
双语文物:陕西宝鸡石鼓山商周墓地 M4 发掘简报

摘要: The Excavation of Tomb M4 of the Shang and Zhou Tombs at the Shigushan Site in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province  Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology  Baoji Municipal Institute of Archaeology  Weib

The Excavation of Tomb M4 of the Shang and Zhou Tombs at the Shigushan Site in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province

  Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology

  Baoji Municipal Institute of Archaeology

  Weibin District Museum of Baoji City


  陕西宝鸡石鼓山商周墓地 M4 发掘简报




The Shang and Zhou tombs at the Shigushan site are located near the fourth subvillage of Shizuitou Village, Shigu Town, Weibin District of Baoji City, Shaanxi Province. The site is situated on a terrace in the northern end of the northern foothills of the Qinling Mountains south of the Wei River. It is to the west of the Yinxiang River and east of the Jujia River. The sites of Doujitai and Jiacun, where the He zun-wine vessel was unearthed, are located across the Wei River to the northeast. The middle portion of the terrace is slightly higher than its surroundings. The length running north to south is approximately 800 meters, and width running east to west is approximately 300 m. Between March and June 2012, three caches of bronze vessels were discovered by local villagers when leveling the foundation for housing constructions. The Archaeological Team of Shigushan Site thereafter conducted excavations at the site, and confirmed that the bronzes were from tombs dated to the Shang and Zhou dynasties. This provided an opportunity for the archaeological survey and augering of the entire site on the terrace, resulting in the discovery of 11 tombs dated to the Shang and Zhou dynasties and 46 tombs dated to other periods. In addition, a number of ash pits, house remains, kilns, and other settlement features from the Neolithic to Shang and Zhou periods were also discovered. Based on the distribution of the tombs, the Shang and Zhou tombs can be divided into a northern zone and a southwestern zone. From the latter half of 2013 to early 2014, the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, the Baoji Municipal Institute of Archaeology and the Weibin District Museum of Baoji City organized the Archaeological Team of the Shigushan Site, and excavated the 11 tombs at the Shigushan site dated to the Shang and Zhou dynasties (Tombs M4-M9 in the northern zone and Tombs M12 and M18-21 in the southwestern zone), including two medium-sized (Tombs M4 and M9) and nine small-sized tombs. Furthermore, the team also excavated a number of ash pits dated to the periods of the Yangshao and Longshan cultures, and the Shang and Zhou dynasties. The artifacts unearthed from Tomb M4 are particularly abundant.

石鼓山商周墓地位于陕西省宝鸡市渭滨区石鼓镇石嘴头村四组,地处渭河南岸秦岭北麓的山前台地北端,东临茵香河,西临巨家河,东北与斗鸡台遗址、何尊的出土地贾村原隔渭河相望。台地中间较高,四周略低,南北长约800、东西宽约300 米。2012 年3~6 月,当地村民在平整住宅用地时,前后发现三批铜器。石鼓山考古队对其进行了发掘,并确认这些铜器出自商周时期墓葬。以此为契机,对墓葬所处台地进行了全面的考古调查与勘探,又发现商周时期墓葬11 座及其他时期墓葬46座。另外,还发现有新石器、商周时期的灰坑、房址、陶窑等遗迹数十处。依据墓葬分布情况,商周墓地可以分为北区和西南区两区。2013 年下半年至2014 年初,由陕西省考古研究院、宝鸡市考古研究所、宝鸡市渭滨区博物馆组建的石鼓山考古队对11 座商周墓葬(北区M4~M9,西南区M12、M18~M21)进行了考古发掘,包括中型墓2 座(M4、M9)、小型墓9座。此外,还发掘了数座仰韶、龙山及商周时期的灰坑。其中M4 出土器物丰富。

Location map of the tombs


Illustration of the distribution of Shang and Zhou tombs at the Shigushan site


Plan view of Tomb M4

M4 平面图

Sumptuary Ranking of the Tomb

Based on the shape, form, scale and grave goods of the tomb, when comparing the pre-dynastic and early Western Zhou period tombs from the western Guanzhong Plain in Shaanxi Province centered in Baoji City with its neighboring areas, Tomb M4 at the Shigushan site has a tomb chamber size that belongs to a very high rank within the sumptuary code for burials, it contains the largest number of wall niches and bronze vessels, and it also contains the widest variety of vessels. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that Tomb M4 is of a higher rank than many other tombs from the same period in the western Guanzhong Plain in Shaanxi Province and its neighboring areas. The occupant of Tomb M4 was most likely of elite status, and could potentially be a highranking chief or the spouse of a chief. Compared to the early Western Zhou elite tombs such as those of the Marquis of Yan, the Marquis of Jin, the Marquis of Zeng and the Marquis of Ying, Tomb M4 at the Shigushan site is of a slightly lower status or of the same status as the spouses of the marquises.


从墓葬的形制、规模及随葬器物等多个方面,与以宝鸡地区为核心的关中西部及邻近地区西周初期以至早期墓葬比较,石鼓山M4 墓室面积居于前列,壁龛数量最多,随葬青铜礼器数量最多,器类也极丰富。多项指标领先于关中西部及邻近地区同时期墓葬,显示出石鼓山M4 的主人身份高贵,很可能是当时该区域级别很高的首领或其配偶。对比西周早期燕侯、晋侯、曾侯、应侯等诸侯墓葬的情况,石鼓山M4 的级别略低于侯或侯夫人一级。

Zoomorphic zun-wine vessel (M4:212)

铜牺尊(M4 ∶ 212)

Wei Ya Yi fangding-cauldron (M4:503) and inscription

韦亚乙方鼎(M4 ∶ 503)及铭文

Four-handled gui-tureen (M4:208)

四耳簋(M4 ∶ 208)

Ball-shaped gui-tureen (M4:804)

球腹簋(M4 ∶ 804)

Line drawing of four-handled gui-tureen (M4:208) (scale 1:5)

四耳簋(M4 ∶ 208)(1/5)

  Translated by Jada Ko, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States



图文来源:Chinese Cultural Relics Vol. 3, No. 3-4, 2016, pp.37-94.




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