
丝绸之路文化遗产 丝绸之路:长安天山廊道的路网 丝绸之路:泽拉夫尚-卡拉库姆廊道 丝路预备遗产点 丝路相关世界遗产 丝绸之路:费尔干纳—锡尔河廊道
文物保护单位 省级文物保护单位 市县级文物保护单位
国家 哈萨克斯坦 吉尔吉斯斯坦 乌兹别克斯坦 土库曼斯坦 塔吉克斯坦
世界遗产 跨国遗产
遗产专题 海上丝绸之路遗产点 泉州:宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心 长城及烽燧 万里茶道
考古时期 青铜时代 铁器时代

• 乔巴克尔大墓地Chor Bakr Necropolis

UZ-13 Chor Bakr NecropolisThe architectural complex is a testimony of a religious tradition of late Islamic period of Central Asia and an example of the process of local logically continuation of it, starting in a late period of the ancient Silk Roads. At

• 瓦刺赫沙古城Varakhsha Settlement

UZ-14 Varakhsha SettlementThe archaeological site of Varakhsha represents a trading settlement and a palace on the Silk Roads before Arab conquest. It was a Sogdian political center and the outdoor residence of BukharKhudats, bearing highly fortified cita

• 派依肯特古城Paikend Settlement

UZ-15 Paikend SettlementPaikend reflects the impact of the integration of comprehensive relations, the exchange of social values on the Silk Road, to urban development, architecture and cultural traditions. Exceptional example of Sogdian town planning and

• 查斯玛依·约伯冢Chasma-iAyubKhazira

UZ-09 Chasma-iAyubKhaziraThe mausoleum ChashmaAyub reflects the dynamics of Central Asian architecture. First as a mutual succession of religious values, representing the cult of Ayub and his story that is known in early Christian and Jewish sources as Jo

• 瓦尔丹泽古城Vardanze Settlement

UZ-10 Vardanze SettlementVardanze archaeological site represent the remains of a Medieval fortified town of Vardana, which controlled the territories along Samarkand-Bukhara (Shāhrāh) section of the Silk Roads. It was one of the political centers of Weste

• 沃布肯特宣礼塔Vobkent Minaret

UZ-11 Vobkent MinaretThis is a very important monument for studying the genesis and development of the Central Asia’s minarets. The Minaret mirrors the stage when ornaments with masonry of baked bricks is supplemented and later replaced by glazed tiles. I

• 巴赫欧丁纳克什班德建筑群BahouddinNaqshband Architectural Complex

UZ-12 BahouddinNaqshband Architectural ComplexThe complex bears a unique testimony to the local Muslim’s burial tradition of building necropolises for rulers, their families, saints and important clergy. The most unique structure of the complexes, the Kho

• 达布斯亚古城Dabusiya Settlement

UZ-04 Dabusiya SettlementDabusiya archaeological site was an Antique and Medieval urban center controlling a narrow strip of irrigated area of the Silk Roads connecting Samarkand with Bukhara, as well as Nur-ata oasis on the north. It is an example of con

• 米尔赛义德巴赫罗姆陵墓Mir Sayid Bakhrom Mausoleum

UZ-06 MirSayidBakhrom MausoleumMir-SayidBakhrom Mausoleum is the only mausoleum in this region that belongs to 10th-11thcenturies. The mausoleum and its portal with rich monochrome decorations reflect an early stage in the history of Muslim mausoleums and

• Raboti Malik Caravanserai and Sardoba

UZ-07 Raboti Malik Caravanserai and SardobaArchitectural and functional design solutions of the Raboti Malik Complex, as an integral part of infrastructure and the only local water source, reflect the impact of the integration process with active cultural

• 德加隆清真寺Deggaron Mosque

UZ-08 Deggaron MosqueThe Deggaron mosque architectural complex is an example of an extramural station-mosque located in the frontier zone between the Bukhara oasis and the Steppe. It has been functioning in the Samarkand-Bukhara section of the Silk Roads

• 加尔特帕二号神庙Jartepa II Temple

UZ-01 Jartepa II TempleThe Jartepa II archaeological site is an example of a Zoroastrian temple on the Silk Roads and an extramural pan-Sogdian sanctuary erected the 5thcentury but functioning for a longer period, not attached to any significant settlemen

• 苏雷曼特帕修道院Suleimantepa

UZ-02 SuleimantepaSuleimantepa archaeological site is an example of a Christian monastery of the ‘Church of the East’ on the Silk Roads and is a testimony of the spread of Eastern Syriac Christianity on the Silk Roads in the 5thcentury and its further dev

• 卡菲尔·卡拉古城Kafirkala Settlement

UZ-03 Kafirkala SettlementKafirkala archaeological site was a strategic fortified settlement that in the 1st -9thcenturies controlled the south-north passages along the Zarafshan-Karakum corridor of the Silk Roads that connected Samarkand and Penjikent on

• 库什梅罕古城Kushmeihan (Dinli Kishman)

TM-07 Kushmeihan (Dinli Kishman)Kushmeihan was a major town of Merv oasis, with a complex history of development. It was the stepping off point for the Karakum Desert crossing to Amul, a major market town and a strategic center along the Silk Roads.

