
• 2500年前中国墓葬中出土罕见的“仿生”铠甲

中国西北洋海古墓群,红色标记为皮革铠甲。(图片版权:徐东良/吐鲁番博物馆)一项新研究发现,约在2500年前,一套由5000余枚皮质甲片制成的铠甲被随葬于中国西北一位男性墓中,它的设计看起来像相互叠压的鱼鳞一样、非常复杂的传统军服。这件铠甲犹如一件围裙状的马甲,可以在不需要他人帮助下很快完成穿戴。“对于一支大规模军队的士兵来说,这是一种质 ...

• Gold 'lotus flower' pendant from Queen Nefertiti's time discovered in Cyprus

The jewelry had been buried alongside 155 entombed people.

• Rare 'bionic' armor discovered in 2,500-year-old China burial

It's only the second known ancient armor of its kind.

• 2,000-year-old Celtic hoard of gold 'rainbow cups' discovered in Germany

The ancient hoard's "value must have been immense."

• Last Roman gladiator arena ever built unearthed in Switzerland

The arena sat on the northern edge of the empire's frontier.

• Rare Byzantine swords found in medieval stronghold

Experts are calling them hybrid Byzantine ring pommeled swords.

• Farming brought burst of extreme violence to Atacama Desert, ancient mummies reveal

One woman's facial skin was painfully stretched.These photos show the partially mummified remains of the woman whose face was mutilated. Notice how the skin around her mouth was pulled upward.(Image credit: Standen V.G. et al. Journal of Anthropological A

• 1,500-year-old burial in China holds lovers locked in eternal embrace

The woman may have sacrificed herself for the burial.

• Byzantine warrior with gold-threaded jaw unearthed in Greece

His jaw had been shattered in two.

• 100 Roman coins were likely an offering for safe passage across river

Many of the coins featured military imagery.

• Iron Age warriors bent the swords of their defeated enemies, ancient hoard reveals

It's one of the biggest Iron Age weapons hoards in western Germany.

• Stunning hoard of Bronze Age jewelry discovered by local hiker in Sweden

The hoard likely belonged to an elite woman.A Bronze Age hoard brimming with fine jewelry was discovered in Sweden in early April, when a local man investigated what he thought was a piece of scrap metal sticking out from under a pile of rocks in a hilly,

• Gladiator arena from Roman era unearthed in Turkey

Spectators likely bet on the arena's wild animals fights and gladiator battles.Archaeologists in Turkey have discovered the remains of a "magnificent" Roman-era arena, where up to 20,000 spectators likely cheered and jeered as they watched gladi

• Iron Age warriors bent the swords of their defeated enemies, ancient hoard reveals

It's one of the biggest Iron Age weapons hoards in western Germany.A metal detectorist scouring an ancient hillfort has uncovered "one of the biggest Iron Age weapon hoards in western Germany," according to archaeologists at the Regional Associa

• 6,500 medieval coins and rare gold rings unearthed in Polish cornfield

The hoard may include a princess's gold ring.(Image: © Adam Kędzierski)A medieval hoard brimming with silver ingots, gold rings and thousands of silver coins was recently discovered in a Polish cornfield by an archaeologist, with the hel

• Puppy and toddler found in 2,000-year-old burial

The ancient puppy's collar had a bell on it.

• 1,800-year-old altar to pagan god Pan hidden in a Byzantine church

The inscriber ran out of room and shrank the letters.

• Ancient Siberian grave holds 'warrior woman' and huge weapons stash

Archaeologists in Siberia have unearthed a 2,500-year-old grave holding the remains of four people from the ancient Tagar culture —including two warriors, a male and female — and a stash of their metal weaponry.The early Iron Age burial contained the skel

• Oldest human cremation in the Near East unearthed

9,000 years ago, a young adult was cremated in a pit of flowers.The Beisamoun pyre fields, where the cremated burial was discovered, during the crepuscular hours.(Image: © © Mission Beisamoun)The oldest known person to be intentionally c

• 3,200-year-old Egyptian-built fortress found in Israel

The Egyptians and the Canaanites built this fortress.An aerial view of the fortress discovered in central Israel. Notice the rooms that lined its sides.(Image: © Emil Aljem/IAA)Archaeologists inIsraelhave discovered a 3,200-year-old fortress buil

• Ancient Greeks may have built 'disability ramps' on some temples

"The ancient Greek world was not some progressive utopia, but we do see some interesting solutions" for the disabled.

