
丝绸之路文化遗产 丝绸之路:长安天山廊道的路网 丝绸之路:泽拉夫尚-卡拉库姆廊道 丝路预备遗产点 丝路相关世界遗产 丝绸之路:费尔干纳—锡尔河廊道
文物保护单位 省级文物保护单位 市县级文物保护单位
国家 哈萨克斯坦 吉尔吉斯斯坦 乌兹别克斯坦 土库曼斯坦 塔吉克斯坦
世界遗产 跨国遗产
遗产专题 海上丝绸之路遗产点 泉州:宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心 长城及烽燧 万里茶道
考古时期 青铜时代 铁器时代

• 海南热带雨林和黎族传统聚落

“海南热带雨林和黎族传统聚落”提名地位于中国海南岛中南部,是诸多全球濒危物种和海南岛特有物种的庇护所,也是海南岛世居的黎族人民在历史上适应当地特殊自然条件,建立人与自然和谐关系的舞台。海南热带雨林是我国生物多样性分布最集中、保存最完好、连片面积最大的雨林生态系统,是全球生物多样性分布热点地区之一,也是重点鸟区集中地和零灭绝联盟保 ...

• 福建闽江河口湿地:海、陆生物地理过渡带

闽江河口湿地位于福州市长乐区东北部闽江入海口,由鳝鱼滩、蝙蝠洲、道庆洲、塔礁洲等众多湿地组成,面积200多平方公里,其中核心地带国家级自然保护区面积21平方公里。这片水草丰茂的滨海湿地,既让高速发展的福建省会福州能够畅快“呼吸”,又让人们可以随时欣赏芦苇飘荡、候鸟翩跹的自然之美,拥有极高的生态价值。国际《湿地公约》科学技术委员会主席 ...

• Bozok

Bozok (X-XII 世纪)Bozok的中世纪定居点是最近在哈萨克斯坦的阿斯塔纳市的首都附近发现的定居点。 该城市的原始名称仍然未知,Bozok的名称是靠近它的湖泊的名称。 该定居点有人居住的时期,此时该地区是前蒙古时期Kypchak州的一部分。 这座城市位于湖的东侧,有三个区,周围有一堵墙和几条沟。 考古发掘发现了一些房屋,每个房屋内都有几处房屋。The medie ...

• Zhuan tobe

Zhuan tobe (I-IX centuries)Zhuan tobe的定居点在20世纪50年代的考古学家中是众所周知的。 该定居点位于Borizhary墓地附近。 陶瓷碎片是该遗址领域的主要考古发现。 高度集中的一些定居点表明了这一地区对丝绸之路商业发展的重要性。 该定居点具有双重结构:中央部分由高架区域和几个kurgans组成,围绕中心部分形成一个圆圈。 该市的总面积为380x380米。T ...

• Chirik-Rabat

Chirik-Rabat (公元前V-II世纪和十二世纪)Chirik-Rabat的定居点距离现代城市Kzylorda有300公里,位于Kyzyl-kum沙漠中部,于20世纪40年代被发现。 古城的领土位于椭圆形的高架区域,长850米,宽600米。 考古发掘揭示了两个不同时期的强化体系:公元前七世纪和在十二世纪的短暂时期的继续工作。 这座城市周围有一条长40米,深4.5米的沟渠,有坚固的城墙和塔 ...

• Borizhary

Borizhary的墓地是哈萨克斯坦南部地区最大的墓地,位于Arys河左岸,距离13公里。 墓地的长度有时会达到1-2公里。 河岸被数百只形成单一的库尔干人所居住。 该定居点的总面积约为2100公顷。 对该领土的科学探索表明,难以在彼此远离的地点之间建立任何联系。 由于一些单独的库尔干人居住于主要领土之外,因此该墓地的领土可能更大。 地球物理研究工作表明, ...

• 巴兰迪Balandy

巴兰迪(公元前四世纪的IV-II)Balandy古老的建筑群包括一座堡垒和两座陵墓,距离Aral Sea地区的Chirik-Rabat有40公里。 考古发掘表明,在古代,陵墓遭到严重破坏。 然而,他们发现了一些新的墓室。 在该建筑群的相邻区域,确定了另外18个陵墓。Balandy (IV-II centuries BC)The ancient complex of Balandy includes a fortress and two mausoleums situa ...

