
• 2,700-Year-Old Leather Armor Proves Technology Transfer Happened in Antiquity

Researchers at the University of Zurich have investigated a unique leather scale armor found in the tomb of a horse rider in Northwest China. Design and construction details of the armor indicate that it originated in the Neo-Assyrian Empire between the 6

• Did the Great Wall of China work?

Yes, but perhaps not in the way you might imagine.The Great Wall of China was not impenetrable, although it did help defend against attacks.(Image credit: yangna via Getty Images)The Great Wall of China — built over the course of two millennia to bolster

• Rare evidence of Roman crucifixion uncovered in the UK

A nail was found hammered into one of the heel bones of this crucified skeleton.A nail was found hammered into one of the man's heel bones, evidence that he was crucified.(Image credit: Albion Archaeology)A man in Roman England, possibly a slave, died bru

• Metal detectorist finds 2,000-year-old dagger wielded by Roman soldier in battle with Rhaetians

Roman dagger finding led to discovery of "lost" battlefield.An amateur archaeologist in Switzerland has discovered an ornate dagger wielded by a Roman soldier 2,000 years ago.That discovery, found using a metal detector, led a team ofarchaeologi

• Evidence of Hanukkah's Maccabee rebellion unearthed in Israel

Rebel Maccabees stormed and defeated a stronghold of the Seleucid Empire.The excavation in Lachish Forest, aerial view.(Image credit: Vladik Lifshits, Israel Antiquities Authority)Archaeologists have discovered the burned remains of an ancient Hellenistic

• Archaeologists uncover tiny room belonging to family of slaves in Pompeii

The 'slave room' was likely home to three people, one possibly a child.Archaeologists inPompeiihave uncovered a tiny bedroom for slaves inside aRomanvilla. The cramped room, which also doubled as a storage room, was most likely shared by three people, who

• Burial that included a racy love goddess inscription held multiple people

The burned bone fragments belonged to at least three adults.The cup is on permanent display at the Archaeological Museum of Pithecusae on the island of Ischia in Italy.(Image credit: Photo courtesy of Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per

• A rare 2,700-year-old luxury toilet found in Jerusalem

Archaeologists discovered a rare, 2,700-year-old toilet among the remains of an ancient estate in Jerusalem.(Image credit: Yoli Schwartz, Israel Antiquities Authority)Archaeologists recently discovered a 2,700-year-old private toilet inside the remains of

• Did all roads lead to Rome?

Yes, no. Maybe so.At its height, the Roman Empire's roads traversed continents to connect important cities and towns to its capital city. This particular road is in Pompeii, Italy.(Image credit: Oliver Helbig via Getty Images)At the zenith of its control,

• Gold 'sun bowl' discovered near Bronze Age swamp

The bowl was discovered in a 3,000-year-old settlement in Austria.A photo of the sun bowl is seen here. The bottom has a sun disc with 11 rays coming out. There are also circular motifs decorating the bowl.(Image credit: Andreas Rausch, courtesy Novetus)A

• Rich medieval hipster was buried with his fancy beard comb

Two graves in an ancient impact crater held luxury goods that were unusual for burials in the Middle Ages.Ornate carvings on the ivory comb depict scenes with animals.(Image credit: BLfD)A wealthy medieval man who died over 1,500 years ago in what is now

• Oldest ghost drawing discovered on Babylonian exorcism tablet

"Do not look behind you."The ghost drawing on a clay tablet with and without a superimposed outline.(Image credit: Photo © British Museum, line drawing © James Fraser and Chris Cobb for The First Ghosts)A museum curator has dis

• Farming brought burst of extreme violence to Atacama Desert, ancient mummies reveal

One woman's facial skin was painfully stretched.These photos show the partially mummified remains of the woman whose face was mutilated. Notice how the skin around her mouth was pulled upward.(Image credit: Standen V.G. et al. Journal of Anthropological A

• When did Constantinople become Istanbul?

More recently than you might think.The Blue Mosque in Istanbul. The city was captured by the Ottomans in 1453, but when did its name change from Constantinople?(Image credit: Nikada via Getty Images)Istanbul is a rare place. It's the only city to straddle


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