
苦盏要塞(Khujand fortress)俱战提

摘要: 苦盏要塞(Khujand fortress) (公元8-19世纪)KHUJAND FORTRESSKhujand fortress is an outstanding example of a structure whose military engineering features attracted the attention of Russian specialists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Formation of a large u
苦盏要塞(Khujand fortress) (公元8-19世纪)
外文名:Khujand, Hujand。苏联时期称:列宁那巴德。今译:胡占德。
苦盏 : 西辽城名。耶律楚材《西游录》苦盏,《新唐书·西域传》俱战提,《元史·西北地附录》忽毡,《伯颜传》忽禅,《薛塔剌海传》忽缠,《酉阳杂俎》卷一○作俱振提,《明史·西域传》火占,近时又有译作霍占特。元代属察合台汗国统辖。故址在今塔吉克斯坦列宁纳巴德州首府列宁纳巴德城附近,位于锡尔河南岸,费尔干纳盆地西口。公元前2世纪至公元前1世纪时,大宛国首府贵山城故址大约在此。古代曾为中国与地中海沿岸各国通商商道要站。


Khujand fortress is an outstanding example of a structure whose military engineering features attracted the attention of Russian specialists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Formation of a large urban type center in the delta of the Takob River in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. marked the onset of an important stage of urbanization in the Syrdarya basin. The character of the buildings and the entire material culture, show a local appearance that embodied the synthesis of several cultures of this region.

Since the 10th century AD Khujand fortress becomes a political, administrative, economic and trade and cultural center in the area of Khujand in Sughd region.

In the late Middle Ages the city citadel with an internal arch and the palace of the ruler towering over the city, monumental architectural ensembles of Sheikh Muslihiddin, Hazrati Bobo, buildings of city-wide schools (Medrese), large market complexes Panchshanbe and Chorshanbe, guesthouses, centers with their mosques, teahouses, houses, ramified network of streets, lanes and dead ends, created a unique appearance of a densely populated eastern city.

First of all the uniqueness of the Khujand fortress, is that the history of its centuries-old functioning reflects not only the main stages of the Tajik peoples history, but also the history of the peoples of entire Central Asian region. It withstood the invasion of the armies of Alexander the Great and the Arab caliphate, the Mongol hordes. It has witnessed periods of creative urban planning under the formations of Kushan and Samanid states. Served as an object of controversy between the Karakhanids and Khorezmshahs, the Sheibanids and Ashtarkhonids, Bukhara and Kokand khanates.







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