• When the Romans turned Jerusalem into a pagan city, Jews revolted and minted this coin

The bronze coin has the words "Year Two of the Freedom of Israel" with a cluster of grapes in the middle.(Image: © Koby Harati/City of David Archive)Archaeologists in Israel have discovered a rare coin minted about 1,900 years ago, when

• Ancient people in the Kingdom of Judah may have gotten high off weed

An aerial view of the Tel Arad fortress that stands in what was once the Kingdom of Judah.(Image: © Asaf. Z; Public Domain)More than 2,700 years ago, worshipers at a "holy of holies" shrine in Israel may have gotten high on weed. Resear

• Two 'warrior women' from ancient Mongolia may have helped inspire the Ballad of Mulan

The remains of the older warrior woman (left) and her husband, which were excavated from the Airagiin Gozgor archaeological site, in the Orkhon province of northern Mongolia.(Image: © Christine Lee)Archaeologists in Mongolia have found the remain

• 'Rusty lump' turns out to be 2,000-year-old silver dagger used by Roman soldier

Until it was restored, it kind of looked like a chicken finger.

• 'Lost' Statue of Alexander the Great (Minus the Nose) Turns Up in Museum Warehouse

Archaeologists have discovered a stunning, albeit noseless, bust of Alexander the Great, but not from an ongoing excavation located in Alexander's ancient, sprawling empire.Rather, the marble statue was found sitting, "lost in a dark corner of the wa

• Amulets of Deities, Skulls and Phalluses Found in Ancient Pompeii

The amulets include carved gems, etched glass and phallus-shaped charms.The stash of ancient amulets found in Pompeii.(Image: © Copyright Parco Archeologico di Pompei (Archeological Park of Pompeii))A stash of ancient amulets is seeing the light of d

• 'Lost' Statue of Alexander the Great (Minus the Nose) Turns Up in Museum Warehouse

Archaeologists have discovered a stunning, albeit noseless, bust of Alexander the Great, but not from an ongoing excavation located in Alexander's ancient, sprawling empire.Rather, the marble statue was found sitting, "lost in a dark corner of the wa

• People Smoked Pot to Get High at Least 2,500 Years Ago

Getting high on marijuana may not be a modern pastime, as archaeologists have found the earliest clear evidence to date that people were smoking cannabis for its psychoactive properties some 2,500 years ago.They found evidence of burned cannabis with high

• Ancient Egyptians Built This 4-Towered Fortress More Than 2,600 Years Ago

The ancient fortress' eastern gate.Credit: Egyptian Ministry of AntiquitiesArchaeologists in Egypt have discovered the ruins of an ancient fortress dating to the 26th Dynasty, the last dynasty in which native Egyptians ruled before the Persians conquered

• Smashed Ancient Tablet Suggests Biblical King Was Real. But Not Everyone Agrees.

The pieced together remains of the ninth century B.C. inscribed tablet known as the Mesha Stele.Credit: Wikimedia Commons, the free media repositoryA new reading of a hard-to-decipher ancient tablet suggests that the biblical King Balak might have been a

• Ancient Fresco of Mythical Narcissus Found in Pompeii

The newly discovered fresco of the mythical hunter Narcissus.Credit: Parco Archeologico di Pompei (Archeological Park of Pompeii)Excavations in a lavishly decorated house in ancient Pompeii have yielded a Valentine's Day-worthy discovery: a fresco of Narc

• Mount Vesuvius Didn't Kill Everyone in Pompeii. Where Did the Survivors Go?

When Mount Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79, the volcano's molten rock, scorching debris and poisonous gases killed nearly 2,000 people in the nearby ancient Italian cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.But not everyone died. So, where did the refugees, who could

• Why Are the Noses Broken on So Many Ancient Egyptian Statues?

