瓦当当径9~ 15厘米,几乎都是莲花纹。一般为轮内饰 联珠纹,当面为莲花纹。按其花瓣的繁、简、肥、瘦、花蕊和当径大小区分,约有十多种。一般唐初多单瓣,瓣痩 长而繁密;盛唐多双瓣,瓣肥厚而短壮。
图163为唐大明宫含元殿遗址出土的部分莲花纹瓦当。 图164为唐大明宫含元殿遗址出土的部分表面处理的 烧结铺地砖和筒瓦、板瓦。
(Tile ends with different lotus flower patterns were unearthed from Hanyuan palace site of Darning palace site in Xi'an city.
Photos took from Hanyuan palace site. A.D.618 〜907)
(The parts of paving bricks, semicylindrical tiles, segment tiles with double laciness and segment tile
that surface were treated were unearthed from Hanyuan palace site of Darning palace site ot Tang dynasty in Xi'an city show in Fig. 164.
We can see the “Qingun”paving brick and roofing tile, which are famously in history of China.
The bricks and tiles of surface polished, infliction colorant surface were excavated from Hanyuan palace site
(A.D.663, more than 1300 years by this time) in ihe capital (Xi'an city) of Tang dynasty,
which was “Qinggun” brick and tile that was recorded after in the book “Construction Ways and Means”
(A.D.l 103 year, more than 900 years ago) in North Song dynasty.
It is very unfominate that these methods of manufacture were lost. Photos took from Hanyuan palace site.)
图165:唐大明宮含元殿遗址出土的部分琉璃筒瓦(样品藏大明宮遗址含元殿展览馆,照片摄于含元殿展览馆 ) (The parts of Liuli (colored glaze) semicylindrical tiles were unearthed from Hanyuan palace
(A.D.663. more than 1300 years by this time) of Tang dynasty show in Fig. 165.
Photos took from Hanyuan palace site)