
丝绸之路文化遗产 丝绸之路:长安天山廊道的路网 丝绸之路:泽拉夫尚-卡拉库姆廊道 丝路预备遗产点 丝路相关世界遗产 丝绸之路:费尔干纳—锡尔河廊道
文物保护单位 省级文物保护单位 市县级文物保护单位
国家 哈萨克斯坦 吉尔吉斯斯坦 乌兹别克斯坦 土库曼斯坦 塔吉克斯坦
世界遗产 跨国遗产
遗产专题 海上丝绸之路遗产点 泉州:宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心 长城及烽燧 万里茶道
考古时期 青铜时代 铁器时代

• Wooden Monasteries of Konbaung Period: Ohn Don, Sala, Pakhangyi, Pakhannge, Legaing, Sagu, Shwe-Kyaung (Mandalay)

Description  Large timber monasteries, mostly built during the 18th and 19th centuries AD, on a similar linear plan. Four main timber structures are usually aligned on a large wooden platform on posts

• Taninthayi Forest Corridor

Description  The Taninthayi Forest Corridor (TFC) is one of the largest remaining areas of unprotected low and mid-elevation, seasonal evergreen forest in Southeast Asia. It is located in the Tanintha

• Shwedagon Pagoda on Singuttara Hill

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  The Shwedagon Pagoda on Singuttara Hill is an outstanding example of the transformation, over time, of the funerary reliquary stupa (tumulus) enshrining r

• Pondaung anthropoid primates palaeontological sites

Description  The Pondaung Formation is a geologic formation which consists of layers of red beds alternating with grey sandstones sediments, dated to about 40 million years ago. Several of these outcr

• Natma Taung National Park

Statements of authenticity and/or integrity  NT NP was established as a watershed protection area on which three million people depend. Due to its original purpose, the park has an elongated shape wit

• Myeik Archipelago

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  The MA contains most of Myanmar’s coral reef, along with some of its best preserved mangrove forests, lowland evergreen forests, and seagrass meadows, and

• Mrauk-U

Description  Capital city of the first Arakanese Kingdom, the site measures 7 by 6 km and contains some 200 Buddhist monuments (temples, stupas, monasteries, etc.) mostly built in the 15th and 16th ce

• Mon cities: Bago, Hanthawaddy

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Inle Lake

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Indawgyi Lake Wildlife Sanctuary

Statements of authenticity and/or integrity  Although areas of paddy rice between the lake and the hills are excluded from ILWS, the low intensity of cultivation, with no use of pesticides or herbicid

• Hukaung Valley Wildlife Sanctuary

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  HVWS is an excellent example of large-scale conservation in Southeast Asia. It is the largest protected area in Myanmar and its size is augmented by its c

• Hkakabo Razi Landscape

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  The NMFC covers 11,280 km2 of Eastern Himalaya habitat across an altitudinal range from below 1,300 m to over 5,800 m.  It contains a diversity of forest

• Badah-lin and associated caves

Description  Cave 1, excavated 1969-72, have yielded a rich prehistoric material. Carbon 14 analysis of charcoal pieces has provided dates of 13000 years before present time. Numerous stone implement

• Ayeyawady River Corridor

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  The ARC includes a globally unique sub-population of the Irrawaddy Dolphin renowned for its co-operative behavior with local fishers. The ARC also provid

• Ancient cities of Upper Myanmar: Innwa, Amarapura, Sagaing, Mingun, Mandalay

Description  Subsequent foundations ort residences of Myanma kings: Sagaing from 1315 to 1364, Innwa from 1364 to 1841. Amarapura from 1841 to 1857, Mingun in 1810-1819, Mandalay after 1857. They are