The face of the Egyptian pharaoh Senwosret III, circa 1878–1840 B.C. Most Egyptian rulers chose to have their likenesses appear youthful and strong, but Senwosret III opted to show a more realistic countenance, showing his heavy-lidded eyes, thin lips and

• This Silly, Bug-Eyed Dwarf Deity Was Defender of 'Everything Good'

The ancient deity Bes had bug eyes and a large face.Credit: Eliyahu Yanai, City of DavidArchaeologists recently found a piece of pottery decorated with the funny face of an ancient deity who is often depicted as a bearded dwarf with a big face and bug eye

• Ancient Pompeii 'Fast-Food' Spot Lured Customers with Sexy Logo

A painting of a scantily clad sea nymph graces the storefront of an ancient fast-food joint in Pompeii.Credit: Archaeological Park of PompeiiBefore Mount Vesuvius blasted Pompeii to smithereens in 79, it was possible to grab a bite to eat there at a "

• Decapitated Skeletons, with Heads Between Their Legs, Unearthed in Roman Cemetery

The discovery of a Roman cemetery in England has archaeologists scratching their heads, mainly because about 40 percent of the bodies buried there are missing theirs.Well, not missing, exactly. Of the 52 skeletons discovered in the fourth-century A.D. cem

• This Is the Oldest Known Inscription Bearing the Full Name of Jerusalem

Danit Levy, director of the excavations on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, inspects the inscribed column in the field.Credit: Yoli Shwartz/IAAArchaeologists have uncovered the oldest known instance of the word "Jerusalem" spelled out

• Was This Man a Bronze-Age Cyborg? His Metal Hand May Have Been a Prosthetic.

This Bronze Age hand has a gold cuff. Next to it, sit a dagger, a bronze pin and a spiraled hair ornament. The two gold flakes likely came from the metal hand.Credit: Copyright Philippe Joner/Archaeological Service of the Canton of BernTreasure hunters in

• Naked Servant Depicted in Newly Discovered 2,200-Year-Old Tomb Mural

A servant in his birthday suit holds a silver-colored jug and a vase for wine.Credit: Copyright E. Lupoli/Jean Bérard Centre (CNRS/école française de Rome)A naked man holding a wine jug and a vase is just one of many figures depicted in a 2,200-year-

• This 1491 Map May Have Influenced Christopher Columbus

The researchers used multispectral imaging to reveal the images and text on the map.Credit: Image by Lazarus Project / MegaVision / RIT / EMEL, courtesy of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript LibraryA 1491 map that likely influenced Christopher Columbus

• The Weird Reason Roman Emperors Were Assassinated

Why were so many Roman emperors assassinated?Credit: ShutterstockAncient Rome was a dangerous place to be an emperor. During its more than 500-year run, about 20 percent of Rome's 82 emperors were assassinated while in power. So, what led to their downfal

• Amateur Archaeologist Discovers 1,800-Year-Old Golden Ring from Rome

This golden bling dates back to Roman times.Credit: Courtesy of Jason MasseyAn amateur historian just unearthed a treasure that would turn any archaeologist green with envy: an ornate gold ring dating back to ancient Roman times.On the face of the ring —

• Ancient Roman Library Discovered Beneath German City

The excavation of the ancient library in Cologne, Germany.Credit: Roman-Germanic Museum of CologneBeneath the soil in Cologne, Germany, lies a bibliophile's dream: an ancient Roman library that once held up to 20,000 scrolls, according to news reports.Arc

• Why Grave Robbers Missed This Ancient, Gold-Filled Burial

The newly discovered burial of Neko, a woman who lived 1,800 years ago.Credit: Thanos Kartsoglou/Greek Culture MinistryGrave robbers had about 1,800 years to steal the precious gold jewelry buried with a noblewoman on the Greek island of Sikinos. So, what

• 1,600-Year-Old Mosaic Shows Biblical Spies Who Scouted Promised Land

An ancient mosaic depicting two Biblical spies sent to scout the Promised Land has been unearthed at a nearly 1,600-year-old synagogue in northern Israel.In the mosaic, two spies carry a cluster of grapes on a pole — likely a reference to an episode in th

• Why Archaeologists Were Surprised to Find This Gibbon in a Royal Chinese Tomb

Archaeologists discovered the skull ofJunzi imperialis, a previously unknown genus and species of extinct gibbon, in an ancient Chinese tomb.Credit: Camuel Turvey/Zoological Society of LondonAbout 2,300 years ago, the grandmother of China's first emperor

• 'Sleeping Beauty' Mummy Buried with Riches and Snacks for the Afterlife

The 2,000-year-old mummy, dubbed Sleeping Beauty, was buried in silk clothes and a beaded belt with a jet buckle.Credit: Marina Kilunovskaya/The Siberian TimesAbout 2,000 years ago, during the time Jesus supposedly walked the Earth, people buried a young

