IICAS and UNESCO Talks on the history of Silk Roads
Summary: SinceOctober,2019anumberoftalksonthehistoryoftheSilkRoadaswellasonactivitiesofIICASandUNESCOintheCentralAsianregionhasbeeninitiatedintheIICAS’headoffice.BasingonagreementswithbigtouristiccompaniesanyEnglish-speakinggroupoftouristsvisitingSamarkandcanparti
Since October, 2019 a number of talks on the history of the Silk Road as well as on activities of IICAS and UNESCO in the Central Asian region has been initiated in the IICAS’ head office. Basing on agreements with big touristic companies any English-speaking group of tourists visiting Samarkand can participate in talks and discussions on the history and intercultural interactions in the given region.
Category: English
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