Cultural Heritage Week “Uzbekistan-Crossroads of Civilizations and Routes: Empires, Religion, Culture”
Summary: CulturalHeritageWeek“Uzbekistan-CrossroadsofCivilizationsandRoutes:Empires,Religion,Culture”hasgatheredontheterritoryoftherepublicmorethan300guestsfromdifferentpartsoftheworld.ThemembersoftheAcademicCouncilofIICAS:ShahinMustafyevandFardaAsadovfromAzerbaij
Cultural Heritage Week “Uzbekistan-Crossroads of Civilizations and Routes: Empires, Religion, Culture” has gathered on the territory of the republic more than 300 guests from different parts of the world. The members of the Academic Council of IICAS: Shahin Mustafyev and Farda Asadov from Azerbaijan, Bakyt Amanbaeva from Kyrgyzstan, Shakirdjan Pidaev from Uzbekistan were in the list of invited researchers. During their conference presentations and communications together with the colleagues from different institutions they were representing not only their countries but also the International Institute for Central Asian Studies.
In these days IICAS was visited by the delegation of the ambassadors to UNESCO (Paris, France): Mr. Ghazi Gherairi (Tunisia), Mr. Kemal Muftic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Mr. Anar Karimov (Azerbaijan), Mr. Francisco Gross Hernandez (Guatemala), Mr. Shen Yang (China), as well as n Mr. Alibek Rasulov representing the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan. During the meeting the guests became familiar with the activities of IICAS and discussed the eventual fields of cooperation.
In these days IICAS was visited by the delegation of the ambassadors to UNESCO (Paris, France): Mr. Ghazi Gherairi (Tunisia), Mr. Kemal Muftic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Mr. Anar Karimov (Azerbaijan), Mr. Francisco Gross Hernandez (Guatemala), Mr. Shen Yang (China), as well as n Mr. Alibek Rasulov representing the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan. During the meeting the guests became familiar with the activities of IICAS and discussed the eventual fields of cooperation.
Category: English
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