
• Hellenistic-Era Grave Discovered in Chieti, Italy

A Hellenistic-era burial with spectacular grave goods was uncovered in Chieti, Italy this week. Credit: Facebook/Soprintendenza Archaeologia Belle ArtiA spectacular Hellenistic-era grave featuring elegant grave goods was just uncovered in Chieti, Italy la

• Copper Pendant, Workshops Found at Agios Sozomenos Site on Cyprus

Agios Sozomenos on Cyprus is the site of Bronze Age ruins that are still being excavated today. This is the most iconic church in the area, dedicated to St. Mamas. Credit:dimitrisvetsikas1969/CC0Cyprus’ Department of Antiquities recently announced the res

• Unique Byzantine Inscription Found on Gerasun Island off Black Sea Coast

A unique Byzantine inscription using some Greek letters was discovered recently on Gerasun Island, the only inhabited island in the Black Sea. Credit: Facebook/Ioannis GeorgopoulosA unique Byzantine inscription from the fourteenth century was recently dis

• Ancient Greek Figurines of Demeter Found in Black Sea Town

The figurines of Demeter and Persephone recently discovered in Anapa. Credit: Twitter/HistoryHellenicFigurines representing theancient Greekgoddess Demeter and her daughter, Persephone, were unearthed at a construction site in the Black Sea resort town of

• Statue of Woman Unearthed in Ancient Greek City of Perge

The statue of a female discovered on July 27 in Perge, Antalya, Turkey. Credit: Turkish Ministry of CultureAn ancient statue was unearthed on Monday in the Turkish province of Antalya, near theancient Greekcity of Perge.Believed to have been made around t

• Ancient Greek Heritage Uncovered at the Black Sea Coast of Bulgaria

Ancient ruins in Sozopol, Bulgaria. Credit: Mister No/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 3.0Ancient Greekheritage from six centuries before Christ has been uncovered by archaeologists exploring theancient Helleniccolony of Apollonia Pontica in modern-day Bulgaria.Ac

• Euboean Cup Found in New Excavation of Etruscan Tomb

Archaeologists in Italy are just now announcing the discovery of ten spectacular Etruscan tombs. Credit: Soprintendenza Archeologia BelleArti Paesaggio Etruria MeridionaleArchaeologists in Italy are just now announcing the discovery of ten spectacular Etr

• Ancient Greek Mosaic Celebrates the Joy of Life

Theancient Greekmosaic discovered in Hayat, Turkey. Credit: Archaeology and Art/TwitterA magnificent ancient Greek mosaic discovered in Hatay, Turkey continues to amaze archaeologists and historians who are attempting to ascertain the exact meaning of its

• Ancient “Notepads,” Many Written in Greek, Uncovered in Egypt

Archeologists have found 18,000 ostraca, or pottery fragments containing writing, in an excavation of the ancient Egyptian city of Athribis. Credit: University of Tubingen.Over 18,000 ancient “notepads” — many written in Greek — were uncovered by archaeol

• Gold 'lotus flower' pendant from Queen Nefertiti's time discovered in Cyprus

The jewelry had been buried alongside 155 entombed people.

• Rare 'bionic' armor discovered in 2,500-year-old China burial

It's only the second known ancient armor of its kind.

• 2,000-year-old Celtic hoard of gold 'rainbow cups' discovered in Germany

The ancient hoard's "value must have been immense."

• Ancient Chinese tombs hold remains of warriors possibly buried alive

The tombs belong to a wealthy clan from 3,000 years ago.

• Last Roman gladiator arena ever built unearthed in Switzerland

The arena sat on the northern edge of the empire's frontier.

• Rare Byzantine swords found in medieval stronghold

Experts are calling them hybrid Byzantine ring pommeled swords.


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