
丝绸之路文化遗产 丝绸之路:长安天山廊道的路网 丝绸之路:泽拉夫尚-卡拉库姆廊道 丝路预备遗产点 丝路相关世界遗产 丝绸之路:费尔干纳—锡尔河廊道
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国家 哈萨克斯坦 吉尔吉斯斯坦 乌兹别克斯坦 土库曼斯坦 塔吉克斯坦
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遗产专题 海上丝绸之路遗产点 泉州:宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心 长城及烽燧 万里茶道
考古时期 青铜时代 铁器时代

• 赫达斯要塞

赫达斯要塞位于巴基斯坦旁遮普省,是巴基斯坦古代最著名的军事建筑之一,1997年作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产委员会描述:谢尔沙阿–苏里在1541年打败了莫卧儿皇帝胡马雍之后,在罗赫达斯建立了一个防守森严的城堡。罗赫达斯位于今天的巴基斯坦北部,是一个战略要地。这个地方从未被风暴袭击过,因而完整地保留到今天。这座城堡的主要防御工 ...

• 皮尔丘古城遗址(Bhir Mound)

最古老的城市遗址称作皮尔丘(Bhir Mound,又译比尔山丘),位于塔克西拉盆地西端的高地,方圆3公里多。遗址展示了公元前6世纪至公元前2世纪孔雀王朝时期的文明。

• 莫赫拉莫拉都(Mohra Moradu)寺院

在贾乌利安寺院以西的丘陵之间是莫赫拉莫拉都(Mohra Moradu)寺院,佛塔和僧院相对,配置得井井有条。保存有塔克西拉最精美的泥雕佛像。

• 达磨拉吉卡(Dharmarajika)窣堵波

达磨拉吉卡(Dharmarajika)窣堵波,据说系公元前3世纪阿育王为放置佛舍利而建,其基坛为圆形,以石砌成,直径46米,上积土石为半球状,外砌石块。上部现已倾坍,但残存部分仍高约15米,周围还有大量附属建筑,可以想见当日的雄姿和规模。该窣堵波旁边的小礼拜堂,还曾发掘出佛舍利、镌有塔克西拉名称的银牒等珍贵文物。 ... ...

• 锡尔卡普古城遗址(Sirkap)

古城叫锡(西)尔卡普(Sirkap),公元前2世纪,由巴克特里亚的希腊统治者德米特里始建。现在所见的遗址,是公元40年左右帕提亚人重建的。西尔卡普分上下城两部分。上城即现名哈梯亚尔的山丘,著名的拘浪孥窜堵波的遗迹至今尚存。下城南北长约600多米,东西宽约200多米,周围有厚4.6—6.6米的石砌防卫墙。城内街道按直角纵横交错,很有规则。正中是一条宽7 ...

• 玄奘居室遗址

塔克西拉与中国佛教文化的发展也有着深厚的渊源。据史料记载,公元405年晋代高僧法显到达此地,并居住了长达6年之久,不过当年的遗迹已经荡然无存。著名的唐代高僧玄奘在公元650年来到塔克西拉,在此讲经、说法整整两年。如今,玄奘的居室和讲经堂遗址仍然保留着。在离城堡不远处,有一个单独的院落,这里原是小王公住的地方,唐玄奘西行取经时,曾经在这 ...

• 贾狄亚尔寺院遗址

在锡尔开普和锡尔苏克之间,还有一座贾狄亚尔(又译姜迪亚尔)寺院,显示出希腊神殿的风格:整体用厚厚的墙壁包围着,内部有圣堂和前厅,在前面入口处立着四根圆柱,柱身已经丢失,发掘出的爱奥尼亚式柱头放在柱脚上。再往里走50米,还有座神祠,其爱奥尼亚式的圆柱现在只剩下一小部分柱脚。这也许是索洛阿斯塔寺院的遗址,但尚难考证。 ...

• 姚连寺遗址

姚连寺遗址在离塔克西拉博物馆不远的姚连村旁有一座90多米高的小山,山顶有一个姚连寺。据说,在贵霜王朝佛教鼎盛时期,这是一所佛学水平很高的佛学院。学生多为王家贵族子弟。该寺分上下两层,下层佛塔遗迹上,雕刻多姿多彩的人像、狮像及佛像。有的像中国人,有的像罗马人。塔上刻有梵文等文字。寺内有几十个小房间,是参禅打坐的斗室,还有厨房、餐厅、 ...

