Site of Qocho City

• In pictures: Cultural Relics of Teter Grotto (Kizil)

Pictures of Cultural Relics of Teter Grotto (Kizil)

• map

• The Site of Qocho City Introduction

(1) Contribution to the Silk Roads' OUV Qocho City was the largest central town in Turpan Basin in the southern foot of the Tian-shan Mountains, dating back from the 1st century BC to the 14th century ...

• History

Qocho City was the largest central town in Turpan Basin in the southern foot of the Tian-shan Mountains, dating back from the 1st century BC to the 14th century AD. During the period from the 1st cent ...

• Introduction

Qocho City, also known as Iduq-qut (meaning “City of King” in Uyghur), is located in Gucheng village of Erpu Town, 30 km east of the city of Turpan. Geographically the ancient city was located on Mu ...

• Gaochang Ancient City

Gaochang Ancient City The city's name means 'the King City'. It was founded during the first century BC and abandoned during the 15th century. Ascending to a height to enjoy a distant view, you can s ...


Add:68 West Youyi Road,Xi'an,Shaanxi,P.R.China