
丝绸之路文化遗产 丝绸之路:长安天山廊道的路网 丝绸之路:泽拉夫尚-卡拉库姆廊道 丝路预备遗产点 丝路相关世界遗产 丝绸之路:费尔干纳—锡尔河廊道
文物保护单位 省级文物保护单位 市县级文物保护单位
国家 哈萨克斯坦 吉尔吉斯斯坦 乌兹别克斯坦 土库曼斯坦 塔吉克斯坦
世界遗产 跨国遗产
遗产专题 海上丝绸之路遗产点 泉州:宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心 长城及烽燧 万里茶道
考古时期 青铜时代 铁器时代

• Cold winter deserts of Turan (Turkmenistan)

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  Criterion (ix): The component parts of the proposed transnational World Heritage Site “Cold winter deserts of Turan” reflect the diversity of geomorpholog

• Syunt Hasardag State Nature Reserve

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  The Syunt Hasardag Reserve fully represents the main landscape and ecological types of the middle elevations of the South-western Kopetdag dry subtropic z

• Silk Roads Sites in Turkmenistan

Description  No.  Name of property  State, Province or Region  Area (ha)  Geographic (lat/long) or UTM Coordinates of approximate centre pointI. ROUTE: AMUL - MERV  1  Amul  Lebap velayat5  At the out

• Repetek Biosphere State Reserve

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  The Repetek Biosphere State Reserve forms part of an Important Bird Area (IBA) and since 1979 has been a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve under the MAB Programme.

• Dinosaurs and Caves of Koytendag

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  Koytendag is famous for its unique caves and other geological features (marble onyx), as well as its archa forest and species of rare plants and animals s

• Hazar State Nature Reserve

Description  The proposed site consists of a group of protected areas on the south-east coast of the Caspian Sea and covers Turkmenbashi, Balkhan, North Cheleken and Mikhailov bays, which range from r

• Dehistan / Mishrian

Description  Dehistan/Mishrian was the principal city of Western Turkmenistan from the 1 0th to the 14th centuries. Located on a major caravan route from Gurgan in northern Iran to Khorezm, its finest

• Badhyz State Nature Reserve

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  The site suggested is characterized by a combination of unique natural features: relict pistachio savannas, ancient extinct volcano, brackish seasonal lak

• Amudarya State Nature Reserve

DescriptionThe Amudarya State Nature Reserve was established in 1982 and covers a total of 48 500 ha. It is split into three separate sites in the middle reaches of the Amudarya River: Nargiz (45 100 ha), Gabaklinskiy (1 200 ha) and Gereldinskiy (2 200 ha