• 奢羯罗Sialkot

奢羯罗 : 中亚古城名。《大唐西域记》奢羯罗,古摩陀罗国都城。故址在今巴基斯坦北部之锡亚尔科特。

• 洪扎阿育王岩刻

洪扎阿育王岩刻:距吉尔吉特100公里的洪扎附近(洪扎河大桥桥东500米处,喀喇刻昆仑公路与洪扎河之间)也有一处重要的岩刻:阿育王岩刻。这是一处重要的历史遗迹。阿育王是远古在两千年前曾颁布了南亚第一套法律,令人将这些法律刻在交通要道旁边的石柱或是岩石上。两千年过去了,现在其他地方同样的岩刻多数己经损毁,这是我们今天仍可以看到的唯一一处。巴基 ...

• 哈拉帕城址

哈拉帕文化 : 南亚次大陆青铜时代文化。因其主要城市遗址哈拉帕而得名。分布中心在印度河流域,故又称印度河文明。个别遗址的分布西达伊朗东界,东至贾木纳河,北迄古勒姆河流入印度河的河口一带,南抵坎贝湾沿岸。年代约当公元前2350~前1750年。考古研究始自20世纪20年代英国考石学家J.H.马歇尔对哈拉帕和摩亨佐达罗的发掘。  城市建筑该文化的城市已 ...

• Wazir Khan's Mosque, Lahore

Description  Covering an overall area of 279 ° x 159', the mosque is entirely constructed in cut and dressed bricks laid in kankar lime with a scanty sprinkling of red sandstone in the gate and the tr

• Tombs of Jahangir, Asif Khan and Akbari Sarai, Lahore

Description  Jahangir's tomb  The Monument, a single storey structure, square in plan, consists of a platform with tall octagonal corner towers and a projecting entrance bay in the middle of each side

• Tomb of Shah Rukn-e-Alam

Description  The tomb of Shah Rukn-i-Alam was built by the Tughluq ruler of Delhi, Ghiyas-ud-din (r. 1320-1325), between 1320 and 1324 AD. Although probably intended as a mausoleum for is own dynasty,

• Tomb of Hazrat Rukn-e-Alam, Multan

Description  The tomb, built in 1320-24 A.D., lies inside Multan Fort. This elegant building is an octagon in plan with a diameter of 15' 9ù and a side measuring 20’6". It is the first octagonal tom i

• Tomb of Bibi Jawindi, Baha'al-Halim and Ustead and the Tomb and Mosque of Jalaluddin Bukhari

Description  The proposed property consists of 5 monuments at the South-West corner of Uch Sharif- representing the town’s most exceptional architecture. The oldest are the fourteenth century AD tomb

• The Salt Range and Khewra Salt Mine

Description  Rising abruptly from the Punjab plains west of the River Jhelum and ending equally precipitously on the Indus River, one hundred and eighty kilometres in the west, the Salt Range is a lon

• Shah Jahan Mosque, Thatta

Description  The mosque, a heavy brick structure of simple construction built upon a stone plinth, with heavy square pillars and massive walls, is centered around a courtyard 169' X 97'. The prayer ch

• Shahbazgarhi Rock Edicts跋虏沙城

Description  The Shahbazgarhi rock edicts are cut into the surface of two large boulders on the side of a small rocky outcrop in the Vale of Peshawar. The record fourteen edicts of the Mauryan emperor

• Rani Kot Fort, Dadu

Description  The fortification wall of the gigantic fort of Rani Kot is 35 kms in length and connects barren hills. The fort was built in the first quarter of the l9th century. The fortification wall,

• Nagarparkar Cultural Landscape

Description  The Cultural Landscape of Nagarparkar is located at the southern limit of the vast Thar desert, where old stabilized sand dunes and the flat alluvial plain meet the marshy, tidal mudflats

• Port of Banbhore

Description  The Site of Banbhore is located on the Northern Bank of Gharo Creak, 65 Kilometre East of Karachi. It has a sequence from the first century BC to the thirteenth century AD. Whilst its ear

• Mansehra Rock Edicts

Description  The Mansehra rock edicts are cut into the surface of three large boulders on the side of a rocky outcrop close to the city of Mansehra. They record fourteen edicts of the Mauryan emperor,

• Karez System Cultural Landscape

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value  The karez cultural landscape of Balochistan represents the "combined works of nature and man", a living heritage tradition of great longevity in a harsh l

• Hiran Minar and Tank, Sheikhupura

Description  Constructed in brick, the minar (tower) is circular and tapers towards the top, which is flat, with a parapet wall. There are 210 square holes on the outer surface of the minar, arranged

• Hingol Cultural Landscape

Description  Hinglaj Mata Mandar is an ancient but living cultural landscape located in Hingol National Park on the Makran coast of the Arabian Sea, approximately 190 km west of Karachi. A famous Hind

• Derawar and the Desert Forts of Cholistan

Description  The Cholistan desert, or Rohi, is the western part of the Thar desert of the sub-continent which lies in modern Pakistan. There is archaeological evidence that this area was once watered

• Chaukhandi Tombs, Karachi

Description  The Chaukhandi graveyard spreads over an area of two square miles and contains tombs of certain warriors of Saloch families settled in this area some time during the 17th and 18th centuri

