Silk Road
Silk Road on theterritory of Kazakhstan is divided into several main sections (parts). Represented and marked by monuments of history and culture these sections (roads) are original and have distinct features distinguishing them one from each other. Most probably, it was the natural environment and adaptation of human to existence in definite climatic conditions that has shaped the originality of a definite section. It can be affirmed with full confidence that the Silk Road is a phenomenon of unification of diversity of regions with the help of universal system of exchange of human values which was created, developed and maintained by people of different ethnical, linguistic, religious belonging during more than two thousand of years of existence of theSilk Road.
Four main sections (roads) on the territory of Kazakhstan are being offered for consideration: Semirechye, Syrdarya, Saryarka and Mangyshlak (Uralo-Prikaspiyskiy).
Each of these parts is characterized by its natural- geographical conditions and historical development, including urban with clear influence on process of formation, development and stagnation of historical and cultural monuments, situated in these regions of Silk Road route. These complicated processes of indissoluble connections of culture, natural, historical process, influence with communications show not only means of human adaptation to different kind of climate conditions, but also ways of mutual enrichment by exchange of human values and cultural traditions, which reflected in preserved cultural monuments which in present mark the important human communications.
Silk Road Semirechye part first of all is marked by historical and geographical region known as Zhetysu (Semirechye). Diversity of climate zones of the region became a key indicator of geographical landscapes and conditions of agriculture. Diversity of zones, among which are: wormwood-steppe, cereal-steppe, motely grass-steppe, forest or meadow and high-altitude indicates location of directions of the Silk Road, situated on these sections of the monuments, its morphological peculiarities.
General route of the following of this artery was as following: from Shasha (Tashkent) road which lead to Turbat, then to Ispidzhab (Sairam, Saryam, “White city” or “Al-medinat al-Baida”), then the road lead to the east direction – to Taraz, then to Dzhamukat, then the road went to Kulan (for Chinese Tszjuj-lan’), then to the East and the cities Mirki and Aspara after which it lead to Issukkul kettle. From Issykkul kettle through Santash pass and Karkary river valley the road run through Ili valley and right bank of Ili river, through Usek and Khorgos, lead to Almalyk. It was possible to reach Ili valley by another way – it stretched out from Kulan, Aspara to the towns of middle and lower reaches of the Chu river, from where the road lead to north slope of Chuili mountains and went down to the north Pribalkhashye; or went through Chu, down and lead to the towns on the north slopes of Karatau.
On the territory of Ili valley the Silk road line went though small towns, located on the place of present Kastek, Kaskelen and Almaty and reached Talkhiza (Talgar) town. In Talkhiza the Silk Road forked to south and north. Through Issyk, Turgen, Chilik, the south road lead to Ili pass – through Khorgos to Almalyk. North road from Talkhiza went along Talgar river to Ili pass, which located in Kapchagay water reservoir. After Ili the road lead to Chingeldy, then through Altyn-Emel pass it went down to Koksu valley and reached Iki-Oguz (Equius), located at the place of present Kirovskoye village. From Iki-Oguz the road lead to Kayalyk (Koylak) – capital of Karluk dzhabgu. Further the road went to Tentek valley, and passing Alakol lake, went through Dzhungar gates and came to Shikho valley.
Ili valley connected to the Central Kazakhstan by the road, which went along the north slopes of the Chuili mountains, then along Chu in its lower reaches and then – to the banks of Sarysu. One more important path was from the north Ili line in Chingildy region and through Koktal and Boyauly passes – in Pribalkhashye, then – along Ortasu channel (Ili river), where there are residues of Karamergen, Aktam and Agashayak towns, to Balkhash shore, then on Uzun-Aral peninsula, which almost connect south and north shores of the lake, leaving strait in width more than 8 km. Here in the cape, there were found rests of the town, the biggest part of which was floud. Probably the caravans passed wade the strait and went to outfall of Tokrau river and then along its banks went to Ulutau foothills.
Syrdarya part is marked by well preserved rests of cultural landscapes of oasises and towns saved in conditions of present steppe, desert an semi-desert area and adjusted to big water arteries (Chu, Syrdarya, Arys, Bugun).
