
丝绸之路文化遗产 丝绸之路:长安天山廊道的路网 丝绸之路:泽拉夫尚-卡拉库姆廊道 丝路预备遗产点 丝路相关世界遗产 丝绸之路:费尔干纳—锡尔河廊道
文物保护单位 省级文物保护单位 市县级文物保护单位
国家 哈萨克斯坦 吉尔吉斯斯坦 乌兹别克斯坦 土库曼斯坦 塔吉克斯坦
世界遗产 跨国遗产
遗产专题 海上丝绸之路遗产点 泉州:宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心 长城及烽燧 万里茶道
考古时期 青铜时代 铁器时代

• 达斡尔景观

遗产名称:达斡尔景观(蒙古国与俄罗斯联邦共享)英文名称:Landscapes of Dauria入选时间:2017遴选依据:自然遗产 (ix)(x)地理位置:N49 55 48.8 E115 25 31.6遗产面积 : 912,624 ha缓冲区面积: 307,317 ha遗产编号:1448rev遗产坐标及名称遗产描述该遗产的主要自然价值在于其完整的草原系统(包括森林草原),散布着湿草甸和冲积平原,位于三个植物区系 ...

• 喀山克里姆林宫

喀山克里姆林宫,是鞑靼斯坦的主要城堡,坐落于首府喀山。依伊凡雷帝旨意,在喀山汗国原城堡遗址上修建。该遗址是俄罗斯境内唯一的一座幸存下来的鞑靼城堡,不仅如此,它还是一处重要的朝拜场所。2000年,作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产委员会描述:建在古老遗址上的喀山克里姆林宫可追溯到黄金游牧部落和喀山可汗的穆斯林时代。因1552年被伊 ...

• 诺夫哥罗德及其周围的历史古迹

诺夫哥罗德位于俄罗斯最北端,圣彼得堡与莫斯科之间河湖纵横的大草原上。诺夫哥罗德建立于公元9世纪,历史上是贸易、文化和宗教中心,现为诺夫哥罗德州首府,周围有十一至十五世纪著名建筑古迹,如索非亚教堂、安东尼耶夫教堂和古城塔楼等。1992年,诺夫哥罗德及其周围的历史古迹,作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产委员会描述:诺夫哥罗德是中 ...

• 莫斯科克里姆林宫和红场

克里姆林宫,坐落在涅格林纳河和莫斯科河汇合处的鲍罗维茨丘陵上。南临莫斯科河,西北依亚历山德罗夫花园,东南界红场,呈不等边三角形。克里姆林宫,既是最富丽堂皇的帝王住所,又是坚固的堡垒,还珍藏大量的文物,它与红场一起构成了今日莫斯科最迷人的风景线,让各地游客流连忘返。1990年,莫斯科克里姆林宫和红场作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世 ...

• 雅罗斯拉夫尔城的历史中心

雅罗斯拉夫尔位于伏尔加河上游右岸,沿伏尔加河岸延伸30公里。雅罗斯拉夫尔城以其大量的17世纪教堂而闻名,在1763年凯萨琳皇后推行的俄罗斯城市计划改革中进行城市整体规划和修复,形成了雅罗斯拉夫尔城的历史中心,这些历史中心的建筑仍然保持16世纪斯帕斯基修道院的风格。2005年,雅罗斯拉夫尔城的历史中心作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产委 ...

• 圣彼得堡历史中心及其相关古迹群

圣彼得堡位于俄罗斯西北部,波罗的海沿岸,涅瓦河口,是列宁格勒州的首府,俄罗斯第二大城市。圣彼得堡是一座文化名城,昔日帝都留下的俄罗斯古典建筑群和名胜古迹比比皆是,如彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克要塞、冬宫与皇宫广场、夏花园与夏宫、海军总部大厦、圣伊萨克大教堂、十二月党人广场、斯莫尔尼宫、俄罗斯博物馆、喋血教堂、驷马桥等,形成了灿烂辉煌的圣彼 ...

• 谢尔吉圣三一大修道院

谢尔吉圣三一大修道院位于莫斯科东北70公里处的谢尔吉耶夫市,是俄罗斯最为著名的大修道院之一。谢尔吉圣三一大修道院在14世纪到18世纪中逐渐扩展形成,拥有大片土地,能储存大量武器和粮食,曾经作过防御阵地,1993年,作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产委员会描述:这是一座极其典型的东正教修道院,是15世纪至18世纪期间发展起来的带有军事特 ...