• 土耳其斯坦Turkestan

土耳其斯坦(VIII-XIX世纪)土耳其斯坦的定居点(八世纪的Shavgar和十二世纪后的Yassu)是土耳其斯坦绿洲的首都。 在十二世纪,由于伊斯兰圣徒Khoja Ahmed Yassawi,这座城市变得特别有名。 该定居点位于现代同名城市的中心。 城市西北部的城堡被第一堵墙包围,而城市的总面积约为35公顷。 据考古资料显示,该定居点在十九世纪仍在继续有人居住。 在中世纪 ...

• Sygnak

Sygnak (X-XVIII centuries)在十世纪的历史资料中首次提到了这一定居点。 从十二世纪开始,这座城市就是Kypchak州的首府。 1219年蒙古人入侵期间,该地遭到严重破坏。 蒙古军队占领城市后这里经历了长期的衰退期,Sygnak仅在十四世纪下半叶成为Ak Orda州的政治中心。 在十六至十八世纪,该城市由哈萨克统治者统治,是下斯里达里亚地区最大的中心城市。 该 ...

• 索兰Sauran

索兰(十二至十八世纪)首先提到Sauran的定居时期是X世纪。 然而,在蒙古前时期的定居点的位置是指距离Sauran晚3公里的Karatobe定居点。 在十四世纪,这座城市是Ak-Orda州的首府。 在任何时候,索兰都以其强大的防御工事和十六至十七世纪的伊斯兰教学校(15米高的尖塔)而闻名。 Sauran定居点的一个特点是灌溉渠道系统(kyariz)在定居点附近领土的航空照 ...

• 西达克Sidak

Sidak (V-XII centuries)© The National Commission of Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO / SidakThe settlement of Sidak is situated in 18 km from the modern city of Turkestan and represents a typical settlement of the early medieval period. The cent

• 讹答剌Otrar Oasis

在北部,Otrar绿洲位于土耳其斯坦和塔什干绿洲附近。 绿洲包括Buzuk,Oliktobe,Aysentobe和Aykol等几个定居点。 绿洲的总面积从北到南53公里,从西到东54公里。 绿洲的不同定居点形成了几个微型绿洲。 其中最大的位于Otrar市周围。 其中一些遗址在III-IV世纪左右开始形成。 在XII-XV世纪,大多数地点变得边缘化,而Otrar一直有人居住到十八世纪。 Otrar绿 ...

• Kesken-Kuyuk kala

Ammianus Marcellinus在四世纪以Khavrana的名义首次提到Kesken-Kuyuk kala或Dzhuvara定居点。它是位于现在干涸的Syrdarya山谷南岸的最大勘探区。这座城市周围有一堵墙,现在大约有两米,有一座城堡,大小为210×210米。考古发掘揭示了两个建筑时期:第一个是第十到十二世纪,第二个时期是第七至第九世纪。早期建筑几乎完全被毁坏,而后期建筑则显示出许多 ...

• Kul tobe

十世纪的阿拉伯来源将该定居点确定为位于塔拉斯山谷山区的一个相对较小的城市。古老的定居点也被称为Aktobe Orlovskoe。这是一个考古发掘的成果,已经确定了它的繁荣时期。Kul tobe (VII-XII centuries)© The National Commission of Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO / Kul TobeArab sources of X century identify the settlement as a re

• Dzhetyasar Oasis

Dzhetyasar的领土位于Syrdarya河的下游河岸,体现了独特的古代定居点和Dzhetyasar文化的墓地,这可能与Kangju州的人口有关。 该地区的所有定居点都是人口密集的城堡中。 这些定居点周围有许多墓地(总共740个库尔坎人),这些墓地有许多非常有趣的发现,如服装碎片、陶瓷等。

• Ancient settlement of Zhankent

Zhankent或Yangikent是“沼泽定居点”的中心,位于现代城市Kazalinsk附近现在咸海已经干涸的土地上。 在十世纪,Ibn Hawqal将Yangikent市确定为Oghuz州的首府,并成为该时期Syrdarya地区最大的定居点。 这个城市的战略性处置,靠近中亚的一些绿洲定居点,解释了在那里设立奥古兹统治者首都的原因。 该定居点的领土几乎呈矩形,中央区域高度为100x100米,周 ...

