roman bullets tell story of 1,800-year-old attack on Scottish fort

A bloody assault by Roman legions on a hill fort in Scotland around 1,800 years ago is being pieced together using the remains of Roman missile weapons that were used in the attack.

• Ancient mythological statues unearthed in Jordan

A team of North Carolina-based researchers helped unearth more clues this summer about the ancient Nabatean city of Petra in Jordan.

