
• Stunning hoard of Bronze Age jewelry discovered by local hiker in Sweden

The hoard likely belonged to an elite woman.A Bronze Age hoard brimming with fine jewelry was discovered in Sweden in early April, when a local man investigated what he thought was a piece of scrap metal sticking out from under a pile of rocks in a hilly,

• Gladiator arena from Roman era unearthed in Turkey

Spectators likely bet on the arena's wild animals fights and gladiator battles.Archaeologists in Turkey have discovered the remains of a "magnificent" Roman-era arena, where up to 20,000 spectators likely cheered and jeered as they watched gladi

• Iron Age warriors bent the swords of their defeated enemies, ancient hoard reveals

It's one of the biggest Iron Age weapons hoards in western Germany.A metal detectorist scouring an ancient hillfort has uncovered "one of the biggest Iron Age weapon hoards in western Germany," according to archaeologists at the Regional Associa

• Ancient helmet worn by soldier in the Greek-Persian wars found in Israel

A well-preserved ancient Greek helmet likely worn by a soldier during a war with the Persians has been found in Haifa Harbor in Israel.The 2,500-year-old helmet was found by a Dutch ship in 2007 and was turned over to the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA

• When unfolded, these ancient gold foil figures reveal embracing couples

Archaeologists in Sweden have discovered nearly two dozengoldfoil figures that have engravings of couples embracing each other.The figures, which date back about 1,300 years, were found in the remains of a great hall on a platform mound, a human-made stru

• Scientists unlock the 'Cosmos' on the Antikythera Mechanism, the world's first computer

Scientists may have finally made a complete digital model for the Cosmos panel of a 2,000-year-old mechanical device called theAntikythera mechanismthat's believed to be the world's first computer.First discovered in a Roman-era shipwreck by Greek sponge

• 2,000-year-old chariot unearthed at Pompeii

It was the 'Lamborghini' of its day.

• Mummy with a gold tongue found in Egypt

Could they speak to the gods?

• Headless statues of a woman and her servant discovered at ancient Greek burial site

Two headless statues discovered at an ancient Greek burial site depict a dead woman in a seated position and possibly her servant.(Image credit: Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports)Headless statues of a dead woman and her servant have been found in an an

• African trade routes sketched out by mediaeval beads

The chemical composition of glass beads and their morphological characteristics can reveal where they come from. Archaeologists analyzed glass beads found at rural sites in Mali and Senegal from between the 7th and 13th centuries AD. The scientists demons

• Discovery of 66 new Roman Army sites shows more clues about one of the empire

The discovery of dozens of new Roman Army sites thanks to remote sensing technology has revealed more about one of the empire's most infamous conflicts.

• Burial practices point to an interconnected early Medieval Europe

Changes in Western European burial practices spread rapidly during the 6th - 8th centuries AD, providing strong evidence that early Medieval Europe was a well-connected place with a shared culture.

• 2,500-year-old temple to Greek love goddess unearthed in Turkey

The Greek goddess of love and fertility had a popular cult at the time.

• How do scientists figure out how old things are?

How does dating (scientifically speaking) work?


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