• Coron Island Natural Biotic Area

DescriptionCoron Island is roughly equidistant from Manila and Puerto Princessa City. The Island has a rugged topography, generally mountainous and its terrain marked by steep rock and ravines. Almost 70% of the area made up of rocky cliffs, 25% is rollin

• Mt. Iglit-Baco National Park

DescriptionThe Mts. Iglit-Baco National Park (MIBNP) was proclaimed by virtue R.A. No. 6148 dated Nov. 11, 1970. As such, it is an initial components of National Integrated Protected Areas System under. Mts. Iglit-Baco NP encompasses at least eight (8) ma

• Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park and outlying areas inclusive of the buffer zone

DescriptionThe Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park (NSMNP) is within the Sierra Madre Biogeographic Zone (SMBGZ) which lies along the eastern side of Central Luzon. The Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park (NSMNP) is one of the ten (10) priority protected ar

• El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Protected Area

DescriptionThe El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Protected Area is located on the north-western tip of the mainland of Palawan. In 1991, the Government of the Philippines proclaimed Bacuit Bay as a marine reserve. In 1998, the protected area was expanded to

• Batanes Protected landscapes and seascapes

DescriptionCharacterized by a complex of terrestrial, wetland and marine ecosystem, the Batanes group of islands consist of 10 small islands bounded by the Eashi Channel on the north, by the Pacific Ocean on the east, by the South China Sea on the west an

• Mt. Malindang Range Natural Park

DescriptionMt. Malindang is a mountain range rising from 600 meters to 2,404 meters above the mean sea level. The range covers 53, 262 hectares of which about 33,000 hectares is still covered with forest vegetation while more than 20,000 hectares is culti

• Mt. Pulag National Park

DescriptionMt. Pulag National Park lies on the north and south spine of the Grand Cordillera Central that stretches from Pasaleng, Ilocos Norte to the Cordillera Provinces. It falls within the administrative jurisdiction of two (2) Regions: Cordillera Adm

• Apo Reef Natural Park

DescriptionApo Reef is the second largest contiguous coral reef in the world and the largest one in the Philippines. The Apo Reef Natural Park consists of the three islands. Apo Reef is the largest among the three islands. It has a shallow lagoon with a d

• Chocolate Hills Natural Monument

DescriptionChocolate Hills and its immediate environs are relatively flat to rolling topography with elevation ranges from 100 m to 500 m above sea level. It has been declared the country's 3rdNational Geological Monument on June 18, 1988 in recognition o

• Neolithic Shell Midden Sites in Lal-lo and Gattaran Municipalities

DescriptionNeolithic shell midden sites are located along the banks of the Cagayan River in the Municipalities of Lal-lo and Gattaran, about 500 kilometers northeast of Manila. The shell middens are in varying sizes and extent; and made up mostly of one t

• Petroglyphs and Petrographs of the Philippines

DescriptionThese petroglyphs are of animate figures interpreted as representing juveniles or infants on a rock face in a rock shelter. The shelter is located southeast of the city of Manila, three kilometers from the town of Angono, and some 235 meters ab

• Baroque Churches of the Philippines (Extension)

Description1) Church complex of Patrocinio de Maria, Boljo-on (Cebu)The Augustinian Friars built the church of Patrocinio de Maria in the 18thcentury. The church and convent still uses clay roof tiles for its roof. The complex was a fortress church. With

• 武端考古遗址(Butuan Archeological Sites)

DescriptionIn 1975, as a result of the construction of an extensive network of large drainage channels, or esteros, to relieve Butuan City from destructive annual floods, significant amounts of archaeological artifacts were discovered that dated back to t

• Kabayan Mummy Burial Caves

DescriptionKabayan is one of the Municipality of Benguet Province in the Cordillera Mountain Ranges of northern Luzon. The municipality is recognized as a center of Ibaloi Culture. The Ibaloi, the dominant ethno-linguistic group, of Kabayan have a long tr

• Paleolithic Archaeological Sites in Cagayan Valley

DescriptionPaleolithic sites are located within theCagayan Valley Basinwhich is bordered by the Sierra Mountain range on the East; the Caraballo on the South; the Cordillera Central on the west; and the Babuyan Channel on the north.Found in two municipali

• The Tabon Cave Complex and all of Lipuun

DescriptionThe Tabon Cave Complex and all of Lipuun Point is located on the west coast of Palawan. It is located on a limestone promontory which is visible from any direction for many kilometers and honeycombed with at least 200 caves and rockshelters. Th

• Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary

DescriptionTurtle Islands is part of the Sulu Archipelago which is composed of approximately 400 islands of varying shapes and sizes. It is located at the southwestern tip of the Philippines, about 1,000 km southwest of Manila. The Protected Area is situa

