
呼布克古城遗址Ancient Town Khulbuk

摘要: 7. Name of individual Silk Roads component part: Ancient Town KhulbukBrief description of the object-component:The palace complex and the residence of the Khuttalya rulers existed in the IX - XII cc. Its area is 300 x 50 - 650 x 10 - 15 m and compositiona

7. Name of individual Silk Roads component part: Ancient Town Khulbuk

Brief description of the object-component:

The palace complex and the residence of the Khuttalya rulers existed in the IX - XII cc. Its area is 300 x 50 - 650 x 10 - 15 m and compositionally divided into three equal parts by 50 m: the large central courtyard with the entrance on the west and the two separated by this court complex of buildings, which the southern is officially representative and the northern is residential. The entrance structure is a traditional portal-peshtak with carved terracotta. The castle surrounded by fortress walls built of pakhsy and faced with baked bricks. Two-storied plinth was located along the foot of the wall, and the wall is strengthened with conical or rectangular retaining turrets. The round towers were built at the corners of the complex.
The rooms of the palace is richly decorated with unique patterns carved ganch (mixture of gypsum and clay) and painting.

Statement of authenticity and/or integrity of the individual component property

The studies were conducted from 1957 to 1994 with changes. The staff of Khulbuk historical and cultural conservation (established in 2002) is responsible for the site protection. The site is considered as the cultural heritage of national importance. The total area of the site is 16 ha.

Comparison of the Silk Roads component property: why selected against SoOUV (including explanation of why other similar sites not selected

There are all techniques and forms of representative and residential Central Asian architecture of XI - XII cc. Thus, the classical system of palace and avian differs from systems in the palaces of Amman, Okheydir, Quseir Amra, Khorezm Palace, etc. only in the details and particulars.
But some are considered as unique forms and methods of architecture, such as the application of 6-anglular brick forms. There are direct analogies in the Middle East art of the relief ganch borders with images of running one after another animals: roosters or pheasants, carnivorous feline, dogs, foxes, hares and etc.


