
• A Short History of Transport in Japan from Ancient Times to the Present

Author(s)Black, John AndrewCollectionScholarLedLanguageEnglishA Short History of Transport in Japan from Ancient Times to the Present is a unique study: the first by a Western scholar to place the long-term development of Japanese infrastructure alongside

• 读懂中国青铜器-文化、形式、功能与图案

读懂中国青铜器-文化、形式、功能与图案 作者: 戴克成(Christian Deydier)出版社:译林出版社副标题: 文化、形式、功能与图案 译者:杨成耀 /杰希嘉出版年: 2016-9页数: 215定价: 48.00装帧: 平装ISBN: 9787544752114内容简介《读懂中国青铜器》是戴克成对中国青铜器研究的综述。其中可见中国青铜器发展简史,作者对器型的研究,功能的研究,花纹的研究, ...

• 东印度航海记

东印度航海记 作者:邦特库 Willem Ysbrandsz Bontekoe出版社:中华书局出版年: 1982-01-01页数: 145定价: 8.0丛书:中外关系史名著译丛ISBN: 9787101029437

• 塔什干新史-Tarix-eJadida-yeTashkand

塔什干新史-Tarix-eJadida-yeTashkand 作者:Damulla Mohammad Saleh Xaja Eishan Taskandi副标题: Tarix-e Jadida-ye Tashkand 译者:Hassan Shojaeemehr出版年: 2019页数: 946ISBN: 9786008273646

• 东南亚到太平洋-从考古学证据看南岛语族扩散与Lapita文化之间的关系

东南亚到太平洋-从考古学证据看南岛语族扩散与Lapita文化之间的关系 作者:邱斯嘉 /Christophe Sand出版社: 中研院人文社會科學研究中心考古學研究專題中心副标题: 从考古学证据看南岛语族扩散与 Lapita 文化之间的关系出版年: 2007装帧: 平装ISBN: 9789860075670内容简介 從遷移史的觀點而言,台灣是南島語系民族初步形成的重要據點,又地處南島語系民族於 ...

• 众神降临之前-在沉默中重现的印度河文明

众神降临之前-在沉默中重现的印度河文明 作者:安德鲁•鲁宾逊(Andrew Robinson)出版社: 中国社会科学出版社·鼓楼新悦副标题: 在沉默中重现的印度河文明原作名: The Indus: Lost Civilizations 译者:周佳出版年: 2021-4页数: 299定价: 79装帧: 平装丛书:全球史书系ISBN: 9787520369572内容简介※ 失落文明系列丛书第6本,裸脊锁线,附大事年表、精美插 ...

• 城市时代的遗产管理-历史性城镇景观及其方法

城市时代的遗产管理-历史性城镇景观及其方法作者:弗朗切斯科·班德林(FrancescoBandarin)/吴瑞梵(RonvanOers)出版社:同济大学出版社副标题:历史性城镇景观及其方法原作名:TheHistoricUrbanLandscape:ManagingHeritageinanUrbanCentury译者:裴洁婷/周俭出版年:2017-12页数:336定价:120.00元装帧:平装丛书:遗产保护译丛ISBN:9787560873213内容简介本书对 ...

• 古代希腊考古发现之旅

古代希腊考古发现之旅作者:RolandEtienne出版社:上海世纪出版集团译者:徐晓旭出版年:2004-08页数:175定价:38.00元装帧:平装丛书:发现之旅ISBN:9787532094547内容简介在若干个世纪当中,希腊都是人类想象力的一个标志。有教养的罗马人把希腊人视为他们在哲学、科学和美术上的导师。15世纪,伴随着意大利文艺复兴,人们对于古代文化的兴趣也在增加,希腊终于 ...

• 茶-一片树叶的传说与历史:从史前到现在的茶史

茶-一片树叶的传说与历史:从史前到现在的茶史 作者:乔治·范·德瑞姆(GeorgevanDriem)出版社:社会科学文献出版社副标题:一片树叶的传说与历史:从史前到现在的茶史原作名:TheTaleofTea:AComprehensiveHistoryofTeafromPrehistoricTimestothePresentDay译者:李萍萍/李国文/周瑞春/王巍出版年:2023-1页数:872定价:368.00元装帧:精装丛书:甲骨文丛书ISBN:97 ...