In western direction from Ispidzhab caravan road lead to Arsubaniket on Arys river, to Otrar (Farab), and then down Syrdarya- in Priaralye. On Syrdarya part the biggest towns were Otrar (Farab) and town of Otrar oasis, Yassy (Turkestan), Shavgar, Sauran, Sygnak, towns of Dzhetyasar oasis, Dzhent, Dzhankent, Khuvara. From Dzhankent the road went to north-eastern side, came to the banks of Beleuty river and lead to Kounrada, Karasakpay region.
Saryarka part laid on the territory of the “Great Steppe” of the Central Kazakhstan – Desht-I Kypchak. Monuments of this region bent for many small rivers, Ulytau foothills, banks of Ishim, Nura, Sarysu, Irtysh.
Sarysu path lead to the Central Kazakhstan: from Otrar through Shavgar and Turgay pass on Aksumbe, it went to the lower Sarysu and up along the river to Ulytau, and from there to Ishim along Irtysh. The shorter pathwent through Suzak to the Lower reaches of the Chu, and from there – through Betpak-Dala desert – to Dzhezkazgan region. One more road “Khanzhol” was used till present time: it was from Taraz down along Talas through Muyunkum and Betpak-Dala sands to the banks of Atasu river. According to the data of Tamim ibn Bakhra and al-Idrisi, there was a trade path to Kimaks in Irtysh from Taraz through Adakhkes and Dekh Nujikes towns. Ili valley connected with the Central Kazakhstan by the road which went along north slopes of Chu-Ilii mountains, then along Chu river in its lower reaches to the Sarysu banks, and also northern Ili route, described above. From northern Ili road, which lead to Djungar gates, there was a direction, rounded Alakol from western side and through Tarbagatay lead to Irtysh – to the land of kimaks state with the Bandzhar, Khanaush, Astur, Sisan and “capital” of khakan. On Ishim river these roads lead to Bozok town then lead to the north and west.
Mangyshlak (Uralo-Prikaspiyskiy) part of the Silk Road, located along eastern bank of the Caspian sea, situated in essential natural landscape of deserts and semi-deserts, differentiated by wide diversity of its natural complex and extremal climatic and natural conditions. Population of these regions was a conglomerate of nomad and cattle-breeding tribes, who controlled trade roads, adjusted to the system of wells, springs, small rivers, what had influenced on material monuments of the cultureof the region.
It was possible to reach lower Ural and Volga from Urgench, following the road of Ustyurt caravanserais. On this part of the road there was situated Kyzylkala town. Passing by the territories of Southern and Northern Priaralye the trade arteries lead to the towns on Ural (Zhaiyk) river: Saraichik and Zhaiyk towns. Then they lead the caravans to thewestern direction-to the Europe, Crimea and Caucasus, and also to the “Zhaiyk road” to the Esatern Priuralye, Ural and Povolzhye.
Directions of the Silk Road were not static: during the centuries the biggest significancy received first one then another parts and nets; some of them died out totally, and towns and trade stations came to default.
We can define period of intensive functioning of the parts of the Silk Road stated above. In VI-VIII the main line was Syria – Iran – Central Asia – Southern Kazakhstan – Talass valley – Chu valley – Issykkul kettle – Eastern Turkestan. Branch of this road lead to the mentioned above line from Byzantine through Derbent in Prikapispiyskiy steppe, and Mangyshlak, in Priaralye, in Southern Kazakhstan (in Sasanid Iran, after concluding trade-diplomatic union between Western-turk kaganat and Byzantine). In IX-XII this route was used with less intension, but in XIII-XVI it started to function again (in connection with the appearance of Mongol Empire).
I. Semirechye sector of the Silk Road include the following objects on this nomination:
1. Antonovka ancient settlement - medieval Kayalyk (Kaylak);
2. Talgar ancient settlement;
3. Karamergen ancient settlement;
4. Aktobe Stepninskoye ancient settlement;
5. Akyrtas archeological complex;
6. Ornek encient settlement;
7. Kulan ancient settlement;
8.Kostobe ancient settlement.
