Archaeological Landscapes of Central Asia by UCL
Summary: ThemeetingsofthedirectoroftheInstituteofHistory,ArcheologyandEthnographynamedafterA.Donish-UbaidulloN.K.andthedirectoroftheInternationalInstituteforCentralAsianStudies-VoyakinD.A.tookplaceonSeptember3,2019inDushanbe.Thegoalofthemeetingwasthesigningoftheco
The meetings of the director of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography named after A.Donish - Ubaidullo N.K. and the director of the International Institute for Central Asian Studies - Voyakin D.A. took place on September 3, 2019 in Dushanbe. The goal of the meeting was the signing of the cooperation agreement in the framework of the major five-year project "Archaeological Landscapes of Central Asia" implemented by the University College London with the support of IICAS. The project supervisor from UCL - Gai Jorayev and specialist representing "Archaeological Expertise" (Kazakhstan) - Denis Sorokin were also participating in the meeting. After that they gave a series of trainings for the Tajik participants of the project.
Category: English
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