
• Hongshan National Archaeological Site Park kicks off culture, art week

The Hongshan National Archaeological Site Park Culture and Art Week kicks off in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, on June 9. The Hongshan National Archaeological Site Park Culture and Art Week commenced in Chinese Decorative Stone Park, Wuxi, Jiangsu province, on

• Digital tech adds new dimension to history

With a rich cultural heritage, Central China's Henan province is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. Henan Museum, located in the province's capital city of Zhengzhou, welcomed more than 70,000 visitors during the May Day holiday. Yu Ru was on

• New book spotlights 20th-century architectural heritage

New book spotlights 20th-century architectural heritageBy Yang Xiaoyu | | Updated: 2023-05-08 14:0820th Century Architectural Heritage Reader. When it comes to architectural heritage, people cannot help but first think of architectural s

• Virtual world gives viewers a different experience

The gamelike Digital Library Cave program enables users to virtually witness, and participate in, the rise and fall of the Library Cave, or Cave 17, at the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang, Gansu province.The impressive collection of literature in the Library Cave

• Region unites on cultural heritage work

A view of the Bell Tower in Xi'an city, Northwest China's Shaanxi province. Heritage: Key support to continueChina will further deepen ties with other Asian countries on cultural heritage protection and promote international cooperation in the field, Pres

• More states join key Asian alliance, pledge to protect cultural heritage

A guide (right) introduces a Buddhist sculpture replicated by 3D printing at a Dunhuang-themed exhibition in Beijing. More countries have joined a key Asian framework on collaborative protection of cultural heritage across the continent, echoing a widely

• A historical gathering

The crisscrossing road network unearthed in Erlitou site in Luoyang, Henan province, shows how the ancient city was separated into grids with various functional domains. In some sections of the city, the roads were also walled.From million-year-old skulls

• Heritage experts call for wider use of digital tech

The central axis stretches for 7.8 kilometers through the Chinese capital. Digital technology should be more widely used to protect and raise public awareness of monuments and heritage sites, experts and scholars said at an event in Beijing on Tuesday to

• Digging up the past to help the future

A competition in March to measure skills of archaeological excavation, part of the National Vocational Skills Competition on Cultural Relics, is underway in Taiyuan, Shanxi province.Archaeologists endure backbreaking work and long hours but every now and

• Anniversary of the Notre Dame Cathedral fire throws spotlight

A file photo of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France. This April marks the fourth year since a devastating fire ravaged the Notre Dame Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture built in the Middle Ages that has kept watch over the French capita

• Zibo site named as a top national archaeological discovery

A selection of some of the pottery that has come from the Zhaojiaxuyao archaeological ruins. An ancient hominid site discovered in Zhaojiaxuyao village – administered by the city of Zibo, in East China's Shandong province – was named on March 28 as one of

• Wenzhou ancient port named China's new archaeological discovery of the year

A bird's-eye view of the Shuomen Ancient Port in Wenzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. The archaeological ruins of the Shuomen Ancient Port in Wenzhou were named one of China's top 10 new archaeological discoveries of 2022 on March 28, local media outl

• Primitive bone skates found in Xinjiang

URUMQI — Ice skates made of animal bones over 3,000 years old have been discovered for the first time in China at an archaeological site in the northwestern Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, according to a recent meeting on the region's archaeological wor

• Buried treasure of 44 Byzantine gold coins found in nature reserve in Israel

Most of the coins were minted during Emperor Heraclius' reign.

• Ancient Byzantine Church Discovered Under Turkish Lake

St. Neophytos Basilica, Nicaea. Credtis: Arkeofili/Public DomainThe remains of a 1,500-year-old basilica constructed in honor of St. Neophytos have now emerged after water levels in Lake Iznik in the province of Bursa had dropped recently, the newspaperDa


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