• 考古学-关键概念

考古学-关键概念作者:ColinRenfrewandPaulBahn主编出版社:中国人民大学出版社副标题:关键概念原作名:Archaeology:theKeyConcepts译者:陈胜前出版年:2012-3页数:317定价:45.00元装帧:平装丛书:国外经典史学教材译丛ISBN:9787300149417内容简介《考古学:关键概念》是关于考古学关键概念最新最全面的概览,概述了这些关键概念对考古学理论、方法的影响,是无 ...

• 中亚新征服节选

中亚新征服节选(上下)-世界考古名著英汉对照读物 作者:罗伊·查普曼·安德鲁斯(RoyChapmanAndrews)出版社:新疆美术摄影出版社副标题:世界考古名著英汉对照读物译者:张健评/张静雯/谢磊出版年:2012页数:590装帧:平装ISBN:9787546921297内容简介本书是美国纽约自然历史博物馆1932年正式公布的第三次中亚古生物考察团的考察报告,它详细记载了1921年-1930年 ...

• Sovietistan

SovietistanSovietistan: Erika FatlandPegasus BooksTravels in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan2020-1-7448USD 28.95HardcoverISBN: 9781643133263An unforgettable journey through Central Asia, one of the most mysterious and hist

• 石语梵行 |《斯瓦特河谷:巴基斯坦巴里科特发现孔雀王朝时期的古老佛寺遗址》萨希尔潘迪

  来自意大利考古团的考古学家与国际地中海和东方研究协会 (ISMEO) 合作,在巴基斯坦斯瓦特地区的巴里科特古城发现了一座可追溯到孔雀王朝时期的佛寺遗迹。它大约可以追溯到公元前二世纪下半叶,但考古学家认为,它可能更古老,可以追溯到公元前三世纪,即孔雀王朝时期(公元前 325-185 年)。  ▲ ©石语梵行SHIYUFANXING YM制图  据Ca'

• 石语梵行 |《斯基泰勇士墓中发现2400年历史的带翼斯基泰神银盘子》萨希尔潘迪

    一个精美的银盘,上面装饰着有翼的神灵和狮鹫,在一位据信于 2400 年前去世的斯基泰战士的坟墓内被发现。这只是在位于俄罗斯奥斯特罗戈日斯基区高加索山脉高处的斯基泰墓地的这座墓中发现的大量宝藏之一。  据《 Heritage Daily》报道,俄罗斯科学院考古研究所 (IA RAS) 的唐探险队挖掘了这座坟墓,研究人员一直在挖掘由 19 个墓葬组成的德维萨 ...

• 东亚的遗产与宗教

东亚的遗产与宗教Heritage and Religion in East AsiaEdited By Shu-Li Wang, Michael Rowlands, Yujie Zhu  内容简介  《东亚遗产与宗教》探讨了宗教遗产如何以流动的方式跨越东亚的国界,并在这一过程中为遗产与宗教的关系提供了新的理论见解。  该书对东亚四个国家及地区进行的初步比较研究,其中大部分研究是由东亚学者进行的,展

• THE SOGDIANS ABROAD---Life and Death in China

Iranian whirling girl, Iranian whirling girl… At the sound of the string and drums, she raises her arms, Like swirling snowflakes tossed about, she turns in her twirling dance. Whirling to the left, turning to the right, she never feels exhausted, A thous

• The City of Panjikent and Sogdian Town-Planning

In the mountains of southwestern Tajikistan, just east of the border with modern Uzbekistan, the ruins of the town of Panjikent provide a window into the vibrant visual culture of Sogdian urban life

• 尖端科技如何赋能考古行业

「核心提示」  本文作者Andrew Dickson既是记者,也是评论家,为《纽约时报》、《卫报》、《金融时报》和《纽约客》等撰稿,主要报道文化方面的相关资讯。Neal Spencer是一位考古学家,也是大英博物馆埃及和苏丹部的管理员。他喜欢轻装上阵,定期前往非洲东北部的苏丹。他目前发掘的遗址是公元前1500年至公元前1070年被埃及法老占领的一座古城镇。在这些 ...