• 吉兹勒亚加拉驿站Gyzylja Gala Caravanserai (Rabad al-Hadid)

TM-06 Gyzylja Gala Caravanserai (Rabad al-Hadid)The Gyzylja Gala Caravanserai represents an outstanding complex of caravanserais on Amul-Merv section of the Silk Roads of the 8th – 12th centuries. Its archaeological remains reflect the outstanding skills

• 阿克亚加拉驿站Akja Gala Caravanserai

TM-05 Akja Gala CaravanseraiThe Akja Gala Caravanserai represents an outstanding example of a caravanserai on Amul-Merv section of the Silk Roads of the 9th – 12th centuries. Its archaeological remains reflect the outstanding skills in making comfortable

• 塔玛拉依驿站Tahmalaj

TM-04 TahmalajThe Tahmalaj archaeological site is representing a köshk, a type of supporting infrastructure point characteristic for Amul-Merv section of the Silk Roads. Its archaeological remains reflect the outstanding skills in making comforta

• 科恩加拉驿站Konegala Caravanserai

TM-03 Konegala CaravanseraiThe Konegala caravanserai represents an outstanding example of a caravanserai on Amul-Merv section of the Silk Roads of the 10th – early 13th centuries. Its archaeological remains reflect the outstanding skills in making comfort

• 曼萨夫驿站Mansaf Caravanserai

曼萨夫驿站(Mansaf Caravanserai),TM-02 Mansaf Caravanserai N 38° 16' 8,580", E 62° 47' 52,780"TM-02 Mansaf CaravanseraiMansaf Caravanserai represents a typical kosh (stop), a rabad of the 9th – early 10th centuries and 11th -12th centuries on Amul-Mer

• 彭吉肯特古城Town of the Ancient Penjikent

彭吉肯特古城遗址位于塔吉克斯坦彭吉肯特市东南1.5公里泽拉夫善河南岸台地上,西距撒马尔罕68公里。该城始建于公元5世纪,繁荣于七八世纪之交,722年部分毁于阿拉伯人人侵而迅速衰落,760年全部毁废。自1946年起,先后由苏联考古学家A.Ko.雅库博夫斯基和A.M.别列尼茨基主持发掘。古城由防卫性质的城堡、围以城墙的内城和作为商业、手工业区的外城以及南郊 ...

• 塔里-哈姆图达堡垒Tali Khamtuda fortress

TJ-05 Tali Khamtuda fortressThe well-preserved cross-shaped fortress of the first centuries CE, the period immediately predating the blossom of Sogdian civilization on the Silk Road. The uniqueness and value of Tali Khamtuda lies in the fact that it was p

• 霍贾 穆罕默德 巴朔尔陵墓Mausoleum of Khoja Mukhammad Bashoro

霍贾穆罕默德巴朔尔陵墓 它位于片治肯特地区的马扎尔 沙立夫村。带有装饰华丽的 佩什塔克(正面拱形门户)的陵墓,可追溯至 1342-1343 年。地处偏远的山麓地带,但仍具有首都撒马尔罕建筑的特色。它反映了清真寺向陵墓的转变。穆罕默德·巴绍尔陵墓。马佐里·沙里夫摄。 它是穆斯林建筑演变的一个罕见例子,受到当地建筑传统和当地信仰的熏陶,进门大 ...

• 托克桑坎儿井灌溉系统Toksankoriz irrigation system

塔吉克童话和文学大师尼扎米的作品《胡斯拉夫与希琳》中都反映了打破岩石出水的传说。它们基于现存的古代真实物体——古代伊朗的坎儿井——人工制造了数公里的地下水管。而我们,在中亚,早已拥有自己的灌溉系统。 托克桑坎儿井灌溉系统。 托克桑坎儿井是一个保存完好的渡槽系统,位于片治肯特附近的泽拉夫善河流域。当地的繁荣很大程度上依赖于对农作物 ...

• 库姆要塞Kum Settlement

库姆要塞,位于穆格山堡垒以南 6 公里处的古老山区粟特聚落库姆,至今仍保留着它古老的名字。库姆要塞,2014年9月航拍。 它位于一座小山上,位于库姆现代定居点的北郊。根据历史学家雅库博夫的说法,库姆是帕尔加尔的主要军事据点——这是古代泽拉夫善上游这个山区的名字(参考《7-8 世纪的帕尔加尔》。雅库博夫著)。 根据对幸存建筑墙体和建筑学家 ...

• 噶尔丹尼 喜萨尔Gardani Khisor settlement

(公元7世纪-8世纪早期) 它位于艾尼地区现代麦德姆村庄东北 1 公里处的一座小山上(该名称从粟特时代就被保留了下来),库姆村以西 5 公里处。在这个山区,通常有适合耕种的土地,因此,在泽拉夫善河的支流上普遍存在有定居点。 历史学家从中获得了关于普通粟特人生活的丰富考古资料:他们估计了居民人数和房屋大小、种植和储存的农作物数量、定居和 ...

• 穆格山城堡遗址Сastle on Mount Mugh

穆格山城堡遗址 : 8世纪初中亚粟特城堡遗址。位于泽拉夫善河上游该河与库马河合流处的穆格山上(塔吉克斯坦札赫马塔巴德区内)。“穆格”在塔吉克语中意为“王”。该堡当是片治肯特粟特王公季华什契奇的一座要塞,722年被阿拉伯军攻毁。1933年苏联考古学家A·A·弗列依曼主持发掘。城堡建在穆格山顶西南角上,四面有石基土坯堡墙环绕。在石铺台基上,东西并列五 ...

• 希索纳克定居点遗址Khisorak settlement

Khisorak settlement N 39° 26' 29,365", E 69° 41' 8,006"TJ-01 Khisorak settlementIt is the most highland urban monument (above 7 ha) in Central Asia, 2250 m above sea level, with outstanding preservation of the architecture of the 7th– 8thcenturi

• 阿木勒遗址Amul

 I. ROUTE: AMUL - MERV  1. Name of individual Silk Roads component property:Amul  Brief description of the component property:  Amulis the ancient and medieval site at the outskirts of the modern Turkmenabat city. The most ancient period of occupation ref


