
丝绸之路文化遗产 丝绸之路:长安天山廊道的路网 丝绸之路:泽拉夫尚-卡拉库姆廊道 丝路预备遗产点 丝路相关世界遗产 丝绸之路:费尔干纳—锡尔河廊道
文物保护单位 省级文物保护单位 市县级文物保护单位
国家 哈萨克斯坦 吉尔吉斯斯坦 乌兹别克斯坦 土库曼斯坦 塔吉克斯坦
世界遗产 跨国遗产
遗产专题 海上丝绸之路遗产点 泉州:宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心 长城及烽燧 万里茶道
考古时期 青铜时代 铁器时代

• Umm al-Jimal

Description  Ancient Umm al-Jimal is in the Southern Hauran plain, the semi-arid Badia region of north Jordan, a basalt plain created by prehistoric volcanic eruptions from the slopes of the Jabal

• The Sanctuary of Agios Lot, At Deir 'Ain 'Abata

Description  The site is located at the south-eastern end of the Dead Sea on a steep mountain scree slope overlooking the modern town of Safi(Biblical Zoara). It is accurately depicted as the Sanctua

• The Jordanian ḥarrah

Comparison with other similar properties  Wadi Rum - Jordan  Inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2011, Wadi Rum Protected has a special status among comparable areas; where petroglyphs, inscriptio

• Shaubak Castle (Montreal)

Description  The site is situated to the south of Kerak, and about 25 km .north of Petra.The castle of Shaubak was built on a summit of a conical hill by Crusader king Baldwin the First in AD.1115

• Qasr Bshir (a Roman Castellum)

Description  Located approximately 80 km. to the south of Amman and 15 km to the northwest of the present-day town of el-Qatrana and the same distance to the northeast of the legionary fortress o

• Qasr Al-Mushatta

Description  Qasr (Palace) Al-Mushatta, the largest and most ambitious of the Umayyad palaces in Jordan, sits incongruously today 30 km .south of the capital Amman and just north of Queen Alia Intern

• Pella (Modern Tabaqat Fahil)

Description  The large site of Pella nestles in the warm, fertile foothills of the north Jordan Valley, about 90 kilometres or an 80-minutes drive from from the capital Amman. It is directly adjacent

• Mujib Nature Reserve

Description  The Reserve lies between Wadi Zarqa Mai'n, which forms, the northern border of the reserve, and Wadi Shgeig, which forms, the southern border of the reserve. The western border lies along

• Jerash Archaeological City (Ancient Meeting Place of East and West)

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Gadara (Modern Um Qeis or Qays)

Description  The ancient classical period city of Gadara , and a member city of the Decapolis(Greek Ten Cities), is one of Jordan's most dramatic antiquities sites-both for the many substantial ruin

• Dana Biosphere Reserve

Description  The area of the reserve is approximately 300 sq kilometres. The Dana Reserve is a system of mountains and wadis, extending from the top of the eastern Rift Valley to desert lowlands of Wa

• Azraq

Description  Azraq is located in the eastern desert within Zarqa governorate. It has an area of 701;m2. Azraq Wetland Reserve was established in 1978. with an area of 12kmz. Azraq has a unique wetland

• Arab Eclecticism - Foundation and evolution of an Architectural School in the city of As-Salt (1860-1925)

Description  At the turn of the last quarter of XIX century, the city of As-Salt, at that time ruled by the Ottoman Empire, witnessed the development of an architectural movement – or school. This sch

• Al Qastal (Settlement)

Description  An Umayyad, 25 kilometres south of the Capital d complex (settlement) at the modern village of Qastal (Amman) and 100 metres west of the airport Highway .It is one of the oldest and

• Abila City (Modern Qweilbeh)

Description  The site is located about 25km.east of the Sea of Galilee(Tiberias)and about 4km. south of Wadi Yarmouk river. It surmounts the Trans Jordanian Plateau at an elevation of 440m.above sea l

• 耶利哥遗址

耶利哥遗址 : 西亚以新石器时代堆积为主的遗址。位于约旦西部约旦河河口西北约15公里处。遗址的文化层自中石器时代延续至青铜时代,堆积极厚。比较重要的发掘工作是1935~1936年英国考古学家J.加斯坦(1876~1956)和1952~1958年英国女考古学家D.K.凯尼恩进行的。这一遗址的发掘对于研究西亚纳吐夫文化以后的文化发展有重要意义。  耶利哥的中石器文化 ...

• 约旦耶稣受洗处-约旦河外伯大尼

约旦耶稣受洗处-约旦河外伯大尼(2015)Baptism Site“Bethany Beyond the Jordan”(Al-Maghtas)耶稣受洗处-约旦河外伯大尼是著名的朝圣地,是耶稣当年受洗的地方,也是基督徒们一生向往的圣地。这里距离死海(Dead Sea)的北部仅9公里。耶稣受洗处-约旦河外伯大尼由两部分组成,即以利亚山(Elijah’s Hill)和临近约旦河的圣约翰教堂。这里时刻都充满了神 ...

• 约旦之瓦迪拉姆保护区(双遗产)

瓦迪拉姆保护区位于约旦南部马安省,是约旦兼具文化与自然属性的遗产,2011年作为文化和自然遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产委员会描述:作为自然与文化混合遗产列入名录,位于约旦南部,靠近沙特阿拉伯边界,占地74000公顷。瓦迪拉姆保护区一系列形态各异的沙漠景观由狭窄的峡谷、天然拱门、高耸的峭壁、坡道、巨型滑坡和洞穴所组成。保护区内的岩画 ...

• 约旦之库塞尔阿姆拉城堡

库塞尔阿姆拉城堡位于约旦首都安曼以东85千米处,坐落在艾兹赖格地区。这座古老的沙漠城堡是倭马亚王朝的哈里发在如今的叙利亚及约旦沙漠中修建的众多行官之—,也是倭马亚时代保留下来的最完好的一处建筑群。该建筑物对于了解伊斯兰艺术在其发展的初期阶段的特征来说具有非同寻常的作用。城内所保留的壁画更是那个时期的杰出艺术代表。1985年,作为文化遗 ...

• 约旦佩特拉Petra

佩特拉是约旦著名古城遗址,位于约旦安曼南250公里处,隐藏在一条连接死海和阿卡巴海峡的狭窄的峡谷内。它被群山环绕,峡谷和通道穿越其中,建筑大部分是从岩石上雕刻和开凿出来的,具有东方传统和希腊风格。1985年,作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产委员会描述:佩特拉城位于红海和死海之间,它的历史可以追溯到史前时代,最初是由纳米泰人沙 ...


