




Curator Forum of Sino-Japan Museum Exchanges and Cooperation was held in Xi'an

2016-8-26 16:45| 发布者: 武子| 查看: 1265| 评论: 0|原作者: translated by Cheng Yanni|来自: Shaanxi Cultural Heritage

摘要: On July.27th,Curator Forum of Sino-Japan Museum Exchanges and Cooperation organized by the SPBCH and the Shaanxi History Museum was held in Xi'an.

On July.27th,Curator Forum of Sino-Japan Museum Exchanges and Cooperation organized by the SPBCH and the Shaanxi History Museum was held in Xi'an. Mr.Luo Wenli,deputy director of the SPBCH participated and addressed in the opening ceremony.More than 60 experts,including four directors of four Japanese state museums, and their counterparts from different museums in Shaanxi participated in the forum. The forum was chaired by Mr.Qiang Yao, party chief of the Shaanxi History Museum.

In the presentation session, magnificent speeches of 6 museum directors and the smart comments of three chairmen showcased the conceptual practice and great achievements of two countries in different museum fields. Mr.Zeniya Masami,director of the Tokyo State Museum introduced the organization structure, exhibition,heritage protection,visiting acceptance and development plan of his museum; Mr.Qiang introduced the newly-collected stone coffin of the Tang Emperor's concubines, the Tang Mural of Han Xiu's Tomb, and the strategic plan of Shaanxi History Museum in the fields of collection protection,exhibition,souvenir products,mechanism renovation among others.

Mr. Sasaki Johei,director of Tokyo Capital Museum, viewed the history, the establishing mission, the prevention protection works of his museum, and emphasized the importance of sense of responsibility; he also expressed his warm invitation for the following guests to participated in the 25th session of 2019 ICOM meeting; Mr. Pei Jianping, director of Xi'an Beilin Museum introduced the history and relationship of Xi'an Beilin Museum and Shaanxi History Museum, the current situation,exhibition,international cooperation,three plus one project mode and the innovative cultural activities of Beilin Museum

Mr. Shimatani Hiroyuki,director of Kyusyu National Museum mainly introduced their permanent exhibition themed on cultural bridge of communication, targeted heritage protection and the Asia Bar(cultural interactive exhibition); Mr. Xu Hongjian, director of Xi'an Museum introduced how their museum practice the important remarks of President Xi, Museum is a big school through various cultural activities in 10 respects.

In the dialogue session, 9 museum directors from both China and Japan exchanged ideas and experiences in such hot museum issues as mechanism innovation, fund raising, talents training, preventive protection of cultural heritage among others, which deepened the realist significance of the forum.

The forum was held on the opportunity of the exhibition entitled Sanskrit to the East, exhibits loaned from the Nihon Daigoji. The forum was dedicated to the Sino-Japan friendly relations in the museum sectors, promote communication and cultural identification of both parts, making contribution to the cultural heritage protection and inheritance.

(translated by Cheng Yanni)






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