• Lifelike face of a tattooed Tashtyk man seen for first time behind a stunning gypsum death mask

Aged 25 to 30 when he died 1,700 years ago, he is from the mountainous region of modern-day Khakassia.Male Tashtyk mask is kept in the State Hermatage Museum. CT of the mask layer. Pictures:©TheStateHermitageMuseum.Photo by Vladimir Terebenin, Pa

• Large ancient cemetery confirmed in Shanxi

A relic from the Dongshan ancient tomb site unearthed in Taiyuan, Shanxi province. The Shanxi Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology said experts have confirmed that the Dongshan ancient tomb site in Taiyuan, is a large-scale cemetery bel

• Carving out a niche

Visitors look at a replica of the Mogao Grottoes at an exhibition in Shanghai Tower in May 2018. The head of Lanzhou University's Dunhuang studies program has spent years building up a global reference resource for academics.The Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang

• Archaeologists Discovered a Hidden Chamber in Roman Emperor Nero's Underground Palace

A hidden vault — filled with dirt and adorned with vivid paintings such as a centaur, a sphinx and an attacking panther — has been discovered in the ruins of Emperor Nero's ancient Roman palace.Credit: Parco Archeologico Del ColosseoArchaeologists have di

• New age dawns as heritage sites embrace change

The Palace Museum in Beijing has opened a new section housing royal furniture-the Nandaku Gallery of Furniture.Increased digitalization spurs commercial push at venuesThe Palace Museum in Beijing, also known as the Forbidden City, is one of the most histo

• Terracotta warriors did not receive anti-rust treatment

Research destroys theory that Chinese armourers used applications not discovered in the West until millennia later. Andrew Masterson reports.Chinese craftspeople did not – that’s did not – invent a sophisticated and highly effective anti-rust treatment mo

• Scientists crack mystery of ancient Chinese pottery found in shipwreck

Researchers have succeeded in pinpointing the exact origins of 700-year-old Chinese pottery items recovered from a shipwreck.

• Sparking the imagination: the rediscovery of Assyria's great lost city

With its exquisite palaces, vast libraries and lush gardens, Nineveh was one of the most important cities of the ancient world. Project Curator for the BP exhibition I am Ashurbanipal king of the world, king of Assyria, Carine Harmand, explores the 19th-c

• Oops! British Aristocrat Accidentally Bought Stolen, 7th-Century Sculptures As 'Garden Ornaments'

Dutch art detective Arthur Brand poses with two limestone Visigoth reliefs from the seventh century in London on Jan. 20, 2019.Credit: Niklas Halle'n/AFP/GettyIn 2004, two chunky limestone reliefs depictingCatholic saintswere stolen from a medieval church

• Languages of Ancient Southern Mongolia and North China出版

  Languages of Ancient Southern Mongolia and North China:  A Historical-Comparative Study of the Serbior Xianbei Branch of the Serbi-Mongolic Language  (English and Chinese Edition) Bilingual Edition 

• Ancient history: deciphering the Roman red dust

Greek and Roman writers record the use of a substance called miltos as a decoration, a medicine – and a handy way to repair a boat. Now scientists have worked out why. Andrew Masterson reports.

