
• 城市历史街区的复兴

城市历史街区的复兴 作者:史蒂文·蒂耶斯德尔(Steven Tiesdell) /蒂姆·希思(Taner Oc) /塔内尔·厄奇(Tim Heath)出版社:中国建筑工业出版社原作名: Revitalizing historic urban quarters 译者:张玫英 /董卫出版年: 2006-4页数: 228定价: 49.00元装帧: 简裝本丛书:国外城市规划与设计理论译丛ISBN: 9787112080397内容简介 《城市历史街区的复兴》试 ...

• Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies Volume 2: Local, Regional, and Imperial Economies

Contributor(s)Reden, Sitta (editor)LanguageEnglishIn the second volume a wide range of economic actors – from kings and armies to cities and producers – are discussed within different imperial settings as well as the tools which enabled and constrained ec

• Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies

Author(s)Reden, SittaLanguageEnglishThe notion of the “Silk Road” that the German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen invented in the 19th century has lost attraction to scholars in light of large amounts of new evidence and new approaches. The handbook s

• 读懂中国青铜器-文化、形式、功能与图案

读懂中国青铜器-文化、形式、功能与图案 作者: 戴克成(Christian Deydier)出版社:译林出版社副标题: 文化、形式、功能与图案 译者:杨成耀 /杰希嘉出版年: 2016-9页数: 215定价: 48.00装帧: 平装ISBN: 9787544752114内容简介《读懂中国青铜器》是戴克成对中国青铜器研究的综述。其中可见中国青铜器发展简史,作者对器型的研究,功能的研究,花纹的研究, ...

• 中华大帝国史

中华大帝国史 作者:Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza出版社:中华书局原作名: Historia del gran reino de la China 译者:何高济出版年: 2004-1页数: 411定价: 26.00元装帧: 平装丛书:中外关系史名著译丛ISBN: 9787101015874内容简介《中华大帝国史》内容简介:首先,门多萨有的章节完全或大部分采录自上述两位作者,这一类比较容易辨识。但在文字上常有所改动,有 ...

• 两个世界的战争-2500年来东方与西方的竞逐

两个世界的战争-2500年来东方与西方的竞逐 作者:安东尼·帕戈登(Anthony Pagden)出版社:民主与建设出版社出品方:后浪副标题: 2500年来东方与西方的竞逐原作名: Worlds at War : The 2500-Year Struggle between East and West 译者:方宇出版年: 2018-9页数: 504定价: 110.00元装帧: 精装丛书:汗青堂ISBN: 9787513921985内容简介“文明冲突论”历史细节版 ...

• 俄国·蒙古·中国

俄国·蒙古·中国作者:(英)约翰·弗雷德里克·巴德利(JhonF.Baddeley)出版社:商务印书馆原作名:Russia,Mongolia,China译者:吴持哲/吴有刚出版年:1981年页数:1639定价:11.50装帧:平装丛书:俄国经略东方丛书统一书号:11017-471内容简介上卷为历史和地理部分,概述了至17世纪初期的蒙古民族史,介绍了17世纪和18世纪早期西伯利亚及其附近的地图和噶尔丹策 ...

• 法国―中国(两个世界的碰撞)

法国―中国(两个世界的碰撞)作者:MurielDetrie/余磊/朱志平出版社:上海译文出版社译者:余磊/朱志平出版年:2004-7页数:130定价:32.00元装帧:平装丛书:发现之旅ISBN:9787532734801内容简介北京,1687年:路易十四派出的第一批耶稣会传教士来到了康熙皇帝的皇宫。此后的一系列交往使双方彼此间产生了好奇感,同时也带来了丰富的文化交流。19世纪的帝国主义法 ...

• 古代希腊考古发现之旅

古代希腊考古发现之旅作者:RolandEtienne出版社:上海世纪出版集团译者:徐晓旭出版年:2004-08页数:175定价:38.00元装帧:平装丛书:发现之旅ISBN:9787532094547内容简介在若干个世纪当中,希腊都是人类想象力的一个标志。有教养的罗马人把希腊人视为他们在哲学、科学和美术上的导师。15世纪,伴随着意大利文艺复兴,人们对于古代文化的兴趣也在增加,希腊终于 ...

• 马雅古城-湮没在森林里的奇迹

马雅古城-湮没在森林里的奇迹作者:(法)ClaudeBaude出版社:上海书店出版社副标题:湮没在森林里的奇迹译者:马振聘出版年:1998-11页数:200定价:38.00装帧:平装丛书:发现之旅ISBN:9787806224564内容简介湮没的城,在人们的记忆中消失。连城的名字,也被遗忘了好几个世纪。马雅人的城曾经辉煌一时,却在9世纪惨遭饥荒与战争蹂躏。将近十个世纪以后,迷路的旅行 ...

• 现在的过去

现在的过去作者:伊恩·霍德(IanHodder)出版社:北京大学出版社译者:徐坚出版年:2020-5-1页数:248定价:48.00元装帧:精装丛书:博雅撷英ISBN:9787301310311内容简介《现在的过去》是著名考古学家伊恩·霍德(IanHodder)的代表作之一,1982年出版后迅速成为考古学理论的经典著作。本书主旨是基于考古学本位,对人类学进行描述和评估。在考古学研究中,人们对 ...

