
中国 陕西 河南 甘肃 新疆 青海 宁夏 西藏 四川 云南 重庆 山西 湖北 湖南 贵州 广东 广西 河北 山东 江苏 安徽 江西 浙江 福建 北京 上海 黑龙江 内蒙古 海南 吉林 辽宁 天津 香港 澳门 台湾

• 文物保护理念与实践探索——2018-2020年度优秀古迹遗址保护项目回顾活动在山东青岛举行

ICOMOS CHINA6月29日,由中国古迹遗址保护协会、山东省文化和旅游厅、青岛市人民政府主办,青岛市文化和旅游局、青岛市市南区人民政府承办的“文物保护理念与实践探索——2018-2020年度优秀古迹遗址保护项目回顾活动”在青岛举行。中国古迹遗址保护协会理事长、国家文物局副局长宋新潮作了题为《新时代文物保护的实践与探索》的主旨发言。山东省文化和旅游 ...

• 第13届ICOMOS世界土建筑遗产大会通知及论文征集

  由ICOMOS和ICOMOS国际土质建筑遗产科学委员会支持,美国盖蒂保护所、国家公园管理局“消失中的宝藏”项目和宾夕法尼亚大学斯图尔特.怀兹曼设计学院联合主办,“TERRA 2021”第13届世界土建筑遗产大会将于2021年6月8-11日在美国新墨西哥州的圣塔菲举行。大会主题为:“向后看,向前进-在保护中前行”,并分以下若干分主题:· 美国西南部及北墨西哥· ...

• 2020年度优秀古迹遗址保护项目推介活动在福建泉州举行

4月23日,由中国古迹遗址保护协会、福建省文物局、泉州市人民政府主办,泉州市文化广电和旅游局承办的2020年度优秀古迹遗址保护项目推介活动在泉州举行。国家文物局、中国古迹遗址保护协会、福建省文物局、泉州市政府等部门,中国古迹遗址保护协会专家和会员单位代表,以及福建省、泉州市文物保护相关单位人员共100余人参加了活动。活动中,中国古迹遗址保 ...

• 2020年度优秀古迹遗址保护项目推介

为总结推广文物保护项目优秀案例和先进经验,加强示范引领,促进全国文物保护项目整体水平提升,在国家文物局统筹指导下,中国古迹遗址保护协会主办了2020年度优秀古迹遗址保护项目宣传推介活动。经广泛征集、初步审核、现场调研、终审研究等环节,最终向全行业推荐出四个优秀项目,包括:1、山西临汾尧都区东羊后土庙修缮项目,2、福建厦门鼓浪屿日本领事 ...

• 中式营造丨寻踪唐长安大明宫遗址含元殿区域

大明宫遗址公园一般指大明宫国家遗址公园  大明宫国家遗址公园是世界文化遗产,全国重点文物保护单位。位于陕西省西安市太华南路,大明宫地处长安城北部的龙首原上,始建于唐太宗贞观八年(634年),平面略呈梯形。  大明宫是唐帝国最宏伟壮丽的宫殿建筑群,也是当时世界上面积最大的宫殿建筑群,是唐朝的国家象征,初建于唐太宗贞观八年,毁于唐末,面 ...

• 中式营造丨寻踪中国现存金代木结构古建筑

金代建筑概况:金朝立国后,先建都上京会宁府(今黑龙江阿城),迁中都大兴府(今北京,见金中都),最后迁至南京开封府。中都建设规模宏伟,宫殿用汉白玉为台基栏杆,绿琉璃瓦,色彩强烈,装饰华丽,奠定了元、明宫殿建筑的基本风格。现存重要的金代建筑有大同善化寺的三圣殿和山门,五台佛光寺文殊殿,朔州崇福寺,繁峙岩山寺等。后者还保存大幅金代壁画 ...

• 中式营造丨寻踪中国现存宋代木结构古建筑

宋代建筑,泛指在960年至1279年的宋朝统治时期,于北宋及南宋境内的建筑,一如以往的朝代,继承著前朝的建筑营造传统 。宋朝在经济、手工业和科学技术方面都有发展,使得宋代的建筑师、木匠、技工、工程师、斗栱体系、建筑构造与造型技术达到了很高的水平。建筑方式也日渐趋向系统化与模块化,建筑物慢慢出现了自由多变的组合,并且绽放出成熟的风格并且拥 ...

