Silk Roads:Zaravshan-Karakum Corridor meeting
Summary: OnAugust8-10,2019,theInternationalInstituteforCentralAsianStudiesincooperationwiththeUniversityCollegeLondonorganizedinIstanbul,Turkey,aninterstatemeetingoftheofficialrepresentativesofthemember-statesoftheSilkRoadsCoordinationCommittee(Zaravshan-KarakumCo
On August 8-10, 2019, the International Institute for Central Asian Studies in cooperation with the University College London organized in Istanbul, Turkey, an interstate meeting of the official representatives of the member-states of the Silk Roads Coordination Committee (Zaravshan-Karakum Corridor). During the meeting the country-representatives declared the full support to the nomination process of the components of the “Silk Roads: Zaravshan-Karakum Corridor” for the UNESCO World Heritage List. The mechanism for signing of the memorandum that regulates the cooperation between three countries as part of this nomination was agreed during the meeting. Further technical issues of the preparation of the nomination dossier were also discussed during the meeting:
• The establishment of the working group composed by the state representatives and competent specialists from each country to coordinate the preparation process of the nomination dossier.
• An opportunity for organization of the field trainings and workshops for experts and meetings on the regional, national and interstate levels.
• The requirement of the general working plan for the successful implementation of the nomination project.
• The need of the inventorying of the components of the “Zaravshan-Karakum Corridor” for the identification of the priority tasks in the field of the preparation of documentation, including the renewal of the Tentative List.
• The establishment of the working group composed by the state representatives and competent specialists from each country to coordinate the preparation process of the nomination dossier.
• An opportunity for organization of the field trainings and workshops for experts and meetings on the regional, national and interstate levels.
• The requirement of the general working plan for the successful implementation of the nomination project.
• The need of the inventorying of the components of the “Zaravshan-Karakum Corridor” for the identification of the priority tasks in the field of the preparation of documentation, including the renewal of the Tentative List.
Category: English
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