
• Roman Caledonia – The Failed Invasion

Trimontium Stone Monument - marking the site of Trimonitum, the Roman fort at Newstead, Scotland. by HeritageDaily

• 13-17th century travelers on the Silk Road

13th century travelers on the Silk RoadThe 13th century is a period when Silk Road accounts from European travellers starts to become much more common than before. Still, they only make up a fraction of all the written accounts, as the vast majority of th

• Travelers on the Silk Road before the year 1000 AD

Here are a few examples of people who travelled along the Silk Road prior to the year 1000 AD (CE). Most, but not all, of them are individuals who wrote about their journey and whose texts are considered to contain valuable historical and cultural informa

• A mirage, come true

The Crescent Moon Lake appears like a mirage in Dunhuang's Singing Sand Dunes.The Silk Road city of Dunhuang is an oasis shaped by the sands of time that has survived and thrived in the desert for millennia. The ancient refuge in one of the planet's tough

• Climate change likely caused migration, demise of ancient Indus Valley civilization

A new study found evidence that climate change likely drove the Harappans to resettle far away from the floodplains of the Indus.

• Better labor practices could improve archaeological output

Archaeological excavation has, historically, operated in a very hierarchical structure, according to archaeologist. The history of the enterprise is deeply entangled with Western colonial and imperial pursuits, she says. Excavations have been, and often s

• Mapping the past

The Nebra Sky DiscWhen the Nebra Sky Discwas buried, it had already been in use for 200 years. While its raw materials were imported from as far away as Cornwall, the knowledge required to create the object was entirely local, drawn from observing the hea

• Terracotta warriors did not receive anti-rust treatment

Research destroys theory that Chinese armourers used applications not discovered in the West until millennia later. Andrew Masterson reports.Chinese craftspeople did not – that’s did not – invent a sophisticated and highly effective anti-rust treatment mo

• Gossip as a Powerful Tool for the Powerless in Ancient Greece

In Aristophanes’ comedyTheFrogs, a nosy slave listens to his master’s conversations and spreads them around town, resulting in his master’s horrible misfortunes.The Aristophanes character, however, was not put there just for laughs. Gossip was a real tool

• Why Archaeologists Used a 'Ray Gun' to Blast This Ancient Shipwreck Pottery

Qingbai ceramics from the Field Museum's Java Sea Shipwreck collection.Credit: Copyright The Field Museum. Photo by Kate GolembiewskiScientists just blasted pottery from an ancient shipwreck with a "ray gun." Besides being totally sci-fi, the X-

• Was Roman Emperor Nero's Evil Reputation Just 'Fake News'?

Roman historians accused Nero of deliberately setting the Great Fire of Rome so that he could rebuild the city in a more pleasing style.Credit: Photographer Helmut Wimmer/Copyright Interspot Film GmbHWas the infamously cruelNeroreally as terrible an emper

• Mount Vesuvius Didn't Kill Everyone in Pompeii. Where Did the Survivors Go?

When Mount Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79, the volcano's molten rock, scorching debris and poisonous gases killed nearly 2,000 people in the nearby ancient Italian cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.But not everyone died. So, where did the refugees, who could

• Ancient Garbage Heaps Show Fading Byzantine Empire Was 'Plagued' By Disease and Climate Change

Climate change trashed the Byzantine Empire, ancient garbage mounds revealed.Credit: ShutterstockAbout a century before the fall of the Byzantine Empire — the eastern portion of the vast Roman Empire — signs of its impending doom were written in garbage.A

• Why Are the Noses Broken on So Many Ancient Egyptian Statues?

The face of the Egyptian pharaoh Senwosret III, circa 1878–1840 B.C. Most Egyptian rulers chose to have their likenesses appear youthful and strong, but Senwosret III opted to show a more realistic countenance, showing his heavy-lidded eyes, thin lips and

• This Slave in Ancient Rome Became the Empire’s Chariot-Racing Superstar

Roman relief of a chariot race and spectators, from the Vatican Museum's collection.Credit: CM Dixon/Print Collector/GettyDuring the first century, people across Rome were obsessed with chariot races, which frequently produced horrific crashes.However, on



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