
丝绸之路文化遗产 丝绸之路:长安天山廊道的路网 丝绸之路:泽拉夫尚-卡拉库姆廊道 丝路预备遗产点 丝路相关世界遗产 丝绸之路:费尔干纳—锡尔河廊道
文物保护单位 省级文物保护单位 市县级文物保护单位
国家 哈萨克斯坦 吉尔吉斯斯坦 乌兹别克斯坦 土库曼斯坦 塔吉克斯坦
世界遗产 跨国遗产
遗产专题 海上丝绸之路遗产点 泉州:宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心 长城及烽燧 万里茶道
考古时期 青铜时代 铁器时代

• 桑加沙古城遗址 Sanjar shakh settlement

桑加沙(Sanjar Shah)古城遗址桑加沙古城遗址位于塔吉克斯坦彭吉肯特市东11公里处,地处泽拉夫善河与其支流交汇处东侧山前台地上,南倚西天山,北临河谷陡崖,东西为沟谷,地势险峻。桑加沙古城发现于1947年,并做了简单的地形测绘,当时测量师在古城东南角大门附近还可以观察到一个迷宫式建筑,现已消失。1974年,古城被当地开发商严重破坏。该城址据说 ...

• 库姆要塞Kum Settlement

库姆要塞,位于穆格山堡垒以南 6 公里处的古老山区粟特聚落库姆,至今仍保留着它古老的名字。库姆要塞,2014年9月航拍。 它位于一座小山上,位于库姆现代定居点的北郊。根据历史学家雅库博夫的说法,库姆是帕尔加尔的主要军事据点——这是古代泽拉夫善上游这个山区的名字(参考《7-8 世纪的帕尔加尔》。雅库博夫著)。 根据对幸存建筑墙体和建筑学家 ...

• 穆格山城堡遗址Сastle on Mount Mugh

穆格山城堡遗址 : 8世纪初中亚粟特城堡遗址。位于泽拉夫善河上游该河与库马河合流处的穆格山上(塔吉克斯坦札赫马塔巴德区内)。“穆格”在塔吉克语中意为“王”。该堡当是片治肯特粟特王公季华什契奇的一座要塞,722年被阿拉伯军攻毁。1933年苏联考古学家A·A·弗列依曼主持发掘。城堡建在穆格山顶西南角上,四面有石基土坯堡墙环绕。在石铺台基上,东西并列五 ...

• 希索纳克定居点遗址Khisorak settlement

Khisorak settlement N 39° 26' 29,365", E 69° 41' 8,006"TJ-01 Khisorak settlementIt is the most highland urban monument (above 7 ha) in Central Asia, 2250 m above sea level, with outstanding preservation of the architecture of the 7th– 8thcenturi

• Silk Roads: Zarafshan-Karakum Corridor (Tajikistan)

DescriptionThe Silk Roads extended over 6500 km and connected East, South, and Western Asia with the Mediterranean and European world and served as historical network of interlinking trade routes, intercultural dialogue, exchange of traditions, sciences,

• 彭吉卡特古城Bunjikat

ame of individual Silk Roads component part: Ancient Town BunjikatBrief description of the object-component:Bunjikat City (remains of the ancient town Kalai Kahkaha I, II, III), the capital of Ustrushana existed in the VII - X cc. AD. It consisted of an a

• 塔吉克斯坦的丝绸之路遗产点Silk Roads Sites in Tajikistan

Date of Submission:15/01/2013Criteria:(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)Category:CulturalSubmitted by:National Commission for UNESCO Republic of TajikistanRef.:5790Justification of Outstanding Universal ValueThe Silk Roads are routes of integration, exchange and dialogue b

• Yamchun Castle(Yamtuch)

8. Name of individual Silk Roads component part: Yamchun CastleBrief description of the object-component:Yamchun Castle is a form of a triangle in plan. The length of the lower base is 470 m, the longest side is the north-east part with 775 m of length. T

• Khoja-Mashad

6. Name of individual Silk Roads component part: Madrasa Khoja MashadBrief description of the object-component:Madrasa Khoja Mashad was built in IX - XII cc. The layout composition consists of a rectangular courtyard of 40 x 31 m size, with a number of ro

• 呼布克古城遗址Ancient Town Khulbuk

7. Name of individual Silk Roads component part: Ancient Town KhulbukBrief description of the object-component:The palace complex and the residence of the Khuttalya rulers existed in the IX - XII cc. Its area is 300 x 50 - 650 x 10 - 15 m and compositiona

• 希萨尔城堡Hissar Castle

3. Name of individual Silk Roads component part: Hissar CastleBrief description of the object-component:Hissar Castle functioned from XIV to early XX cc. According to the written sources, Timur's arsenal located in Hissar and there was the residence of on

• 片治肯特古城Ancient Penjikent

塔吉克斯坦片治肯特古城Ancient PenjikentName of individual Silk Roads component part: Ancient PenjikentBrief description of the object-component:The town of Ancient Penjikent consists of an arch with three belts of fortifications, shakhristan, enclosed by a fortress

• 阿吉纳特佩(Ajina Tepa)佛教寺院遗址

阿吉纳特佩(AjinaTepa)佛教 寺院 遗址阿吉纳特佩(Ajina Tepa)佛教寺院遗址阿吉纳特佩佛教寺院遗址地处瓦赫什盆地腹地,西北距塔吉克斯坦库尔干秋别市7.6公里。周围地势平坦开阔,东邻灌溉渠道,北距瓦赫什河9公里。自1953年起,塔吉克斯坦科学院历史学、考古学和人类学研究所在瓦赫什谷地进行了广泛、系统的调査,并于1959年发现该佛教寺院遗址。1960-1 ...