II. Syrdarya sector of the Silk Road include the following objects on this nomination:
9. Zhuan tobe ancient settlement;
10. Karaspan tobe ancient settlement;
11. Borizhary burial ground;
12. Kul tobe ancient settlement;
13. Monuments of Otrar oasis;
14Turkestanancient settlement;
15. Sidak ancient settlement;
16. Sauran ancient settlement (Sauran archeological complex);
17. Sygnak ancient settlement;
18. Monuments of Dzhetyasar oasis;
19. Zhankala (Dzhend) ancient settlement;
20. Zhankent ancient settlement;
21. Kuyuk-kesken kala ancient settlement;
22. Chirik-Rabat ancient settlement;
23. Babish-mulla ancient settlement;
24. Balandy settlement;
III. Saryarka sector of theSilk Roadincluded the following objects on this nomination:
25. Bozok ancient settlement;
IV.Mangyshlak or Uralo-prikaspiyskiy sector of the Silk Road include the following objects on this nomination:
26. Kyzylkala ancient settlement.
27. Zhayik ancient settlement;
28. Saraychik ancient settlement
V. “Early Period ofSilk Roadformation (prehistory)” category on this nomination included the following objects:
29. Boralday necropolis;
30. Issyk necropolis;
31. Besshatyr necropolis.
1 Component of Silk Road: Antonovka Ancient Settlement – Medieval Kayalyk (Kaylak). Geographical coordinates 44T 0444964 5060124
1 Brief Description of an Object – Component of Silk Road:
Geographical location: east outskirts of Koylyk (Antonovka) settlement, Sarkand area Almaty region, banks of Ashi-Bulak river, 190 km to the north-east from Taldykorgan city.
Type of the monument: settlement
Dating: VIII – end of XIII
Cultural/ethnical membership: Karluk, policonfessionalism
Morphology: Medieval Kayalyk (Kaylak) is the biggest settlement of Ili valley. Outwalls made of cob represent slipped down shaft with 11-13 m of width, and preserved height to 2-3.5 m, they surround a square area with length of 1290 m, depth of 840 m. Behind the wall there is a clearly seen ditch with width of 1017 m, depth of 1-2 m. Entries into ancient settlements were organized in the north-west, north-east and south-east parts. Inside the settlement the whole vast ground territory of the settlement is covered by numerous hillocks and hollows – these are traits of previous development. In the center of the above-mentioned quadrangle the central part is standing out, with the size of 241x225 m, angles oriented to the four winds.
Historical reference: The city was known in the sources of XI-beginning of XIII centuries as the capital of Karluk dzhabgu – this is an independent property of Turks-Karluks in Karahanids’ Kaganate. In the middle of XIII century the city has been visited by Guillaume de Rubrouck, an ambassador of Louis IX while he was going to Mongol Khan Munke. He described the city as a big trade center. According to him, there were temples of “idolaters”, a mosque and Christian church nearby.
Degree of investigation: Archaeological explorations of the ancient settlement started in 1964. Works were recommenced in 1998 within the scope of South-Kazakhstani Archaeological Complex Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, during which the object identified as “Buddhist Temple” was dug out, and the dwelling farmstead at the citadel of ancient settlement was explored. In 1999-2000 the works were conducted in the “farmstead of a wealthy man” which located in the south-east part of the ancient settlement. In 2001 the bathhouse of “hammam” type was revealed, it was made of burnt bricks; in addition, the mausoleum constructed at the territory of the ancient settlement during the period of its desolation was investigated. In 2002-2003 the works were mainly concentrated on investigation of stratigraphy, creation of three-dimensional topographic base of the monument, and also on conservational measures and monitoring. From 2004 the works on “Cultural Heritage of Kazakhstan” are being conducted at the ancient settlement. During past time the Muslim mausoleums of XIII and tekke of the same period, Friday mosque, Sogdian quarters, Manichean temple and other objects have been dug out. 1 Guarantees of Authenticity and/or Integrity of an Individual Object – Component:
Preservation of the investigated objects in the settlement is good. Conservation (partial and full recultivation, covered with a protective layer) carried out on all the investigated objects. The boundaries of modern territorial land tenure had touched the part of the medieval building, but despite this, as the monitor shows, permanently kept within the boundaries of the 80s. Security zones are not defined, the museum and management system are absent.
1 Comparison of the Object – component of Silk Road with other similar objects, independently of their belonging to Silk Road, and its distinctive features:
The ancient settlement has some similarities with such ancient settlements of this time as Talgar and tortkols of Semirechye, South Kazakhstan, Tuva and Mongolia, Povolzhye.