• 新圣女修道院

新圣女修道院坐落于俄罗斯莫斯科的西南部,建于16世纪至17世纪,历史上曾是接收沙皇遗孀及贵族女性的女子修道院,因其城堡式建筑结构,也曾作为保卫莫斯科的要塞使用过。2004年,作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产委员会描述:新圣女修道院坐落于莫斯科的西南面,建于16世纪至17世纪,是莫斯科市纳入防御体系的一系列修道院建筑的一部分。该修道 ...

• 弗拉基米尔和苏兹达尔历史遗迹

弗拉基米尔,位于莫斯科市东北方向190公里克里雅吉马河北岸,是弗拉基米尔州首府,古城遗留了大量的12世纪时的古代建筑遗迹;苏兹达尔距离州府弗拉基米尔26公里,保存着具有俄罗斯建筑艺术风格的古代建筑群,是一座真正的古建筑代表作宝库,城内的木质建筑非常有名,几乎所有公共设施与民居都是木质的。1992年,弗拉基米尔和苏兹达尔历史遗迹作为文化遗产 ...

• 伊沃尔加匈奴城址

伊沃尔加匈奴城址 : 东西伯利亚匈奴城址。又名下伊沃尔加古城。年代约为公元前1世纪至公元1世纪。位于苏联乌兰乌德市西南16公里,地当色楞格河支流的伊沃尔加河下游右岸。1927~1929、1949~1950年先后由苏联考古学家Γ.Л.索斯诺夫斯基和А.П.奥克拉德尼科夫主持进行局部发掘。  城址大致呈长方形,南北长348米,东西宽约200米。东、南、西三面围以4道 ...

• Western Caucasus (re-nomination)

Description  Preparation of new nomination "Western Caiscasus" (re-nomination) resolves three basic tasks:  1. Expand the area of existing World I leritage Site by means of broad leaved old-growth for

• Vyatskoe village

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  Vyatskoe village is a unique town-planning complex of 16th to 19th centuries with over 50 registered architectural monuments, which in the past were merch

• Virgin Komi Forests (re-nomination)

Description  Preparation of a new category “Virgin Komi Forests” (re-nomination) solves two major tasks:  1. Extend the area of the existing World Heritage site due to the increase of the territory of

• Treasures of the Pazyryk Culture

Description  Altai is the unique region on the planet. It guards huge layers of life - sustaining activities of human civilization. It's a place of formation and cultural evolution of ethnic groups th

• The Oglakhty Range

Description  The Oglakhty Range is located on the left bank  of the Yenisei  (Krasnoyarsk Reservoir)  and represents a system of low-lying ranges with a great number of Devonian red sandstone rock exp

• The Ilmensky mountains

Description  The Ilmensky mountains are located in the Southern Urals between 54 58 - 55 21 northern latitude and 60 07 – 60 22 eastern longitude in the Chelyabiskaya oblast on the administrative terr

• The Great Vasyugan Mire

Description  The Great Vasyugan Mire, the largest swamp system in the northern hemisphere of the planet, is located in the central sector of the West Siberian plain, a geographical phenomenon due to e

• The Commander Islands (Comandorsky State Nature Reserve)

Description  The Commander Islands archipelago consists of 15 islands of different size from 1667 km2 to less than 0.5 km2 which are crowns of a huge submarine volcanic ridge extending from Alaska to

• The archeological site of Tanais

Description  The city of Tanais was founded in the first quarter of the 3rd century by Greek colonists who came from Bosporon to the mouth of the Tanais river (now Don) which was the area of habitatio

• Testament of Kenozero Lake

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  Peasant cultural landscape of Kenozero with its monuments of wooden architecture has reasons to be included in the World Heritage list as an outstanding e

• Rostov Kremlin

Description  Rostov Kremlin is placed in the center of Rostov Veliky (the Great), on the hill of the side of the Lake Nero. The Kremlin consistod of three independent areas. The central one (Bishop's

