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• 叶仙爹戈(YAP--SAN DIEGO)古宅

叶仙爹戈(YAP--SAN DIEGO)古宅是移民到东南亚国家的华商在中国以外建造的仅有两座最古老的华人房屋之一。古宅是由华商JUAN YAP(叶˙范)和他的妻子DONA MARIA FLORIDA拥有。该夫妇有三个孩子,长女玛利亚在1880年代同当时八连的区长唐˙马连诺结婚。二人的曾孙VAL SANTIAGO和该祖屋的看管者说,该屋子建于1675年至1700之间,在2018年,它作为博物馆向公众开 ...

• 甲多角灯塔

甲多角灯塔坐落于北伊罗戈省的布尔戈斯市,为本地重要的历史遗迹,建立于西班牙殖民地时期,矗立在一个充满石灰岩的海角上,至今仍能使用,成为观赏布尔戈斯全景的最佳地点。甲多角灯塔高19.8米,由砖砌成,于1892年3月21日首次点亮,几百年来,灯塔一直为海上船只知名方向,至今仍然是国际船只从北部进入菲律宾的欢迎灯塔,并且为船只安全进入沿海小镇指 ...

• 西班牙王城

马尼拉西班牙王城 摄影:Francisco Daum1521年,西班牙探险队在麦哲伦的带领下入侵菲律宾。1571年,当西班牙人发现马尼拉是个难得的良港之时,即从宿务挥军北上,从菲律宾穆斯林手上夺取了马尼拉,并控制了当地原住土著。为了保障西班牙人的安全,殖民统治者于是强迫勤劳的华人为其工作,在马尼拉巴石河南岸建筑了一座西班牙王城(Intramuros),当时只允 ...

• 马拉卡南宫

始建于1802年的马拉卡南宫,已有200多年历史,最初它只是一个西班牙贵族的别墅,并无名字。传说是巴石河上的渔民将这座他们时时可以望见的华丽建筑称为“马拉卡南”,意思是“那里是贵族居住的地方”,于是“马拉卡南”的称呼一直延用至今。200多年来,马拉卡南宫经历了多任主人。从最初仅是一个西班牙贵族的花园别墅,到1847年的西班牙殖民政府高级官员俱 ...

• 三宝颜(Zamboanga)

棉兰老在菲律宾三大群岛的最南端,古城三宝颜(Zamboanga)取自郑和名字“三宝”,与印尼三宝垄一样都是郑和下西洋停留的地方,当地的苏禄苏丹曾拜见明成祖朱棣。三宝颜是14世纪创立的苏禄苏丹国所在地,不断在西班牙人与苏丹间转手,1635年建的碧拉要塞(Fort Pilar)是西班牙针对苏禄穆斯林的防御工事,现在是三宝颜国家博物馆。碧拉要塞图:Wikimedia C ...

• 吕宋岛


• 马洛洛斯古城(Malolos Historic Town Centre)

马洛洛斯古城(Malolos Historic Town Centre)是菲律宾第一共和国诞生地,当时正值西班牙将菲律宾割让美国的交接期,所以这里有美西混合建筑,以及19世纪末菲律宾近代史的痕迹,包含著名家族祖宅,例如前总统阿基诺夫人出身的许寰哥家族。马洛洛斯古城Barasoain Church图:Kim David / Shutterstock

• 皮拉古城(PilaHistoric Town)

皮拉古城(Pila Historic Town)是为数不多的保存西班牙殖民城市规划的城市,结构与维甘相似。Pila Church图:Shubert Ciencia/ Flickr

• Coron Island Natural Biotic Area

DescriptionCoron Island is roughly equidistant from Manila and Puerto Princessa City. The Island has a rugged topography, generally mountainous and its terrain marked by steep rock and ravines. Almost 70% of the area made up of rocky cliffs, 25% is rollin

• Mt. Iglit-Baco National Park

DescriptionThe Mts. Iglit-Baco National Park (MIBNP) was proclaimed by virtue R.A. No. 6148 dated Nov. 11, 1970. As such, it is an initial components of National Integrated Protected Areas System under. Mts. Iglit-Baco NP encompasses at least eight (8) ma

• Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park and outlying areas inclusive of the buffer zone

DescriptionThe Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park (NSMNP) is within the Sierra Madre Biogeographic Zone (SMBGZ) which lies along the eastern side of Central Luzon. The Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park (NSMNP) is one of the ten (10) priority protected ar

• El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Protected Area

DescriptionThe El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Protected Area is located on the north-western tip of the mainland of Palawan. In 1991, the Government of the Philippines proclaimed Bacuit Bay as a marine reserve. In 1998, the protected area was expanded to

• Batanes Protected landscapes and seascapes

DescriptionCharacterized by a complex of terrestrial, wetland and marine ecosystem, the Batanes group of islands consist of 10 small islands bounded by the Eashi Channel on the north, by the Pacific Ocean on the east, by the South China Sea on the west an

• Mt. Malindang Range Natural Park

DescriptionMt. Malindang is a mountain range rising from 600 meters to 2,404 meters above the mean sea level. The range covers 53, 262 hectares of which about 33,000 hectares is still covered with forest vegetation while more than 20,000 hectares is culti

• Mt. Pulag National Park

DescriptionMt. Pulag National Park lies on the north and south spine of the Grand Cordillera Central that stretches from Pasaleng, Ilocos Norte to the Cordillera Provinces. It falls within the administrative jurisdiction of two (2) Regions: Cordillera Adm

• Apo Reef Natural Park

DescriptionApo Reef is the second largest contiguous coral reef in the world and the largest one in the Philippines. The Apo Reef Natural Park consists of the three islands. Apo Reef is the largest among the three islands. It has a shallow lagoon with a d

• Chocolate Hills Natural Monument

DescriptionChocolate Hills and its immediate environs are relatively flat to rolling topography with elevation ranges from 100 m to 500 m above sea level. It has been declared the country's 3rdNational Geological Monument on June 18, 1988 in recognition o

• Neolithic Shell Midden Sites in Lal-lo and Gattaran Municipalities

DescriptionNeolithic shell midden sites are located along the banks of the Cagayan River in the Municipalities of Lal-lo and Gattaran, about 500 kilometers northeast of Manila. The shell middens are in varying sizes and extent; and made up mostly of one t

• Petroglyphs and Petrographs of the Philippines

DescriptionThese petroglyphs are of animate figures interpreted as representing juveniles or infants on a rock face in a rock shelter. The shelter is located southeast of the city of Manila, three kilometers from the town of Angono, and some 235 meters ab

• Baroque Churches of the Philippines (Extension)

Description1) Church complex of Patrocinio de Maria, Boljo-on (Cebu)The Augustinian Friars built the church of Patrocinio de Maria in the 18thcentury. The church and convent still uses clay roof tiles for its roof. The complex was a fortress church. With

• 武端考古遗址(Butuan Archeological Sites)

DescriptionIn 1975, as a result of the construction of an extensive network of large drainage channels, or esteros, to relieve Butuan City from destructive annual floods, significant amounts of archaeological artifacts were discovered that dated back to t

• Kabayan Mummy Burial Caves

DescriptionKabayan is one of the Municipality of Benguet Province in the Cordillera Mountain Ranges of northern Luzon. The municipality is recognized as a center of Ibaloi Culture. The Ibaloi, the dominant ethno-linguistic group, of Kabayan have a long tr

• Paleolithic Archaeological Sites in Cagayan Valley

DescriptionPaleolithic sites are located within theCagayan Valley Basinwhich is bordered by the Sierra Mountain range on the East; the Caraballo on the South; the Cordillera Central on the west; and the Babuyan Channel on the north.Found in two municipali

• The Tabon Cave Complex and all of Lipuun

DescriptionThe Tabon Cave Complex and all of Lipuun Point is located on the west coast of Palawan. It is located on a limestone promontory which is visible from any direction for many kilometers and honeycombed with at least 200 caves and rockshelters. Th

• Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary

DescriptionTurtle Islands is part of the Sulu Archipelago which is composed of approximately 400 islands of varying shapes and sizes. It is located at the southwestern tip of the Philippines, about 1,000 km southwest of Manila. The Protected Area is situa

• Mayon Volcano Natural Park (MMVNP)

DescriptionThe Mayon Volcano is situated in the southern part of the main island of Luzon, 500 kilometres south of Manila. Towering at a height of 2,462 meters above sea level, it is known for its perfectly conical shape whose natural beauty has inspired

• Mt. Mantalingahan Protected Landscape

DescriptionNestled in the southern part of the Palawan Man and Biosphere Reserve is the Mt. Mantalingahan Protected Landscape (MMPL), a protected area by virtue of Presidential Proclamation 1815 signed on June 23, 2009. It covers a total area of 120,457 h

• 菲律宾汉密吉伊坦山野生动物保护区

汉密吉伊坦山野生动物保护区位于菲律宾达沃区的东达沃省,建立于2003年,占地3834公顷,高于海平面75至1637米,为种类繁多的动植物提供了天然的生存环境,于2014年被列为世界自然遗产。基本资料遗产名称:汉密吉伊坦山野生动物保护区Mount Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary入选时间:2014遴选依据:自然遗产(x)地理位置:N6 43 1.81 E126 10 24.35遗产 ...

• 菲律宾普林塞萨地下河国家公园

普林塞萨地下河国家公园被列入《世界自然遗产名录》时间:1999年地理位置:位于菲律宾巴拉望省北岸圣保罗山区公园北临圣保罗湾,东靠巴布延海峡。拥有着别具特色的喀斯特岩溶地貌和地下河景观,并且还保留着丰富珍贵的原始自然生态。普林塞萨地下河国家公园被选为“新七大自然奇观”(New 7 Wonders of Nature)之一。有着长度达到8.5公里的世界上最长的可 ...

• 菲律宾图巴塔哈群礁国家公园

图巴塔哈群礁国家公园被列入《世界自然遗产名录》时间:1993年地理位置:位于菲律宾巴拉望岛普林塞萨港以东181公里的苏禄海中公园面积达332平方公里。凭借优越的自然条件这里能看到种类丰富的海洋生物,图巴塔哈群礁国家公园包括南北两个暗礁群,是一个独特的环状珊瑚岛礁,有茂密的海洋植物。图巴塔哈群礁国家公园不允许爆破捕鱼(Blast fishing),因此保 ...

• 菲律宾巴洛克式教堂群

菲律宾巴洛克式教堂群被列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1993年地理位置:4座教堂分别坐落在马尼拉、圣玛丽亚、帕瓦伊和米亚高。该教堂群是西班牙及墨西哥殖民者在16世纪至17世纪所建,因为大体顺延了欧洲巴洛克建筑风格而得名。其中以圣奥古斯丁教堂、圣玛利亚教堂、帕瓦伊教堂和米亚高教堂最为著名。教堂结构以西班牙教堂为样板,根据当地气候条件做了改动。 ...

• 菲律宾科迪勒拉山的水稻梯田

菲律宾科迪勒拉山的水稻梯田于菲律宾吕宋岛科迪勒拉山脉沿线的伊富高省,是世界最大的人造灌溉系统,1995年作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。 世界遗产委员会描述:两千年以来,伊富高山上的稻田一直是依山坡地形种植的。种植知识代代相传,神圣的传统文化与社会使这里形成了一道美丽的风景,体现了人类与环境之间的征服和融合。科迪勒拉山的水稻梯田其 ...

• 菲律宾维甘历史古城

维甘历史古城位于菲律宾南伊洛克斯省,是亚洲保存最完好的西班牙殖民城市,1999年作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。 世界遗产委员会描述:维甘始建于16世纪,是亚洲保存最完好的西班牙殖民城市。该建筑不仅反映出菲律宾其他地方的建筑风格,而且还融入了中国和欧洲的建筑特色。维甘风光秀美,有丰富的文化底蕴,在东亚和东南亚都是首屈一指的。维甘历史 ...