• Shaanxi site could be prototype for Chinese palaces

An aeriel view of the Lushanmao historic relics site in the Baota district of Yan'an city, Northwest China's Shaanxi province.Archaeologists said the Lushanmao historic relics site in the Baota district of Yan'an city, Northwest China's Shaanxi province,

• 536 Was a Garbage Year for Mankind (So Give 2018 a Break)

The fall of the Roman Empire may have been a partial result of the decade of famine and plague that began in A.D. 536, the authors of a new study say.Credit: Thomas Cole/ New York Historical SocietyIn A.D. 536, Europe had a terrible, horrible, no-good, ve

• The Road Almost Taken

An ancient city in Germany tells a different story of the Roman conquest

• Robbers Tried to Steal an ATM, But Instead Helped Uncover Lost Medieval Artifacts

CAT archaeologists kneel next to a brick plinth that would have originally supported the timber frame of the c. 1520 house.Credit: Colchester Borough CouncilWhen a gang of goons rammed their Toyota truck into the side of a 500-year-old house in the Englis

• Early industrial complex was built for sailors, not locals

A large Roman water-mill collection in France didn’t supply its adjacent city, as assumed. Andrew Masterson reports.

• The lost harbour of Pisa revealed

The key to Roman mercantile power turned into a lake more than 500 years ago. Now, researchers think they’ve found it again. Andrew Masterson reports.

• Japan’s love affair with fish began very early

Analyses show the use of ceramics was strongly linked to processing fish. Andrew Masterson reports.

• Crossroads of cultures

The rulers of the Northern Wei Dynasty created the Yungang Grottoes as a way to unite China's war-torn ethnic groups under Buddhism.Even for those who are not interested in Buddhism or sculpture, when they first arrive at the Yungang Grottoes, they can't

• Two-Bladed Knife Unearthed at Polish Castle Site

(S. Wadyl)Science in Polandreports that a rotary knife that may have been used by a medieval scribe was found in a hearth in a building at a castle site in northern Poland. The four-inch-long knife has two blades and is estimated to date to the eighth or

• Discoveries made at Iron Age house site in Assynt

Clachtoll Broch in the north west Highlands is being excavated by archaeologistsVolcanic pumice stone and pottery of a type common on the Isle of Lewis have been found at a 2,000-year-old site in the Highlands.Archaeologists have been excavating an Iron A

• Cybersleuths can help find lost relics

People examine relics on Tuesday that were recovered in a special operation in Xi'an, Shaanxi province. The launch of China's national internet platform that provides information about lost or stolen cultural relics will help netizens create even more suc

• Royal baths shed light on Qin rulers

A digger works at the archaeological site of the three royal baths unearthed in Xi'an, Shaanxi province. Three royal baths have been unearthed among the ruins of an ancient city in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, archaeologists said.They were found in August dur

• Workshop for Cultural Landscape and Sustaining its Significance – Bhutan 2017

Cultural Landscape of Bhutan ©UNESCO / Roland LINThe “Workshop for Cultural Landscape and Sustaining its Significance – Bhutan 2017” will be held in Thimphu, Bhutan, from 22 to 27 October 2017. The 2017 workshop aims to assist the staff of the Depart

• Chic women's jewellery made of coal, encrusted with jade and coral from 2,200 years ago

Eyecatching belt buckles worn by Xiongnu female invaders is found buried on the banks of the Yenesei River in modern-day Tuva Republic.'Another buckle was encrusted with carnelian, jade, coral and turquoise.'Picture here and below:Marina KilunovskayaWomen

• Cultural protection achievements of the last five years

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in November 2012, President Xi Jinping has put forward a series of major discourses on promoting the inheritance and innovation of excellent traditional Chinese culture, which shows the Part

• Central Asian Sub regional meeting and training-workshop along the Silk Roads in Central Asia, Uzbekistan

Mosques in Tashkent, Uzbekistan / Roland LINCentral Asian Sub regional meeting (13-14 September 2017) and training-workshop (12-20 September 2017) along the Silk Roads in Central Asia, UzbekistanThursday, 7 September 2017In the framework of the 2nd phase

• Roman tablets unearthed at Vindolanda


• DNA vs the Bible: Israelites did not wipe out the Canaanites

Genetic sequencing shows descendants of Canaanites live on, in Lebanon.

• Festivals in Ancient Greece and Rome: 9 Fascinating Facts

Festivals in ancient Greece and Rome were important periods of time during which people performed “activities that are most often thought of as communications with the superhuman world.”

