




Representative of IICC-X participants the workshop of “the opening remark of Protected Areas in Transboundary landscape of Hindu Kush- Karakoram -Pamir Landscape “

2017-7-25 00:27| 发布者: IICC| 查看: 1470| 评论: 0

摘要: InternationalCentre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and Lanzhou University(LZU) jointly organized the international workshop on “the Opening Remark of Protected Areas in Transboundary landscape of Hindu Kush-Karakoram -Pamir Landscape “ and t

InternationalCentre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and Lanzhou University(LZU) jointly organized the international workshop on “the Opening Remark of Protected Areas in Transboundary landscape of Hindu Kush-Karakoram -Pamir Landscape “ and the

“UnderstandingInterlinkages of six Protected Areas in Transboundarylandscape of Hindu Kush Karakoram Pamir Landscape (HKPL) ”from 13-14th  July 2017 at Lanzhou, China.  International experts of

InternationalCentre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and experts andrepresentatives of Lanzhou University’s united team participant the workshop.Representatives from Xinjiang Taxkorgan Nature Reserve of China, north-westuniversity’s “one belt one road research institute” and IICC-X were invited toattend the workshop, and make speeches on local’s cultural, nature, intangibleheritage resources, its protection and sustainable development.


Mr.Gong Tian, representative of IICC-X made the speech entitled Experiences from Silk Roads Nomination forTaxkorgan>,  in according with SilkRoads an ICOMOS Thematic Study,offered suggestions on the future’s protection and development of the HKPLtransboundary landscape. In the speech the representative proposed the stateparties to consider the HKPL area as an extension project of the Silk RoadsSerial transboundary nomination, initialize the relative preparation process ofmanagement, protection and archives.







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