• Ancient Shu civilization reveals unsolved mysteries

Exploration of museums in ancient Shu ---- unsolved mysteries of thousand-year-old relicsThe ancient Shu civilization, originating in Sichuan and environs through the early Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), is an ancient civilization distinct from th

• 中式营造 | 寻踪中国现存五代十国时期木结构古建筑

五代十国并非指一个朝代,而是指一个特殊的历史时期,五代十国(907~960年),一般是指介于唐末宋初的这一段历史时期。五代指的是后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周五个次第更迭的政权。十国指五代之外相继出现的十个割据政权:前蜀、后蜀、吴、南唐、吴越、闽、楚、南汉、南平(即荆南)、北汉,统称十国。关于五代十国的年限,一说为:北宋灭亡北汉时是公元97 ...

• 中式营造 | 寻踪中国现存唐代木结构古建筑

唐朝(公元618-907年)是中国封建社会经济文化发展的高潮时期,建筑技术和艺术也有巨大发展。历史上唐朝建筑的风格特点是气魄宏伟,严整开朗。建筑发展到了一个成熟的时期,形成了一个完整的建筑体系。它规模宏大,气势磅礴,形体俊美,庄重大方,整齐而不呆板,华美而不纤巧,舒展而不张扬,古朴却富有活力,正是当时时代精神的完美体现。  我国现存最 ...

• 茶文化景观保护研究和可持续发展国际研讨会在云南澜沧成功召开


• Old Summer Palace gate area being restored

Officials in charge of the Old Summer Palace in northwestern Beijing have announced plans to refurbish one of the original landmarks of the Imperial Garden which had – until recently – been lost to time.Announcing on Monday the results of an archaeologica

• New archaeological discoveries in China from 2018

Qingtang Site in Yingde city, Guangdong province. The Archaeological Forum of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing announced six new archaeological discoveries in China in 2018 on Thursday, including Qingtang Site in Yingde city, Guangdong pr

• Guardian of Dunhuang murals shares secrets of heritage protection

In 366 AD in Dunhuang, China, the monk Lezun excavated the first cave that comprises the Mogao Grottoes. Protecting the Dunhuang murals is now a race against time.Let the guardian of the murals share secrets of heritage protection and tell you about how p

• 征稿通知丨中国观察:文物保护与利用学术研讨会

中国观察文物保护与利用学术研讨会2016年全国文物工作会上,总书记对文物工作作出“努力走出一条符合国情的文物保护利用之路”的重要指示。这一命题的提出,事关优秀传统文化资源的保护传承,事关中华文化的伟大复兴以及对外传播,引起了相关行业和部门的高度重视。为深入贯彻落实总书记的重要指示精神,在国家文物局的支持下,中国文化遗产研究院申报了国家社科基金项目“符合国情的文物保护利用之路研究”,经全国哲 ...

• New discoveries in Xinjiang awe archaeologists

47 heritage sites and more than 70 pieces of relics were found at the middle and lower reaches of the Keriya River in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. Recently, 47 heritage sites and more than 70 pieces of relics were found at the middl

• 他山之石——国际文物保护利用理论与实践 学术研讨会通知

“第二轮”为了积极配合2017年国家社会科学基金特别委托项目“符合国情的文物保护利用之路研究”(批准号为:17@ZH018)的开展,中国文化遗产研究院拟于2018年7月23-24日在北京召开“国际文物保护利用理论与实践学术研讨会”,交流研讨近年来相关重要国际组织、文物保护强国邻国以及与我国文物资源相似国家在遗产认知、保护理念、保护管理、展示利用、研究传播等方面的发展趋势,探讨与之相关的社会经济文化背景与影响要素,探索对 ...

• Multimedia technology shines new light on Dunhuang culture

Visitors look at reproduced work of the 285th Cave of the Mogao Grottoes.Exhibition titledDigital Dunhuang, the Story of Heaven and Earthopened at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum on July 10, alluring visitors to savor the splendid Dunhuang culture.Organized

• Jiaojia relics displayed at National Museum

An exhibition featuring Jiaojia relics was unveiled at the National Museum of China on July 10. The exhibition consists of over 230 artifacts, most of which come from the Zhangqiu Jiaojia ruins in Shandong province. The heritage site was listed as a top 1

• Tomb complex reveals ancient relics in Henan province

Archaeologists excavate at the Shangshihe village tombs in Sanmenxia city, Henan province, June 30, 2018.After more than three months of archaeological excavation, the Shangshihe village in Sanmenxia city of Henan province has unearthed 21 rectangle verti