• Heritage experts call for wider use of digital tech

The central axis stretches for 7.8 kilometers through the Chinese capital. Digital technology should be more widely used to protect and raise public awareness of monuments and heritage sites, experts and scholars said at an event in Beijing on Tuesday to

• 石语梵行 |《作为文化十字路口的犍陀罗:地中海世界与印度河流域之间的互动》2015年

当我们谈到古代文化接触之时,我们通常不会想到地中海和印度河流域之间的联系。但是自从公元前四世纪亚历山大大帝到达犍陀罗地区(今阿富汗、巴基斯坦和印度北部),特别是公元前二世纪在该地区建立大夏和印度-希腊王国以来,考古记录见证了在这个东西方的十字路口相遇的不同文化之间的互动。这种发展随后从公元前一世纪通过罗马丝绸之路进一步向东延伸。 ...

• 石语梵行 |《斯瓦特河谷:巴基斯坦巴里科特发现孔雀王朝时期的古老佛寺遗址》萨希尔潘迪

  来自意大利考古团的考古学家与国际地中海和东方研究协会 (ISMEO) 合作,在巴基斯坦斯瓦特地区的巴里科特古城发现了一座可追溯到孔雀王朝时期的佛寺遗迹。它大约可以追溯到公元前二世纪下半叶,但考古学家认为,它可能更古老,可以追溯到公元前三世纪,即孔雀王朝时期(公元前 325-185 年)。  ▲ ©石语梵行SHIYUFANXING YM制图  据Ca'

• 石语梵行 |《斯基泰人的故事:冰冻的战士、黄金、大帐篷和奶酪》

A Warrior’s Face Frozen in Time, Gold, Hemp, Tents and Cheese Tell the Scythian Tale  The Scythians were a mysterious and fascinating people. They were nomads and left no known writing, yet their elab

• 石语梵行 |《斯基泰勇士墓中发现2400年历史的带翼斯基泰神银盘子》萨希尔潘迪

    一个精美的银盘,上面装饰着有翼的神灵和狮鹫,在一位据信于 2400 年前去世的斯基泰战士的坟墓内被发现。这只是在位于俄罗斯奥斯特罗戈日斯基区高加索山脉高处的斯基泰墓地的这座墓中发现的大量宝藏之一。  据《 Heritage Daily》报道,俄罗斯科学院考古研究所 (IA RAS) 的唐探险队挖掘了这座坟墓,研究人员一直在挖掘由 19 个墓葬组成的德维萨 ...

• 石语梵行 |《佛教艺术和象征主义》1995年


• 石语梵行 |《敦煌石窟:中国山水画艺术》1967年


• 石语梵行 |《俄罗斯第一支中国西域考察队1909~1910年报告》1914年,电子版免费下载

  由奥尔登堡组织的俄罗斯吐鲁番测量队进行的首次测量(1909-1910年)的简要报告。但是,由于该书出版后原本打算发布的正式报告并未出版,所以这是对俄罗斯考察团进行首次调查的唯一报告。第一次调查被定位为侦察调查,以为随后的全面调查做准备,在出发之前,奥尔登堡咨询了完成了对该地区勘探工作的Grünwedel和Perio。除了研究小组的负责人之外,奥尔 ...

• The City of Panjikent and Sogdian Town-Planning

In the mountains of southwestern Tajikistan, just east of the border with modern Uzbekistan, the ruins of the town of Panjikent provide a window into the vibrant visual culture of Sogdian urban life

• African trade routes sketched out by mediaeval beads

The chemical composition of glass beads and their morphological characteristics can reveal where they come from. Archaeologists analyzed glass beads found at rural sites in Mali and Senegal from between the 7th and 13th centuries AD. The scientists demons

• African trade routes sketched out by mediaeval beads

The chemical composition of glass beads and their morphological characteristics can reveal where they come from. Archaeologists analyzed glass beads found at rural sites in Mali and Senegal from between the 7th and 13th centuries AD. The scientists demons

• Prehistoric Wine Reveals Missing Pieces of Ancient Sicilian Culture

In a 5,000 year-old jar, archaeologists discovered the remnants of wineDeep inside Monte Kronio, hot, humid and sulfurous caves held an ancient secret.(Giuseppe Savino, La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche, CC BY-ND)This article was originally published on F

• 环塔路上丨赤亭—丝绸之路上大唐兴衰的见证者

火山六月应更热,赤亭道口行人绝。知君惯度祁连城,岂能愁见轮台月。脱鞍暂入酒家垆,送君万里西击胡。功名只向马上取,真是英雄一丈夫这首古诗出自唐朝著名的边塞诗人岑参,是天宝十年(751年)岑参赠与即将离开武威,远赴安西都护府的李副使的。诗中描述了在5月份火热的天气中李副使将要经过火山,这也是艰苦行程的开始。自汉武帝派张骞出使西域,标志着连接中原地区和西域诸国的丝绸之路正式通车,这其中的艰辛是我们现代人无法 ...

