
丝绸之路文化遗产 丝绸之路:长安天山廊道的路网 丝绸之路:泽拉夫尚-卡拉库姆廊道 丝路预备遗产点 丝路相关世界遗产 丝绸之路:费尔干纳—锡尔河廊道
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遗产专题 海上丝绸之路遗产点 泉州:宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心 长城及烽燧 万里茶道
考古时期 青铜时代 铁器时代

• 贡开:林迦之城或铁木树之城的考古遗址

柬埔寨贡开:林迦之城或铁木树之城的考古遗址Koh Ker: Archaeological Site of Ancient Lingapura or Chok Gargyar© National Authority for Preah Vihear (NAPV)遗产类型:文化遗产列入标准:(ii)(iv)贡开遗址是由众多寺庙和圣殿组成的神圣城市群,包括雕塑、铭文、壁画和考古遗迹。贡开城历经23年建成,一度与吴哥竞争高棉帝国都城之位,并在公元928-94 ...

• 柏威夏寺Temple of Preah Vihear

柏威夏寺,位于柬埔寨柏威夏省与泰国接壤的边境地区,柏威夏寺的历史悠久。古寺最早的历史可追溯到公元9世纪,它是高棉帝国的君主耶输跋摩下令建造的。柏威夏寺,建于公元10世纪中叶至12世纪初。它矗立在550米高的峭壁上,俯瞰整个柬埔寨平原。由于地处偏远,地形险要,柏威夏寺保存得相当完好。柏威夏寺于泰柬两国在历史上都宣称对该寺所属区域拥有主权。 ...

• The Site of Angkor Borei and Phnom Da

Description  Angkor Borei is an important center of one of the earliest complex polities in Southeast Asia. It was a major political centre and the foundation of Khmer civilization that began between

• The Archeological complex of Banteay Chhmar

Comparison with other similar properties  One unique feature of the Banteay Chhmar temple is the relief carving on the East Gallery Wall, of a series of extraordinary, images of multi-headed Avaloketd

• The ancient complex of Preah Khan Kompong Svay

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  The temple of Preah Khan Kompong Svay is a unique complex which can be seen from different perspectives such as the architectural layout conveying the con

• Phnom Kulen: Archeological Site/Ancient Site of Mahendraparvata

Description  Phnom Kulen range is located 30 km northeast of Angkor archaeological site, Siem Reap province, northwest Cambodia. It is registered since 1992 on the Government of Cambodia’s tentative l

• Koh Ker: Archeological site of Ancient Lingapura Or Chok Gargyar

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  Koh Ker represents a unique vision in the arts, architecture and introduces new technologies, which changed urban planning for the coming centuries.​ The

• Former M-13 prison/ Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (former S-21)/ Choeung Ek Genocidal Centre (former Execution Site of S-21)

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  The Khmer Rouge regime governed Cambodia during Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979) following a radical ideology - rooted from different communist beliefs an

• Beng Malea Temple

Description  Beng Mealea is a very impressive temple built in the reign of King Suryavarman II, 12th century CE, and modified by Jayavarman VII. It is located in Beng Mealea village, Beng Mealea commu

• Ancient City of Ondong

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  Today Oudong is well-known as a tourist attraction site due to its historical background as an ancient city of the post-Angkorian period, and persistent r

• 柬埔寨吴哥窟

吴哥窟位于柬埔寨西北部,是吴哥古迹中保存得最完好的的庙宇,以建筑宏伟与浮雕细致闻名于世,是世界上最大的庙宇,也是一座巨大的水上都市,1992年作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产委员会描述:吴哥窟是东南亚最重要的考古学遗址之一。吴哥窟遗址公园占地面积达400多平方公里,包括森林地区,有9至15世纪高棉王国(the Khmer Empire)各个时期首 ...

• 柬埔寨 古伊奢那补罗考古遗址的三波坡雷古寺庙区

柬埔寨 古伊奢那补罗考古遗址的三波坡雷古寺庙区(Temple Zone of Sambor Prei Kuk, Archaeological Site of Ancient Ishanapura)三波坡雷古( Sambor Prei Kuk),高棉语意为“丛林中的寺庙”,是6世纪末至7世纪初的真腊王国的首都伊奢那补罗所在地。这一遗迹占地25平方公里,包含有一个带有防御工事的城市中心以及若干寺庙,其中有十座八角形的庙宇具有 ...