• Tomb complex reveals ancient relics in Henan province

Tomb complex reveals ancient relics in Henan provinceFrom:china.org NetWriter:Date:2018-07-03After more than three months of archaeological excavation, the Shangshihe village in Sanmenxia city of Henan province has unearthed 21 rectangle vertical pit tomb

• China elected member of the Intergovernmental Committee of UNESCO 2003 Convention

Yu Qun,member of the leadership of China's Ministry of Culture and Tourism, casts his vote. China was elected member of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage at the 7th session of the General Assembly of

• Guangdong exhibit highlights sea trade on ancient Silk Road

More than 300 cultural treasures unearthed from the 13th and 14th centuries are exhibited at the Guangdong Museum in South China's Guangzhou city, illustrating the prosperous ceramic trade in East Asia along the ancient maritime Silk Road. Items on displa

• Replicas of Mogao Grottoes on display in Shanghai

An exhibition featuring replicas of the renowned Mogao Grottoes is underway at the Shanghai Tower, the tallest building in China. In the next 10 months, visitors will be able to have a close look at three life-size replicas of the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang,

• China publishes Dunhuang manuscripts housed overseas

The largest and best preserved cave from the Western Wei Dynasty (Mogao Cave 285). Ancient Dunhuang manuscripts housed abroad have been edited and published by the Institute for Overseas National Literature of Northwest Minzu University since 2006. Up til

• China's top 10 archaeological discoveries in 2017

The Tongtiandong relics in Jeminay, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region -- Paleolithic, up to 45,000 years ago. In a cave at the crossroads of China, Central Asia and Europe, archeologists found remains dating back 3,500 to 45,000 years.It is the first Paleo

• Hangzhou exhibit highlights flourishing Tang Dynasty

A visitor takes a photo of a Tang Dynasty silver sachet decorated with grape, flower and bird patterns at the Southern Song Dynasty Guan Kiln Museum in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, April 3, 2018.The exhibitionChang'an in Spring: Access the Flourishing Tan

• Painting exhibition opens window into Han culture

The rubbing of a brick portrait at the China Qingdao Han Portrait Brick Museum depicts a group of diplomatic envoys in the Han Dynasty. For most people interested in the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), an era known in Chinese history for its prosperity and i

• Two sessions focus on cultural heritage protection

National Treasure and Every Treasure Tells a Story.Some hit cultural variety shows, includingNational Treasure and Every Treasure Tells a Story, have rekindled Chinese people's passion for traditional culture and offered them a new approach to learn about

• Afghan cultural relics exhibited in SW China's Chengdu

People visit an exhibition entitledThe Echo of Civilization – Ancient Treasures from Afghanistanat the Chengdu Museum in Chengdu, capital of Southwest China's Sichuan province, on Feb 28, 2017. The exhibit showcases more than 231 sets of relics from the N

• Tang Dynasty relics exhibited in E China's Hangzhou

A Tang Dynasty gold coffin is displayed at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum in Hangzhou, Feb 27, 2017. An exhibition featuring Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) cultural relics is being held at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum in Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhe

• Ancient Roman relics to be displayed in SW China

Staff members install a Pompeii sculpture at the Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum, Feb 5. The exhibitionPompeii, the Infinite Lifefeaturing ancient Roman relics will open at the Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum in Chengdu, capital of Southwest China's Sichuan provinc

• Dog-themed exhibition held at national museum in Beijing

A dog-themed relics exhibition opened at the National Museum of China in Beijing, on Jan 30, 2017. More than 100 precious relics and artifacts including traditional painting, paper-cuts, jade sculptures and Lunar New Year's paintings have been chosen for

• Afghan ancient treasures on display in Chengdu

An exhibition, entitledThe Echo of Civilization – Ancient Treasures from Afghanistan, opens at the Chengdu Museum in Chengdu, capital of Southwest China’s Sichuan province, Feb 1, 2017. The exhibit showcases more than 231 sets of relics from the National

• 【国际文件】德里宣言——遗产与民主

清源文化遗产微信号 mobiheritage国际古迹遗址理事会第19届大会于2017年12月11至15日在印度德里召开,本次大会的最重要成果,是通过了《关于遗产与民主的德里宣言》。清源和中国古迹遗址保护协会(ICOMOS China)对本次大会进行了协同报道,接下来清源还会发布对本次大会的特约评论,以及跟大家分享本届大会ICOMOS科学委员会发布的最新行业导则。欢迎大家持续关注!《关于遗产与民主的