• Deosai National Park

Description  Deosai National Park is an alpine plateau of exceptional beauty and ecological value located in the western massif of the Himalayas, east of Nanga Parbat Peak and in close proximity to th

• Badshahi Mosque, Lahore

Description  The mosque and its vast courtyard are raised upon a platform which is approached from the east by a handsome flight of 22 steps an upstanding gateway of traditional Moghal type. The entra

• Baltit Fort

Description  Baltit Fort is situated in Karimabad, once was capital of the state of Hunza, now Tehsil Headquarter of District Gilgit. It is approached by Karakuram Highway from Gilgit, the capital of

• Archaeological Site of Rehman Dheri

Description  The archaeological site of Rehman Dheri consists of a rectangular shaped mound covering some twenty two hectares and standing 4.5 metres above the surrounding field. The final occupationa

• Archaeological Site of Ranigat

Description  The famous Buddhist archaeological site of Ranigat, is located in Tehsil Totalai, District Buner, N.W.F.P. The remains of Ranigat are scattered in the valley along the ridge in an area. T

• Archaeological Site of Harappa

Description  The archaeological site of Harappa consists of a series of low archaeological mounds and cemeteries to the south of a dry bed of the Ravi river. Although covering a full extent of 150 hec

• Archaeological Site of Mehrgarh

Description  The archaeological site of Mehrgarh consist of a number of low archaeological mounds in the Kachi plain, close to the mouth of the Bolan Pass. Located next to the west bank of the Bolan r

• 巴基斯坦摩亨佐达罗考古遗迹

摩亨佐达罗考古遗迹位于巴基斯坦的信德省,因其见证了早期城市规划的雏形,1980年作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产委员会描述:这座规模宏大的城市坐落在印度河河谷中,它建于公元前3000年,建筑材料完全是毛坯砖。此地包括一座卫城,建在巨大的路基上,周围建有壁垒,这座底矮的城市遵循着严格的标准,从这些遗迹中我们可以看出早期城市规划的 ...

• 巴基斯坦拉合尔古堡和夏利玛尔公园

拉合尔古堡和夏利玛尔公园位于巴基斯坦东部文化名城拉合尔,因其体现了辉煌的莫卧尔文化,1981年作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产委员会描述:辉煌的莫卧尔文化中有两个典范在沙贾汉国王统治时期达到顶峰——包括建有宫殿的要塞和用马赛克和镀金饰品装饰起来的清真寺。在拉合尔城附近的园林都建在三层平台上,带小屋、瀑布和巨大的装饰水池;这 ...

• 巴基斯坦之赫达斯要塞

赫达斯要塞位于巴基斯坦旁遮普省,是巴基斯坦古代最著名的军事建筑之一,1997年作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产委员会描述:谢尔沙阿–苏里在1541年打败了莫卧儿皇帝胡马雍之后,在罗赫达斯建立了一个防守森严的城堡。罗赫达斯位于今天的巴基斯坦北部,是一个战略要地。这个地方从未被风暴袭击过,因而完整地保留到今天。这座城堡的主要防御工 ...

• 巴基斯坦塔克特依巴依佛教遗址和萨尔依巴赫洛古遗址


• 巴基斯坦塔塔城的历史建筑


• 布色羯罗伐底城Puskalavati


• 巴尔提特古堡Baltit Fort

  巴尔提特古堡位于巴基斯坦北部地区罕萨谷(Hunza valley)内,其地基始建于700年前,但在随后的几百年风雨中,古堡也历经几次修整和重建。  据说16世纪的时候,一位隐士娶了来自巴尔蒂斯坦的公主,随公主一起出嫁的工匠曾对巴尔提特古堡翻修,使其成为宫殿。今天,这座古堡仍然保留着当年巴尔蒂斯坦式的建筑风格。自1945年起,这座古堡就已经被废弃 ...

• 悬度

迄今为止在巴基斯坦北部所发现的传播波斯宗教的古代粟特商人的活动痕迹,很少超过印度河谷中的夏提欧(Shatial)东边。夏提欧是印度河谷中著名的奇拉斯(Chilas)镇西面的一个地名,该地在印度河南岸,其对岸就是达列尔(Darel)河口与唐格(Tanqir)河口之间的山崖。达列尔河谷经国学大师季羡林等人考定为古代的悬度,并将之比定为玄奘所记乌仗那旧都达丽 ...

• 巴基斯坦塔克西拉Taxila

塔克西拉(Taxila)位于巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡西北约50公里处,东南距拉瓦尔品第35公里,人口20万(1981)。这是一座有着2500年历史的著名古城,其佛教遗迹有2000多年的历史,覆盖了2500平方公里,是举世闻名的犍陀罗 ...


