

摘要: 蒙古国考古新发现250处遗址,其中包括中文石碑(底部附有英文版/English version at the bottom)带有中文题字的破损石碑/Broken stone slab with Chinese inscriptions ©NCCH    这块刻有中文题字的古老石碑是五月在蒙古国北部的布尔干省被发现的,当时,在蒙古文化遗产中心、联合国教科文组织驻华代表处及联合国教科文组织蒙古全国委员



(底部附有英文版/English version at the bottom)

带有中文题字的破损石碑/Broken stone slab with Chinese inscriptions ©NCCH


  这块刻有中文题字的古老石碑是五月在蒙古国北部的布尔干省被发现的,当时,在蒙古文化遗产中心、联合国教科文组织驻华代表处及联合国教科文组织蒙古全国委员会的共同组织下,专家们正在对Shoroon Bumbagar墓的周边区域进行考古调查。


墓中壁画/Mural paintings in the tomb ©NCCH


  说起2011年被发掘的Shoroon Bumbagar墓,也许听过它的人并不多,但它却具有极高的历史和艺术价值,它在被发掘后不久就被列入了蒙古国《国家文化遗产名录》。因为这是在蒙古国发现的首例带有壁画的墓葬,而且经研究发现,该墓的主人是公元六至七世纪的一位突厥贵族


墓中壁画/Mural paintings in the tomb ©NCCH

  由于是首次发现有壁画的墓葬,当地政府向联合国教科文组织请求专业协助,以保护壁画及墓葬。2014年,在摩纳哥公国的支持下,联合国教科文组织驻华代表处成立了名为“关于迈克罕山Shoroon Bumbagar考古遗址的保护、保存、受关注度及可持续管理的能力建设与意识提升” 的联合国教科文组织--摩纳哥信托基金项目,这次对Shoroon Bumbagar墓周边地区的考古调查便是项目的活动之一。


Survey team members/调查组成员©NCCH


Conducting survey/进行调查©NCCH

  这次考古调查的范围是Shoroon Bumbagar墓周围12.5公里半径内的区域,调查成果令人震惊。这块中文石碑仅仅只是这次调查新发现的 250处遗址之一,此外还包括一处古聚落的城墙、多处shoroon bumbagar(与Shoroon Bumbagar墓相似的圆形土丘),46处方形墓葬,31处khirgesuurs (青铜时代的祭祀陪葬墓),3处匈奴时期的墓葬群(共有180个墓葬),60处蒙古时期的墓葬,8处岩画,突厥时期的祭祀性石构,80处未知时期的小墓葬等。

Range of the survey conducted/ 调查范围 ©NCCH


Ulaan Kehrem的城墙/Wall: Ulaan Kehrem ©NCCH






Chinese Inscriptions Found on Stone Slab Among 250 Archeological Sites Discovered in Mongolia


An ancient stone slab with Chinese inscriptions was discovered in the Bulgan Province of northern Mongolia in May. It was found during an archaeological survey to the Shoroon Bumbagar Tomb area, which was conducted with the joint effort of the National Center for Cultural Heritage (NCCH), UNESCO Beijing Office and the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO.

The Tomb of Shoroon Bumbagar was initially excavated in 2011 and is the first tomb in Mongolia in which a cycle of mural paintings has been found. Believed to have belonged to a Turkic nobleman, the tomb dates back to the 6th – 7th century AD. The discovery of the mural paintings gives this lesser-known tomb priceless historic and artistic value. The tomb was registered in the Mongolian National List of Cultural Heritage shortly after its excavation.

To protect this important discovery, local authorities requested professional assistance from UNESCO. In 2014, UNESCO Beijing Office, along with the support of the Principality of Monaco, established the UNESCO/Monaco Funds-in-Trust project Capacity-Building and Awareness-Raising for the Preservation, Conservation, Visibility and Sustainable Management of the Archaeological Site of Shoroon Bumbagar of Mount Maikhan. Conducted within the framework of the project was an archaeological survey for the area around the tomb.

This archaeological survey was performed within a 12.5 km radius from the Shoroon Bumbagar site, and the results are astonishing. The Chinese stone inscription was only one of the 250 items discovered during this survey. Others include walls of ancient settlements, shoroon bumbagars (circle-shaped earth mounds with characteristics similar to the ones of the Shoroon Bumbagar Tomb, object of this project), 46 square tombs, 31 khirgesuurs (sacrificial structures of special shape from the Bronze Age), 3 burial sites from the Xiongnu period (with 180 tombs), 60 tombs from the Mongol period, petroglyphs in 8 sites, Turkic period sacrificial stone structures, 80 other small tombs of undeterminable periods, etc.

This archeological survey shows the enormous potential of the region. It has drawn attention from both the government and the public to ensure the protection of these important sites. Although this is only a preliminary survey, it is hoped to be an excellent starting point for the continued revelation of the buried history of Mongolia and for the sustainable conservation of this invaluable archeological heritage.


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