小雁塔 : 小雁塔。因规模小于大雁塔而得名,又名“荐福寺塔” ,位于西安市雁塔区荐福寺内。唐中宗李显景龙年间(707—710),为存放义净从天竺取回的佛经而建,历代皆有修缮。
原为十五级密檐式方形砖塔,高45米。因明代地震中受损,现存十三级,现高43.395米, 底边长11.38米。基座为砖方台,基座下有地宫,为竖穴。塔壁不设柱额,塔檐用砖叠涩而出, 檐下砌两层菱角牙砖。塔身呈锥形状,玲珑秀丽,造型优美,比例均匀。
塔底层南北两面各开有一券门,门框上布满精美的唐代线刻图。北券门外紧靠塔体的砖砌门楼, 系清代后期所增建。塔基座南侧有清代石门坊,南额刻有“万汇沾恩”,北额刻有“不二法门”。塔底层原有环绕塔身的砖木结构大檐棚,称为“缠腰” ,惜在金、元战火中损毁。
小雁塔规模虽不及大雁塔宏大,但塔形秀丽,环境清幽,是唐代精美的佛教建筑艺术遗产, 与塔旁一口铸于金明昌三年 (1192)的大铁钟合称“雁塔晨钟” ,被誉为“关中八景”之一。明代成化地震中,小雁塔塔身曾出现一条一尺多宽的裂缝。但正德年间的地震中,这条裂缝重新合拢, 人们称之为“神合”。此塔为第一批全国重点文物保护单位,同时列入《世界遗产名目》之中。
Small Wild Goose Pagoda
The Small Wild Goose Pagoda gets this namebecause it is smaller in size than the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. It is also called"Jianfu Temple Pagoda" . Located inside Jianfu Temple,Yanta Districtof Xi` an City,it was built to store the Buddhist scriptures brought from Indiaduring Jinglong Period under the reign of Zhongzong Lixian in the Tang Dynasty(707 - 710). The Small Wild Goose Pagoda is repaired from time to time bysuccessive dynasties.
It was originally a 15-storeyed dense-eavessquare brick pagoda of 45 meters high. However, after being destroyed in theearthquake in Ming Dynasty,today` s pagoda has only 13 floors with a height of43.395 meters and the length of the bottom side is 11.38 meters. The foundationbed was paved by bricks in square shape,under which locates an undergroundpalace,the vertical cave. There is no column forehead on the pagoda wall. Thepagoda eaves are masoned by bricksextending out,with two layers of diamondspandrels under the eaves. The pagoda body is of cone-shape,which is exquisite,beautifuland boasts balanced proportion.
On the south and north sides of the groundstorey,each side opens one arch door,on the door frame of which is covered byexquisite line carvings of Tang Dynasty. The brick gate tower close to thepagoda body outside the northern arch door was built in the later period ofQing Dynasty. South of the pagoda foundation locates Shimenfang (stonecross-hole) of Qing Dynasty,on the southern forehead of which is carved withChinese characters of "Wan Hui Zhan En" (meaning "abundant ofgrace and touch the mercy" ),and its northern forehead is carved withChinese characters of "Bu Er Fa Men" (meaning "the one and onlyproper way" ). There used to be post-and-panel-structured huge eaves shadsurrounding the pagoda body on the ground floor, which is called as "ChanYao" (skirt-roof),but it is a pity that it was destroyed in the warbetween Jin and Yuan Period.
Despite that the Small Wild Goose Pagodacannot compare with the grand size of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda,characterizedby its graceful shape,quiet and beautiful environment,the Small Wild GoosePagoda is renowned as an exquisite heritage representing the art of Buddhistarchitecture of Tang Dynasty. With the Big Iron Bell beside this pagoda,whichwas made in the third year of Mingchang in Jin Period (1192),they are called as"Yan Ta Chen Zhong" (wild goose pagoda and matin bell). Thiswonderful scene is honored as one of the "Eight Famous Scene Attractionsin the central Shaanxi Plain" in Qing Dynasty. During the Chenghua periodof Ming Dynasty,a strong earthquake split the pagoda into two parts from thetop to the bottom with a one-foot crack. However,another earthquake in ZhengdeYear folded the crack. The miracle was then called "Magical heal" bypeople. The pagoda was officially ratified as one of the First Batch ofNational Key Cultural Relics Protection Units. It also was recorded in theWorld Natural Heritage List.
小雁塔。規模が大雁塔より小さくて、取られた名で、‘薦福寺塔’とも呼ばれる。西安市雁塔区の薦福寺に位置し、唐中宗李顕景龍年間(707-710) に、義浄が天竺から取つて来た仏経を保存するために建造され、。歴代全部に修築されてある。
元は十五層の密軒式の正方形煉瓦塔で、高さはは45メ一トルであつたが、明代の地震によつて崩壊され、現在は、十三層しか残つてない。高さは43.395メ一トル、底辺の長さは11.38 メ一トル。基基は煉瓦台で、基基の下は堅穴式の地下宮がある。塔壁には柱額を設けてなく、塔軒は煉瓦で重渋して、軒下には二層の菱角歯煉瓦が積んである。塔身は錐形状をしていて、精巧で美しい、優美な造型、比率が均匀等の特点がある。
塔低層の南と北両面に巻門が各一つあつて、窓枠は精巧な唐代の線刻で覆われている。北の巻門外に塔身に寄せている煉瓦門楼は、清代の後期に增築したものである。塔基基の南側に清代の石門坊があつて、南には‘万汇沾恩’、北には‘不二法門’と刻んである。塔の低層には‘纏腰’ という塔身を囲まれた木構造の大軒棚があつたが、惜しいけど、金、元の戦火で、破損されたのである。
大雁塔ほどの広大な規模はないけど、美しい塔形、静かな環境を持つて、唐代の精美な仏教建築の芸術遺産になつて、塔の横にある金明昌三年(1192) の大鉄鐘と合わせて‘雁塔晨鐘’ と呼ばれていて、清代の ‘関中八景の一つ’ と称えている。明代の成化地震で塔身に1尺程の亀裂が生じたが、正德年間の地震で、この亀裂が完全に元に戻つたのである。これを、みんな‘神合’ と呼んでいる。第一回重点文物保護単位と指定されている,当時に“世界遺産名簿”に収 録されている。