• Mayon Volcano Natural Park (MMVNP)

DescriptionThe Mayon Volcano is situated in the southern part of the main island of Luzon, 500 kilometres south of Manila. Towering at a height of 2,462 meters above sea level, it is known for its perfectly conical shape whose natural beauty has inspired

• Mt. Mantalingahan Protected Landscape

DescriptionNestled in the southern part of the Palawan Man and Biosphere Reserve is the Mt. Mantalingahan Protected Landscape (MMPL), a protected area by virtue of Presidential Proclamation 1815 signed on June 23, 2009. It covers a total area of 120,457 h

• The Site of Tosor

TheTosor site on the route, which served as a fortress between two large cities of the area: Barshan and Ton (Тun, Dun). It is on the western end of Tosor village, in 200 m to the north from Balykchi-Karakol road. It has square form with sides 100х100m, o

• Wadi Feiran

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Two citadels in Sinai from the Saladin period (Al-Gundi and Phataoh's island)

Description  Historical framework:Saladin (Salah ad-din al Ayyubi) the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty (1174-1260) is one of the greatest sovereigns in the history of Islam. In 1171, he managed to put

• The monasteries of the Arab Desert and Wadi Natrun

Description  A/ The Monasteries of the Arab Desert:Arid and mountainous, the Arab Desert stretches its great lonely spaces from the Nile Valley to the Red Sea. The monasteries of St. Anthony and of St

• The An-Nakhl fortress, a stage on the pilgrimage route to Mecca

Description  The pilgrimage to MeccaThe greatest dream of a pious Moslem, whether he be African, Asian, European, of Arab culture or not, a Sunnite or a Shiite, is to tread on the very same sacred gro

• Temple of Serabit Khadem

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Temple of Hator built by Ramses III

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Southern and Smaller Oases, the Western Desert

Description  Site # 1: Kharga OasisKharga Oasis occupies a depression in the southern part of the Western Desert of Egypt, extending for some 180 x 15-30 km in a north-south direction, at about 200 km

• Siwa archaeological area

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Rutho Monastery

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Ras Mohammed

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Raoudha nilometre in Cairo

Description  ·Egypt, the gift of the NileEgypt would not exist without the river and its periodical flooding which regulated life, work in the fields, religious and civil feastdays.The banks flooded b

• Pharaonic temples in Upper Egypt from the Ptolemaic and Roman periods

Description  Chronology:The four Pharaonic temples of Dendera, Esna, Edfu and Kom Ombo, apart from their geographical location, all belong to the Ptolemaic period (dynasty of the Ptolemies, the succes

• Pharaon Island

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Oasis of Fayoum, hydraulic remains and ancient cultural landscapes

Description  Physically, the Oasis corresponds to a depression dug in the limestone rock with a surface area of about 17.000 km2, whose bottom lies 45 m below sea level and the surrounding relief rise

• North Sinai archaeological Sites Zone

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Newibah castle

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Necropolises of Middle Egypt, from the Middle Empire to the Roman period

Description  ChronologyIn the four necropolises, the tombs can be all dated between the Middle Empire and the low Roman period over a long period of about 2500 years which chronologically is as follow

• Mountain Chains

Description  Site # 1: Yelleg, Halal, and Maghara MountainsThe mountains of Yelleg (1087 m), Halal (892 m), and Maghara (750 m), are isolated highlands of the Tih (= Wildrness) Desert of North Sinaï.

• Minia

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Kharga Oasis and the Small Southern Oases

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  Kharga as a desert crossroad over the millennia  The picture slowly emerging from the most recent studies highlights the importance of Kharga as a desert

• Historic quarters and monuments of Rosetta/Rachid

Description  Historical background:Quite a strange destiny, that of Rosetta/Rachid, the small city in the Nile Delta, surrounded by water and sand and washed by the sea. It does indeed provide a good

• Helwan Observatory

Description  It is well known that Astronomy in Egypt started a long time ago, and Egypt is considered as one of the oldest countries whose people studied astronomy. The Egyptian monuments at Nabta Pl

• Great Desert Landscapes

Description  Site # 1: The Qattara DepressionThe Qattara Deperssion in the noerthern part of the Western Desert is the largest natural closed depression of the Eastern Sahara. It is a region where sa

• Gebel Qatrani Area, Lake Qaroun Nature Reserve

Description  The fossil ancestors of monkeys (Proconsul, elephants (Moerithrium, Arsinoetherium, etc.), and other terrestrial and marshland mammals were found in other quarries near the Fayoum Depress

• El-Gendi Fortress

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• El Fayoum: Kom Aushim (Karanis), Dimai (Soknopaiounesos), Qasr Qarun (Dionysias), Batn I hrit (Theadelphia), Byahma-Medinet el Fayoum…..

