
塔里-哈姆图达堡垒Tali Khamtuda fortress

摘要: TJ-05 Tali Khamtuda fortressThe well-preserved cross-shaped fortress of the first centuries CE, the period immediately predating the blossom of Sogdian civilization on the Silk Road. The uniqueness and value of Tali Khamtuda lies in the fact that it was p


       现存的塔里-哈姆图达堡垒遗址,位于片治肯特东南 32 公里处,属于公元 1-4 世纪的古迹,即粟特城市快速发展之前的时期。  


       塔利·哈姆图达遗址,被提名为古代晚期和中世纪早期的一个建筑案例。这座遗址于 1985 年由伊萨科夫教授(参入过萨拉子模遗址的考古发掘者-译者注)首次发掘。

TJ-05 Tali Khamtuda fortress
The well-preserved cross-shaped fortress of the first centuries CE, the period immediately predating the blossom of Sogdian civilization on the Silk Road. The uniqueness and value of Tali Khamtuda lies in the fact that it was possible to explore completely the monument, which reflects the interaction of the highly developed culture of the Sogd plain and the more archaic culture of its mountainous regions, and clearly demonstrates the influence of the former on the latter. It reflects the coexistence in one place of a continuous culture with different religions. It is a complex of ancient fortresses and settlements, with an adjacent Muslim cemetery.

Tali Khamtuda was chosen for the nomination as an outstanding example of late antique – early medieval stronghold.

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