• Mummy DNA reveals clues to Egyptian ancestry

A comparison of mummy genomes with those of modern Egyptians shows conquerors left little mark, writes Andrew Masterson.

• Roman Gladiator: 11 Facts You May Not Know

About two thousand years ago, fifty thousand people filled theColosseumin Rome to participate in one of the most fascinating and violent events to ever take place in the ancient world. Gladiator fights were the phenomenon of their day – a celebration of c

• Three-thousand-year-old axes found in farmer's field in mid-Norway

In late April, a sensational discovery was made in a field in the village of Hegra, not far from the Trondheim International Airport in Værnes. Numerous axe heads, a knife blade and some fragments were lifted out of obscurity. The objects date back t

• Afghan Ambassador Janan Mosazai talks about cultural protection

"As long as the culture lives, the nation lives," said Shan Jixiang, head of China's Palace Museum, at the opening ceremony to the exhibition Afghanistan - Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul.

• Revealed: EIGHT MUMMIES and a treasure trove of artefacts are unearthed in a 3,500-year-old tomb near the ancient city of Luxor

Archaeologists exploring a mysterious tomb in Egypt were in for a surprise when they discovered more than 1,000 statues and eight mummies. The incredible haul was found in an ancient noble's tomb on the west bank of the Nile River in Luxor.

• The first shovelful: introducing our new archaeology and anthropology blog

Meet the experts behind the Past and the Curious, who will be digging deep to bring Guardian readers the inside scoop on archaeology and anthropology

• Polish archaeologists have discovered the oldest ancient houses of Nea Paphos in Cyprus

The oldest remains of the ancient city of Nea Paphos in Cyprus have been discovered by Warsaw archaeologists during excavations. Approximately 2.4 thousand years old fragments of walls and floors are located in the part of the city inhabited by the riches

• The Case for Christ: What's the Evidence for a Resurrection?

In 1998, Lee Strobel, a reporter for the Chicago Tribune and a graduate of Yale Law School, published "The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus." Strobel had formerly been an atheist and was compelled

• New MET NY Exhibition: Chinese Art of the Qin and Han Dynasties

‘Age of Empires’: How 2 Dynasties of Art Forged China’s Identity

• Chalice of the Sun

How did the people in ancient times safely observe an eclipse? One might pour water into a bowl and watch the reflection and that is what they did for thousands of years. Until representatives of the Catacomb archeological culture improved the method.

• Ancient Roman Sarcophagus Identified at English Estate

(Courtesy Blenheim Palace)OXFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND—The New York Timesreports that a large fragment of a 1,700-year-old Roman sarcophagus was discovered by a visitor to the gardens at Blenheim Palace, a World Heritage site dating to the eighteenth century. The

• Mosul: Iraqi troops find Assyrian treasures in network of Isis tunnels

Archaeologists face race against time to save artefacts uncovered in crumbling labyrinths beneath the war-torn city

• Confucius depicted on mirror

A polished bronze mirror unearthed in China's most complete Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 24) cemetery bears the earliest known image of Confucius, while the writing on it may offer more information about the educator and philosopher who lived about 2,50

• Ancient crocodile bones discovered in Xi'an

Ancient bones unearthed in Xi'an, capital of Shaanxi province, have led archaeologists to suggest that the area may have been home to wild crocodiles thousands of years ago.

• Bull fat, bats blood, and lizard poop were the drugs of choice in ancient Egypt

“Bull fat, bat blood… donkey blood… what looks like the heart of a lizard. And a little pulverised pottery and a dash of honey.”

• Reports released on UNESCO/Republic of Korea Funds-in-Trust Project Supporting Silk Roads Nomination

In line with UNESCO’s efforts since 1988 to encourage research on the Silk Roads as routes of interchange and dialogue of cultures, the UNESCO/Republic of Korea Funds-in-Trust (FiT) project “Support for the preparation for the World Heritage Serial Nomina


