
• The Ancient Roots of Greek Souvlaki, the World’s First Fast Food

Credit: Greek ReporterThe word “souvlaki” is synonymous with Greek food, whether the term refers simply to slices of grilled meat on a small wooden skewer or the soft pita bread stuffed with meat, tomatoes, onions,tzatziki sauceand French fries, which is

• Failed brain surgery and possible human sacrifice revealed in Stone Age burial

Archaeologists found two Stone Age skulls in Dehesilla Cave on the Iberian peninsula. One of the skulls (front) showed signs of a type of brain surgery called trepanation.(Image: © University of Seville)A Stone Age skull found in a Spanish cave b

• Ancient Siberian grave holds 'warrior woman' and huge weapons stash

Archaeologists in Siberia have unearthed a 2,500-year-old grave holding the remains of four people from the ancient Tagar culture —including two warriors, a male and female — and a stash of their metal weaponry.The early Iron Age burial contained the skel

• Decapitated and dismembered skeletons reveal lost Iron Age massacre

Attackers may have timed the attack to coincide with a public gathering.

• Glassified brain cells found in victim of Vesuvius eruption

The brain cells turned to glass after being exposed to an avalanche of hot ash.

• Some 2,500-year-old objects made from goat bones unearthed in Turkey’s west

A large number of goat bones and objects made from them have been found during the ongoing archaeological excavations in the ancient city of Aigai, whose history dates back to the eighth century BC.The relationship between goat species in ancient times an

• New god, goddess figurines found in Kültepe

Some 15 new god and goddess figurines have been found during ongoing archaeological excavations atKültepeKaniş/Karum Mound in the Central Anatolian province ofKayseri.Excavations started 72 years ago in the area called “Kültepe” due to its ashy s

• 1800-year-old stele on way back from Italy after 23 years

Turkey’sCulture and Tourism Ministryhas finally managed to retrieve the nearly 1800-year-old Lydian temple stele, which it had been chasing for 23 years fromItaly.“The stele will be delivered to our embassy in Rome on Sept. 19 and will be brought back to

• Historical rituals in Göbeklitepe become documentary

The rituals of the historical area ofGöbeklitepe, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List, have become the subject of adocumentarytitled “The Residents of Göbeklitepe.”Defined as “the zero point of history” in the southeastern provinc

• Nemrut – The Mountain Tomb

Nemrut is a mountain in the Taurus Mountain range that separates the Mediterranean coastal region from the central Anatolian Plateau in southern Turkey.

• Mycenae, the Bronze Age Kingdom of Agamemnon, Damaged by Wildfire

Credit: AMNASections of the archaeological site of Mycenae,the bronze age kingdom of Agamemnon, were damaged by a wildfire on Sunday.Visitors and staff at the archaeological site were earlier evacuated as a precaution.In an announcement the Ministry of Cu

• Oldest human cremation in the Near East unearthed

9,000 years ago, a young adult was cremated in a pit of flowers.The Beisamoun pyre fields, where the cremated burial was discovered, during the crepuscular hours.(Image: © © Mission Beisamoun)The oldest known person to be intentionally c

• 3,200-year-old Egyptian-built fortress found in Israel

The Egyptians and the Canaanites built this fortress.An aerial view of the fortress discovered in central Israel. Notice the rooms that lined its sides.(Image: © Emil Aljem/IAA)Archaeologists inIsraelhave discovered a 3,200-year-old fortress buil

• 2,200-year-old Chinese text may be oldest surviving anatomical atlas

The texts were written on silk and buried in a tomb.Ancient texts written on silk and found inside the tombs at Mawangdui, China, may represent the oldest surviving anatomical atlas.(Image: © The History Collection / Alamy Stock Photo)A series of

• Researcher Says Female Artisans May Have Created Fine Pottery During Archaic Period

The Ancient Greek Dipylon amphora, from ca. 700 BC. Could it have been created by a woman? A Canadian researcher now believes this may have been the case. Photo: WikipediaThe striking, nearly 5-foot tall Dipylon Amphora, from approximately 700 BC, is a ma


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