workshop on the modern documentation methods
Summary: TheworkshoponthemoderndocumentationmethodsincludingtheuseofthedroneisgoingtotakeplaceinTajikistanfrom2to9September2019.ProfessorKazuyaYamaguchi(TeikyoUniversity,Japan),professorTimWilliams(UniversityCollegeLondon),aswellastwospecialistsfromtheInternationa
The workshop on the modern documentation methods including the use of the drone is going to take place in Tajikistan from 2 to 9 September 2019. Professor Kazuya Yamaguchi (Teikyo University, Japan), professor Tim Williams (University College London), as well as two specialists from the International Institute for Central Asian Studies - Dmitriy Voyakin and Farukh Khabibullayev, and Denis Sorokin ("Archaeological Expertise" - invited specialist from Kazakhstan, are going to be the speakers. Gai Jorayev and Marco Nebbia from the University College London are going to demonstrate the practical bases of documentation. Workshop is organized by UNESCO-Japanese fund-in-trust project for the support of the world heritage of the Silk Roads in Central Asia (Phase II), National Commission of the Republic of Tajikistan for UNESCO and IICAS. As the workshop is organized for the straightening of the nomination for World Heritage List of UNESCO, the received experience is planned to be used for the preparation of the Serial Transnational Nomination "Silk Roads: Fergana-Syrdarya Corridor".
Category: English
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