• 4,000-Year-Old Jar Contains Italy's Oldest Olive Oil

The oldest olive oil on record in Italy was found in this textured pot with starfish-like designs.Credit: Courtesy: Sicily Region; Syracuse Regional Park for archaeological sites and museums; Paolo Orsi MuseumAn egg-shaped ceramic jar covered with ceramic

• Ancient Horse and Stable Found Under Pompeii Ash

The horse likely swiveled its ears when it heard the deafening roar from Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79. That was one of the last things the animal ever did: After that, it died, buried in the massive amounts of ash that killed about 30,000 people anddestroyed

• Renaissance Mapmaker Was a Mastermind and a Copycat

Urbano Monte's 1587 mapCredit: Courtesy of David Rumsey Map Collection/DavidRumsey.comAfter poring over a stunning, 60-page Renaissance-era map, a scholar has come to the following conclusion: The cartographer who draw the map in 1587 was both a mastermin

• Ancient Ale: Oldest Beer in Greece Dates to Bronze Age

A handful of sprouted cereal grains discovered at a Bronze Age site in Argissa, Greece. The scale bar is 0.04 inches (1 millimeter).Credit: Copyright Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2017The ancient Greeks may have liberally indulged

• 4,000-Year-Old Prenup Mentions Infertility, Surrogacy and Divorce

The 4,000-year-old Assyrian marriage contract.Credit: Turp, AB. et al. Gynecological Endocrinology, 2017Kim Kardashian made headlines recently for using a surrogate to carry her unborn child, but the practice of surrogacy — albeit in a different form — is

• Ancient Coptic Tombstone Found Along Egypt's Avenue of Sphinxes

The newly discovered Coptic gravestone.Credit: Egypt Ministry of AntiquitiesArchaeologists unearthed an ancient Coptic tombstone during a dig Sunday (Oct. 22), according to Egypt's antiquities ministry.The tombstone is decorated with a cross and Coptic in

• So Much Drama! Roman Amphitheater Found Under Western Wall Tunnels

Click toVisit the VideoArchaeologists discovered the theater-like structure during a recent excavation beneath Wilson's arch in the tunnels of the Western Wall. The team was hoping to find artifacts that would help them date Wilson's arch — a structure ma

• Sphinx, Baboon and Cat Statues Found in Ancient Egyptian Burial

Researchers carefully conserve an Osiris statuette found within the favissa. It's possible the statue of the god Ptah was placed with the Osiris statuettes because Osiris was the god of rebirth.Credit: Copyright J. Maucor/ CFEETK-CNRS-MoA; Copyright Antiq

• Imaging Reveals Medieval Manuscript Hidden in Book Binding

In the mid-16th century, a bookbinder picked up a piece of parchment — one that was already centuries old — and used it to bind a book of poetry. This parchment's text remained unreadable for nearly 500 years, but now, thanks to state-of-the-art imaging t

• Sour Note: In Ancient Rome, Lemons Were Only for the Rich

However, the citrus fruits that followed in later years weren't as exclusive as lemons and citrons, said the study's lead researcher, Dafna Langgut, an archaeobotanist at Tel Aviv University in Israel.

• Wooden Figurines 'Weave' at Tiny Looms Placed in Ancient Grave

Tiny wooden figurines have stood upright "weaving" at appropriately sized looms for more than 2,100 years in a Chinese tomb containing the remains of a middle-age woman, a new study finds.

• 'Gilded Lady' and Other Exquisite Mummies on Display in NYC

An Egyptian mummy named the Gilded Lady may be more than 2,000 years old, but visitors can gaze into her brown eyes and admire her dark, curly hair at "Mummies," an exhibit opening Monday (March 20) at the American Museum of Natural History (AMN

• Harbor Near Ancient Corinth Turned It Into a Trading Hotspot

When nautical visitors sailed into the ancient Grecian city of Lechaion, they would have first encountered a monumental entrance leading to several inland canals, all of which were connected to no fewer than four harbor basins, Greek and Danish archaeolog

• Smallpox Found in Lithuanian Mummy Could Rewrite Virus' History

The mummy of a child discovered in a crypt beneath a Lithuanian church harbors the oldest sample found to date of the virus that causes smallpox, a new report said.

• Got Milk? People Living 9,000 Years Ago Did, Ceramic Pots Show

Dairying began with the onset of agriculture, and likely helped early farmers, said the study's lead researcher, Cynthianne Spiteri, a junior professor of archaeometry at the University of Tübingen in Germany, who conducted the residue analysis as part of