• 【联合快报】ICOMOS 文化景观、阐释展示等科学委员会召开会议

图/文化景观委员会会议现场清源文化遗产微信号 mobiheritage*本期由清源文化遗产与中国古迹遗址保护协会(ICOMOS China)联合报道ICOMOS下设28个科学委员会,是特定遗产研究领域交流的平台。每届ICOMOS全体代表大会,各科学委员会代表也会汇聚一堂,讨论其领域内重要议题。正在印度德里召开ICOMOS第19届全体会议上,多个科学委员会召开了年会,ICOMOS China的代表参

• Tomb frescos go on display in Shanghai

Fresco from ancient tombs in Shanxi province. A total of 89 frescos from ancient tombs, divided into 12 groups, are being displayed at an exhibition unveiled at the Shanghai Museum on Wednesday.The frescos are from Shanxi Museum's collections, covering pi

• Oracle bones added to UNESCO world memory register

Chinese oracle-bone inscriptions Chinese oracle-bone inscriptions were recently included in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register.Oracle-bone inscriptionsare the earliest documental evidence found in China, excavated from the Yin ruins in Anyang city, C

• Top 10 cultural relics from Haihunhou tomb

The jade seal that belonged to Liu He. The top 10 cultural relics of Haihunhou ruins in Nanchang city were revealed recently, with Emperor Liu He's jade seal, chime and gold wares being selected.The 2,000-year-old tomb of Haihunhou (the Marquis of Haihun)

• Chongqing unearths 27 ancient tombs

An aerial view of the ancient tombs in Zhong county, Southwest China's Chongqing. Twenty-seven ancient tombs have been unearthed in Zhong county, Southwest China's Chongqing, during a three-month excavation covering an area of 1,600 square meters.These si

• Dunhuang murals show ancient traditions of Chongyang Festival

A mural from the Mogao Cave 61 shows a celebration scene at Wutai Mountain during Chongyang Festival. The Dunhuang Research Academy has released a batch of Dunhuang murals showing the ancient folk scene of the Chongyang Festival, or Double Ninth Festival,

• Large-scale ruins found in Sichuan

This photo shows the archaeological excavation site in the Anning river valley area of Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture in Southwest China's Sichuan province on Oct 11, 2017. Large scale ruins of semi-subterranean dwellings have been discovered in the A

• Discover treasures from Maritime Silk Road in Nanjing

A blue and red porcelain jar is on display at the Nanjing Museum, Sept 28. An exhibition,China and the World: Seacraft and Porcelain Exhibition along the Maritime Silk Road, opened at the Nanjing Museum on Sept 28.Featuring the shipwrecks and porcelains f

• Thangka art exhibition held in Beijing

An exhibition of Thangkaartis heldat the Cultural Palace of Nationalities inBeijingfrom Sept 2 to 6, 2017. The exhibit showcases more than 120 Thangka art works created by 100 masters from Tibet autonomous region, Qinghai, Sichuan and Gansu provinces.Than

• Northern Song Dynasty mural tomb found in Shanxi

An ancient brick tomb painted with colored murals from Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) was discovered in Shanxi when a villager was renovating his old residence in Yuanjiazhuang village, Jifeng town, Jishan county, Shanxi province.2017-08-31 13:48:04 (来自

• Exhibition celebrates rich history of 'blanc de Chine'

HeartSutra, by Xu Ruifeng. For nearly 1,000 years, mountainous Dehua county in Fujian province has been producing ivory-white porcelain.When pieces were exported in large quantities to Europe via the Maritime Silk Road between the 17th and 18th centuries,

• 'Tea Horse Road' cultural relics on display in N China

A bronze unicorn from the AncientTeaHorse Road is on display at the Hebei Museum in Shijiazhuang, on Aug 3. A cultural relics exhibition from the Ancient Tea Horse Road opened at the Hebei Museum in Shijiazhuang, capital of North China's Hebei province, o

• World's largest bronze drum excavated in Guangxi

A visitor looks at a bronze drum on display at the Anthropology Museum of Guangxi in Nanning, capital of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, on July 25, 2017. The drum with cloud and thunder patterns was excavated in Beiliu, a city in the autonomous region.

• Luxury noble vehicles unearthed in Henan

Three vehicles have been earthed from the Zheng State No 3 pit in Xinzheng city, Central China's Henan province, after five months' excavation. One of the vehicles included a large carriage for ancient high officials or nobles.

• Taipei Palace Museum offers more than 70,000 pictures for free downloading

A photo of calligraphy downloaded from the Taipei Palace Museum's official website Taipei's Palace Museum has put more than 70,000 pictures online, which people can download for free. All the pictures are available on the "Open Data" section of