• Rock Painting of Shulgan-Tash Cave

Description  The nature of the South Urals is beautiful! The dense forests on the mountain slopes alternate with sunny valleys filled with honey aroma, fast, clean rivers cut through deep canyons in w

• Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan

Description  At the end of the XIXth century the Russian orientalist Pallady Kafarov noted down in his diary the first information about cliff-pictures which he saw travelling down the Amur river. The

• Petroglyphs of Lake Onega and the White Sea

Description  The proposed nominated property Petroglyphs of Lake Onega and the White Sea is located in the north-west of Russia in the Republic of Karelia, a picturesque region of Northern Europe. Rep

• Mamayev Kurgan Memorial Complex "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad"

Comparison with other similar properties  The question of comparison of Mamayev Kurgan with other sites of similar theme, historic period or symbolic meaning can be treated in different aspects.    Wa

• Magadansky State Nature Reserve

Description  All four clusters of Magadansky Reserve are separated from each other, rather hard-to- reach and have no settlements or constant transport roads. Each cluster has its own distinctive feat

• Krasnoyarsk Stolby

Description  The nominated area is located on the north-western spur of the Eastern Sayan. Its natural borders are right tributaries of the Yenisey River; in the north-east the Bazaikha, in the south

• Historical and Cultural Jeyrakh-Assa Reservation

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Historic Center of the Yenisseisk

Description  Founded in 1619 on the left bank of the Yenissey as a fortress, it facilitated the expansion of the Russians to the East. The location of the town on the crossroads of the most important

• Heritage of Chukotka Arctic Marine Hunters

Comparison with other similar properties  The ICOMOS World Heritage List: Filling the Gaps (2005) indicates the absence of the cultural heritage of Eskimo and other Northern cultures on the World Heri

• Ensemble of the Astrakhan Kremlin

Description  The Astrakhan Kremlin is a markworthy monument of military and engineering art of building of the second half of XVI century and of the orthodox church architecture of XVII-XVIII centurie

• Divnogorye Historical and Cultural Complex

Comparison with other similar properties  Divnogorye as a nodal point of the Russian Plainis the result of the symbiotic development of the territory due to the continuous interaction of man and natur

• Centre historique d'Irkoutsk

Description  A  Irkoutsk - centre administratif de la région d'Irkoutsk - est un objet de différentes sortes d'étude comme ”ville histonque” dont l' histoire est plus de trois cents ans et la populati

• Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior with the Medieval Rampart City Wall of Pereslavl-Zalessky (1152-1157)

Description  Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior: N56 44 12 E38 51 09; 1.1 ha  Rampart City Wall of Pereslavl-Zalessky: N56 44 13.9 E38 51 12.4; 2.5 ha  The nomination consists of the Cathe

• Bashkir Ural

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  Natural and cultural complex "Bashkir Ural" represents a unique territory with all the most valuable cultural and archaeological sites, environmental asse

• Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University

Comparison with other similar properties  There are about 500 observatories in the world, most of which are located in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. The most famous are astronomical observator

• Centre historique de la ville de Gorokhovets

Description  Au XIIe siècle, sur la berge escarpée droite de la rivière Kliazma s'est levée la ville de Gorokhovets, gardien de la frontière sud-est de la Principauté de Vladimir-Souzdal.  Le relief,

• 阿巴坎宫殿遗址Abakan

  Abakan Gongdian yizhi  阿巴坎宫殿遗址  Ruined Palace at Abakan City  南西伯利亚地区汉式宫殿基址。位于今苏联哈卡斯自治州首府阿巴坎市(今俄罗斯哈卡斯共和国阿巴坎南)以南 8 公里。年代约当公元前后。1940 年发现,1941、1945、1946 年由苏联考古学家 C.B.吉谢列夫等人主持发掘。  该遗址为研究汉匈关系提供了重要资料。  宫殿

• 金山--阿尔泰山

金山-阿尔泰山位于俄罗斯的西伯利亚地区,分为四个组成部分,其中一些地区分别与哈萨克斯坦、中国和蒙古接壤。阿尔泰首府是距离这里最近的大城市,该城市建有一个国际机场,铁路、公路组成的交通网四通八达。但真要走近金山-阿尔泰山也决非易事,那些特别偏远的地方,只能靠直升飞机、步行或骑马才能到达。1998年,作为自然遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世 ...