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Egyptian Museum in Cairo

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  Museums are institutions regarded as centres for education, research and leisure. Throughout the whole 20th century, they have grown to become one of the

• Desert Wadis

Description  Site # 1: Wadi QenaWadi Qena, together with Wadi Allaqi, are intimately connected to the history of the Nile. Before the consolidation of the Nile configuration as we see it now, flowing

• Dahshour archaeological area

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Dahab

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Dababiya

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  The GSSP for the base of the Eocene Series is located at 1.58 m above the base of Section DBH in the Dababiya Quarry, on the east bank of the Nile River,

• Bird Migration Routes

Description  Site # 1: Lake BardawilLake Bardawil is situated on the Mediterranean coast, in the north of the Governorate of North Sinaï. It has an area of about 59,000 ha. It is a Ramsar Site (numb

• Alexandria, ancient remains and the new library

Description  In 332 BC, Alexander the Great who was welcomed as a liberator, first went to Memphis, the capital of Pharaonic Egypt, to honour the Egyptian gods and to receive the royal investiture as

• Abydos, city of pilgrimage of the Pharaohs

Description  Historical backgroundThe area was occupied by the populations of el-Amra, then of Nagada who built a prehistoric and protodynastic village which later became the city of Abdjou (Abydos is

• The castles of Mount Amel: Qalaat Al Chakif (Beaufoert castle), Qalaat Tibnin (Toron castle), Qalaat Chakra (Dubieh castle), Qalaat Deir kifa (Maron Castle), Burj Al Naoqoura (Naqoura tower)

Description  Qalaat Al Chakif (Beaufoert castle) N33 7 16.12 E35 7 54.65   Qalaat Tibnin (Toron castle) N33 11 42.25 E35 24 43.24  Qalaat Chakra (Dubieh castle) N33 11 38.97 E35 29 6.06  Qalaat Deir k

• Sacred Mount Hermon and its associated cultural monuments

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  The Mount Hermon host an outstanding complex of well-preserved archaeological sites and cultural landscape. Although this archaeological sites and temples

• Ras al-Qalaat promontory / Ras Al Natour promontory / Ras el-Mlelih Promontory

Description  Anfeh is on the coast of Northern Lebanon and is located 15 km south of Tripoli and 71 km north of Beirut. The town is extended to the west by a 400 meter promontory called Ras al-Qalaat,

• La foire internationale Rachid Karameh de Tripoli-Liban

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  La foire Internationale Rachid Karameh de Tripoli  est un exemple abouti de l’architecture du Mouvement moderne du  XXe siècle. Construite dans la capital

• L’ancienne ville de Tripoli

Comparison with other similar properties  La vieille ville du Tripoli est une ville vivante qui date de l’époque Mamelouke et montre une continuité d’occupation des constructions au fur et à mesure de

• Centre historique de Saida

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  Saida tient son nom de Saidoune, fils aîné de Canaan, petit-fils de Noé. Certains pensent que le nom provient de l’arabe sayd, qui veut dire la pêche.  Sa

• Le site archeologique de Nahr el-Kalb

Description  Le site archéologique de Nahr el Kalb est situé à 15km au nord de Beyrouth. Il a été classé par les décrets : No166/ L.R. du Novembre 1933 et No 225 du 28 Septembre 1934 sur la liste nati

• Ensemble des monuments historiques et des sites naturels du village de Menjez

Description  Menjez est un village situé sur les rives du Nahr el-Kabir, à la frontière Nord du Liban, à 130 km de la capitale Beyrouth.  Depuis les croisés le village porte le nom de « Mont Guise » a

• Temple d’Echmoun

Statements of authenticity and/or integrity  Au cours de l'époque perse, entre le VIème et le IVème siècle av. J.-C., Sidon était la principale ville de Phénicie et se distinguait par l'opulence de se

• Le centre historique de la ville de Batroun

Description  Batroun est une ville de la côte méridionale du Liban. Se situant à environ 54 km au nord de Beyrouth, elle s’étend sur un promontoire rocheux, avec une superficie de 4.68km2.  Cette vill