It is the most close to ancient settlements of Golden Horde: Selitrennoe, Vodyanskoye, Mongolian ancient settlements of Crimea.
For example, the mosque that was dug out in Antonovka ancient settlement has almost no differences in layout and construction technique, interior design from the mosque of Voznesenovka ancient settlement (Beldzhamin city). Heating system of “kan” type in the houses of Golden Horde settlements and Kayalyk are similar.
Antonovka ancient settlement is one of the best studied monuments in Kazakhstan.
2 Component of Silk Road: Talgar ancient settlement – medieval Talhir. geographical coordinates: 43 T 680462 4794632
2 Brief Description of an Object – Component.
Geographical position: Talgar ancient settlement is situated 25 kilometers to the east of Almaty, at the foot of Zailiyskoe Ala Tau, in the outskirts of Talgar city.
Type of the monument: settlement
Dating: VIII- beginning of XIII
Cultural/ethnical membership: Karluk, Uisyny, Dulats, Kerey, Qidan. Cultic jobbings certify that there were representatives of various confessions in the settlement.
Morphology: Central part of the ancient settlement represents square section surrounded by fortifications with some remains of towers. The wall now looks like a slid down bank with a height of 3 up to 5 meters, with hilly towers at the corners and around the perimeter. An ancient build-up can be noticed around the central part, it is preserved best in the southern part. The total area of the ancient city was 28 hectares.
Historical reference: Talgar for sure corresponds to Talhir which is mentioned in anonymous Persian geographical writing of the end of X century, called “Hudud al-Alem”. “Its citizens are warlike, brave and valorous”, - mentioned the medieval geographer.
Degree of investigation: The excavations have been conducted in this place for about 50 years with intervals. It was studied by such archaeologists as I.I. Kopylov, T.V. Savelyeva. The ancient settlement was included into the “Cultural Heritage of Kazakhstan” program. During numerous excavations the topography and development of Talgar was investigated, as well as its fortification. Rural houses in the central part and outside its boundaries have been explored. The street network, rural equipping such as water supply system and local canalization were revealed.
Coin collections, ceramics and glass, crafts made of iron, copper and bronze were gathered. Special attention was paid to collection of blacksmith’s crafts made of iron – armaments, horse riding equipment, home inventory, agricultural tools, inventories for the blacksmiths themselves and other craftsmen and builders.
The proposition exists that in Talgar of XI-XII mint place was operating. Collections of imported crafts made of ceramics, bronze, copper and glass were gathered.
Collections of inscriptions on ceramics, stone and metal crafts were gathered. Besides, ancient-Turkic writings, Orkhon alphabet, Chinese and Qidan writings, Arabic writings were found.
2 Guarantees of Authenticity and/or Integrity of an Individual Object – Component:
Research of the settlement has a half century history. Collected a variety of imported goods, as well as locally produced items. In the course of archaeological research represented the biggest in Central Asia collection of products made of black metal.
Integrity of the investigated objects on the site - is satisfactory. Carried out Conservation (partial and complete recultivation, restoration of pavement, foundation of farmstead, external wall of shakhristan). Territorial boundaries of modern land tenure had touched the biggest part of the medieval buildings of rabad, closely built up the territory adjacent to the northern wall of shakhristan. Talgar settlement is included into the list of monuments of Republican value. Security zones are defined, the question of inclusion the Issyk-Museum Reserve into the jurisdiction of settlement area is being decided.
2 Comparison of the Object – Component of Silk Road with Other Similar Objects, Independently of their Belonging to Silk Road, and its Distinctive Features:
Analogous to Talhir settlement amonuments are characteristic for Zhetysu, South Kazakhstan, Tuva and Mongolia. However, Talgar is one of the monuments which are well investigated as the town lying at the Silk Road routes and compared with the object known at written source and has a very rich cultural lay, which continue to provide the richest archaeological material.
3 Component of Silk Road: Karamergen ancient settlement. Geographical coordinates: 43 T 547726 5123322
3 Brief Description of an Object – Component:
Geographical location: Karamergen ancient settlement is situated 200 km to the north-east of Bakanas settlement, 3 km to north of falling of Ortasu dry bed into Shetbakanas.
Type of the monument: Settlement
Cultural/ethnical membership: Oguz
Morphology: The settlement itself looks like rectangle (115x120 m) with the corners oriented to the four winds directions. The walls preserved very well, even now they reach three meters in height.
