
Shahbazgarhi Rock Edicts跋虏沙城

摘要: Description  The Shahbazgarhi rock edicts are cut into the surface of two large boulders on the side of a small rocky outcrop in the Vale of Peshawar. The record fourteen edicts of the Mauryan emperor

跋虏沙城(白沙瓦东北面之Shahbaz Garhi),玄奘大唐西域记有记载
跋虏沙城 : 西域城名。见于《大唐西域记》。《洛阳伽蓝记》作佛沙伏,伏系梵文pura译音,义云“城”。故城在今巴基斯坦白沙瓦东北偏东65公里处的沙巴士·格希 (Shahbaz Garhi )。为健驮逻国名城。


  The Shahbazgarhi rock edicts are cut into the surface of two large boulders on the side of a small rocky outcrop in the Vale of Peshawar. The record fourteen edicts of the Mauryan emperor, Asoka (r. c. 272-235 BC) and represent the earliest irrefutable evidence of writing in South Asia. Dating to middle of the third century BC, they are written from right to left in the Kharosthi script. The presence of Kharosti suggests that the influence of Achaemenid rule in this region, the province of Gandhara, outlived the short Alexandrian interlude of the fourth century BC. The fourteen major edicts recorded at the site present aspects of Asoka’s dharma or righteous law. The edicts are located beside one of the ancient trade routes connecting the Vale of Peshawar with the valley of Swat, Dir and Chitral to the North and the great city of Taxila to the South East.

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