• Umm al-Jimal

Description  Ancient Umm al-Jimal is in the Southern Hauran plain, the semi-arid Badia region of north Jordan, a basalt plain created by prehistoric volcanic eruptions from the slopes of the Jabal

• The Sanctuary of Agios Lot, At Deir 'Ain 'Abata

Description  The site is located at the south-eastern end of the Dead Sea on a steep mountain scree slope overlooking the modern town of Safi(Biblical Zoara). It is accurately depicted as the Sanctua

• The Jordanian ḥarrah

Comparison with other similar properties  Wadi Rum - Jordan  Inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2011, Wadi Rum Protected has a special status among comparable areas; where petroglyphs, inscriptio

• Shaubak Castle (Montreal)

Description  The site is situated to the south of Kerak, and about 25 km .north of Petra.The castle of Shaubak was built on a summit of a conical hill by Crusader king Baldwin the First in AD.1115

• Qasr Bshir (a Roman Castellum)

Description  Located approximately 80 km. to the south of Amman and 15 km to the northwest of the present-day town of el-Qatrana and the same distance to the northeast of the legionary fortress o

• Qasr Al-Mushatta

Description  Qasr (Palace) Al-Mushatta, the largest and most ambitious of the Umayyad palaces in Jordan, sits incongruously today 30 km .south of the capital Amman and just north of Queen Alia Intern

• Pella (Modern Tabaqat Fahil)

Description  The large site of Pella nestles in the warm, fertile foothills of the north Jordan Valley, about 90 kilometres or an 80-minutes drive from from the capital Amman. It is directly adjacent

• Mujib Nature Reserve

Description  The Reserve lies between Wadi Zarqa Mai'n, which forms, the northern border of the reserve, and Wadi Shgeig, which forms, the southern border of the reserve. The western border lies along

• Jerash Archaeological City (Ancient Meeting Place of East and West)

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Gadara (Modern Um Qeis or Qays)

Description  The ancient classical period city of Gadara , and a member city of the Decapolis(Greek Ten Cities), is one of Jordan's most dramatic antiquities sites-both for the many substantial ruin

• Dana Biosphere Reserve

Description  The area of the reserve is approximately 300 sq kilometres. The Dana Reserve is a system of mountains and wadis, extending from the top of the eastern Rift Valley to desert lowlands of Wa

• Azraq

Description  Azraq is located in the eastern desert within Zarqa governorate. It has an area of 701;m2. Azraq Wetland Reserve was established in 1978. with an area of 12kmz. Azraq has a unique wetland

• Arab Eclecticism - Foundation and evolution of an Architectural School in the city of As-Salt (1860-1925)

Description  At the turn of the last quarter of XIX century, the city of As-Salt, at that time ruled by the Ottoman Empire, witnessed the development of an architectural movement – or school. This sch

• Al Qastal (Settlement)

Description  An Umayyad, 25 kilometres south of the Capital d complex (settlement) at the modern village of Qastal (Amman) and 100 metres west of the airport Highway .It is one of the oldest and

• Abila City (Modern Qweilbeh)

Description  The site is located about 25km.east of the Sea of Galilee(Tiberias)and about 4km. south of Wadi Yarmouk river. It surmounts the Trans Jordanian Plateau at an elevation of 440m.above sea l

• Zeynel Abidin Mosque Complex and Mor Yakup (Saint Jacob) Church

Description  This proposed nomination includes Zeynel Abidin Mosque Complex and Mor Yakup Church, exceptional testimonies of coexistence of different religions for centuries in Nusaybin (ancient Nisib

• Zerzevan Castle and Mithraeum

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  Archaeological studies in Zerzevan Castle play a very important role in understanding the Roman period of the region where two major cultures are in inter

• Yıldız Palace Complex

Description  Located on top of a steep hill overlooking the Bosphorus, the Yıldız Palace (meaning the Star Palace) was the seat of Ottoman government and the residence of Sultan Abdülhamid II for 33 y

• Yivli Minaret Mosque

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  After Antalya conquered by the Anatolian Seljuks in 1226, Yivli Minaret Mosque was built by using walls of a ruined old church which existed at the same p

• Yesemek Quarry and Sculpture Workshop

Description  The “Yesemek Quarry and Sculpture Workshop” are located 23 km Southeast of the Islahiye district on the West hills of Karatepe (Aslanlıtepe) in the Yesemek Village. The Workshop covers an


