

摘要: 东龙山小塔(北塔)。与东龙山大塔相距200米,为明万历十九 年(1591)左右抚治商洛道王孟煦、知州王以孚建造。八棱七级楼阁式 砖塔,通高20米。塔刹用砖砌仰莲瓣座,刹顶无存。第一层塔檐下每 面装饰有马、牛、犬等和花草图案砖雕; 第二层塔檐下每面正中有八 卦符号砖雕,塔檐的砌筑方法和南塔相同。 塔底层南面有一券门。第三层东南和西北各辟一券门洞; 第四层 ...

东龙山小塔(北塔)。与东龙山大塔相距200,为明万历十九 (1591)左右抚治商洛道王孟煦、知州王以孚建造。八棱七级楼阁式 砖塔,通高20米。塔刹用砖砌仰莲瓣座,刹顶无存。第一层塔檐下每 面装饰有马、牛、犬等和花草图案砖雕; 第二层塔檐下每面正中有八 卦符号砖雕,塔檐的砌筑方法和南塔相同。
塔底层南面有一券门。第三层东南和西北各辟一券门洞; 第四层 则在西南、东北面各辟一券门洞; 第五层的正南、北、东、西各辟一 券门洞;第六、七层均无券门。此塔为陕西省第五批重点文物保护单位。
Small Pagoda in Donglongshan Village (North Pagoda)
The small Pagoda in Donglongshan Village (North Pagoda) whichis located 200 meters away from the Big Pagoda in Donglongshan Village (SouthPagoda), was also built by was approximately built in the 19th year of Wanliperiod in Ming Dynasty (1591) by administrators Shang Luodao and Wang Mengxuand magistrate Wang Yifu. It is a 7-storeyed 8-edged loft-style brick pagodaand of 20 meters high. The pinnacle of the pagoda is paved by brick inopeninglotus-like base and the top of the pinnacle is missing. Under 1st eaves,each surface is decorated with brick pattern carvings such as horse,cowdog,flowers; The 2nd storey is decorated with symbol of Eight Trigrams brickcarving on its eave,the method of masonry eaves is similar with South Pagoda.
The south surface of pagoda has a arch; the southeast andnorthwest of 3th surface separately have a arch; the southwest,northeast of 4thsurfaces have a arch; the due south,north,east,west separately have arch on 5thstorey; no arch-shape doors on the 6th and 7th storey. The pagoda wasofficially ratified as one of the Fifth Batch of Shaanxi Province CulturalRelic Protection Units.
東龍山小塔(北塔)。東龍山大塔と200メ一トルの距離を持つて。約萬暦 十九年(1591)に撫治商洛道の王孟熙、州知事の王以孚が建造してぁる。八角 九層 楼閣式の煉瓦塔で、高さは20メ一トル、塔刹は煉瓦を用いた仰蓮ビラ 基、刹頂は無存である。第一層の塔軒下の面に、全部馬、牛、犬と草花図案 などが飾つてある; 第二層の塔軒下の面の真ん中には八卦符号の砖雕があり、 塔軒建て方は南塔と同樣である。
塔下の南側に巻門が一つある。第三層の東南と西北に巻門穴が各一つあり; 第四層の西南、東北に巻門穴が各一つあり;第五層の真南、北、東、西に巻門 穴が各一つあり;第六、七層はは巻門なし。陜西省第五回重点文物保護単位と 指定されている。

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