• 高清:12处唐长安城遗存照,纪念大唐建都长安1400周年

《旧唐书 高祖本纪》记载(隋义宁二年、唐武德元年五月)甲子,高祖即皇帝位于太极殿……公元618年6月18日(农历五月二十),李渊在长安城太极宫太极殿正式称帝,定国号为“唐”,都城长安。唐长安城大明宫(纪录电影《大明宫》剧照)大唐帝国经历贞观之治和开元盛世,迈上了中华历史上帝国时期的极盛时期——国家富强、道路通畅、经济繁荣、丝路商旅往来不绝,友好往来国家达到300多个。当时的大唐帝国以其无比自信和开放的胸怀、不 ...

• The 15th China-ASEAN Expo to be held in September.

The 15thChina-ASEANExpo is scheduled to be held from Sept. 12 to 15 in Nanning, capital of south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the organizer announced Tuesday.The theme of this year's expo is "Jointly building the 21st Century MaritimeSil

• 3-D shows the way of heritage

Buddha statues are displayed at a Beijing show via 3-D and virtual reality technologies. After more than two years of renovation works, the Tianlongshan Caves in North China's Shanxi province reopened to the public earlier this month, displaying its Buddh

• Poisonings went hand in hand with the drinking water in ancient Pompeii

The lead pipe sample is being analyzed at University of Southern Denmark.Credit: SDUThe ancient Romans were famous for their advanced water supply. But the drinking water in the pipelines was probably poisoned on a scale that may have led to daily problem

• Success as a tourist spot endangers caves

The art of Mogao Caves was displayed with 3D technology during the Summer Davos Forum in Dalian, Liaoning province, in 2015. Digitization, internet traffic used to ease number of visitorsThe popularity of the Mogao Caves, which house the world's largest c

• 古道穿过巴勒斯坦

Lizzie Porter;编译/Deanna字号莎茉丝(Shamous)这一身行头简直不要太时髦:她穿着荧光粉的惠灵顿长筒靴,搭配松石绿色的袜子和黑色的拉拉队小裙子。一辆卡丁车烧得只剩个空架子,她就在那上面玩耍,翘着鼻头、调皮的笑声穿过沙漠的风。这个精力旺盛的四岁女孩住在约旦河西岸地区的拉斯·阿尔-奥加村(Ras al-Auja),他们贝都因人的小屋就坐落在罗马时代的考古遗迹和翻滚的瀑布之间。321公里长的马萨尔·易卜拉欣·阿尔-卡里尔 ...

• 3,000-Year-Old Wooden Toe Prosthetic Discovered on Egyptian Mummy

A single big toe is revealing significant information about ancient medicine.

• More ancient ruins found at Verulamium after gas pipe gives archaeologists chance to dig deeper

The team has also redrawn the map of the Roman city after making a series of discoveries including evidence of an expensive townhouse and the absence of a tower which would have sat in the corner of the city walls.

• New DNA research shows true migration route of early farming in Europe 8,000 years ago

A new article co-authored by experts at the University of Huddersfield bolsters a theory that the spread of agriculture throughout Europe followed migration into the Mediterranean from the Near East more than 13,000 years ago -- thousands of years earlier

• Search is on for Caligula's 2,000-year-old orgy boat

The "party boats" of Roman Emperor Caligula were so legendary that Benito Mussolini partially drained a lake in order to find two of them a century ago.

• Object in Focus: The Meroe Head of Augustus

n an effort to share more of our favourite ancient objects from around the world, Ancient History Encyclopedia staff have taken a closer look at some really amazing objects or structures.

• Recommended Blogs: History and Archaeology

While we think Ancient History etc is one of the best Ancient History Blog out there. We also acknowledge there are many other places our readers might enjoy getting their history fix. That is why we have put together this list of recommended blogs that t

• Temple culture in Ptolemaic Egypt alive and kicking

Egyptian temple culture was thought to be declining in the Ptolemaic era, after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. Nothing could be further from the truth, says Egyptologist Carina van den Hoven. Temple culture was very much alive and kicking. Ph

• Sacred agora unearthed in Laodicea

Archaeological excavations in the ancient city of Laodicea, located in the Eskihisar neighborhood in the western province of Denizli and added to the UNESCO World Heritage Temporary list in 2013, are continuing at a 10-meter-long sacred Agora on an area o

• Rare, Neolithic 'Goddess' Figurine Discovered in Turkey

An 8,000-year-old statuette of what could be a fertility goddess has been unearthed at a Neolithic site in Turkey, according to archaeologists.

• Caveman’s pebble takes its place in the history of modern art

What is art? It’s a debate that goes back if not to the dawn of time then certainly to the dawn of modernism, when Picasso and the Cubists shocked the world.

• Chinese Inscription on the Lacquerware unearthed from Mongolia

The Mongolian-French joint archaeological expedition carried out excavation at the Gol Mod I site in Central Mongolia (Khairkhan sum, Arkhangai aimag) from 2000 to 2010. The Gol mod I site is a mortua ...