Round, projecting towers with 4.5 m height are situated in each corner. North-east and south-west sides have two more towers with 3.5 m height. Entries into the ancient settlement can be noticed in the middle of north-west and south-east walls. Their structure is rather complex. They are flanked with L-sector of the wall, the corners of this sector have two more towers and the south-east entry is fixed with overhanging roll with preserved height of 1.5 m.
20 km to east of south tower there is a trapeziform construction surrounded by slid down roll with height of half a meter. South-eastern part of the ancient settlement has a main channel of 0.8-1 km taken out from the bed of one of the channels of Ortasu river which has no water now.
The second channel is situated 2 km to west of Karamergen, its bed is going from south-west to north-east, to the bank of Balkhash lake. The preserved length of the channel is 10 km; the bed width is 8-10 m.
Historical reference: According to the opinion of some of the researchers the settlement fit to Gorguz al-Idrisi.
Degree of investigation: The territory of the ancient settlement had stratigraphic excavations on it. It was found that Karamergen is a one-layer ancient settlement with cultural beddings of 0.5-0.8 m thickness. Cleaning of west tower outside and excavations inside of it showed that it had cone shape which was tapered upwards where the shooting ground was organized, with 3 m diameter, surrounded by brick breastwork. Mudbricks of 55x25x8.5 and 50x23x8 cm were used for construction of the tower.
The section of the wall surrounding Karamergen territory was also cleaned. It was found that the wall with thickness of 4.5 is made of mudbricks, blocks and pieces of natural clay.
Ceramics that was gathered during excavations at Bakanas ancient settlements and collected at the surface of the abovementioned monuments dates by IX-XIII centuries. These are cauldrons, table and water jugs, mugs, bowls, big vessels for storing of water, grain and flour – “Houma”.
Most of the vessels were made at potter’s wheel, of compact, well mixed paste, with admixtures of fine sand and chalk. Ceramic crafts were fired in potter’s ovens and paste was becoming of dark-red or dark-brown color.
Some of the vessels are decorated with trite ornament, but its elements are of the same type – usually it is a row of ring-shaped impressions with triangles. This pattern is well known in ceramics of Semirechye towns. Jugs of all abovementioned shapes are usual for stratums of XI-XIII of Semirechye towns. The closest parallels in shape and in ornaments can be noticed in materials of Antonovka, Talgar towns.
Slip ceramics in materials of Bakanas towns is represented only by few small fragments of bowls – “piala” and “kese” type. Several fragments of glass vessels of white and brown colors with large content of air bubbles inside can be related to XI-XIII centuries.
3 Guarantees of Authenticity and/or Integrity of an Individual Object – Component:
Archaeological research of the settlement werecarried out in 1996, 2008. Preservation of the investigated objects on the site is satisfactory. Conservation activities had not been conducted. Settlement is located at a high distance from populated area, and therefore there is no technogeneous threat to the monument. Security zones are not defined, the museum and management system are absent.
3 Comparison of the Object – Component of Silk Road with Other Similar Objects, Independently of their Belonging to Silk Road, and its Distinctive Features:
Karamergen ancient settlement can be referred to “tortkol” type monuments widely known in Zhetysu, South Kazakhstan, Tuva, Mongolia and in Tien-Shan. These are remains of towns, towns-shelters, settlements and caravanserais.
Karamergen is a city on the route of the Silk Road and this is evidenced by findings of imported beads made of lazurite; and the main proof is that it is situated on the section of Silk Road going from the main line across Pribalkhashye to Sary-Arka.
4 Component of Silk Road: Aktobe Stepninskoye. Geographical coordinates: 43 T 418685 4792261.
4 Brief Description of an Object – Component:
Geographical location: Aktobe ancient settlement is situated at both sides of Aksu river, not far from its falling into Chu river, in the steppe zone of Semirechye.
Type of the monument: Settlement.
Dating: VII-XIII
Cultural/ethnical memebership: Karluk, Chigili, Yagma.
Morphology: Central ruins that gave the name to the whole monument are situated on the left bank of Aksu river. Citadel looks like high subdirect square hill with height of 15 m. Sizes of the hillock are 120x100m at the base. Citadel is attached by shakhristan having subdirect square contours with 240x210m size. Citadel and shakhristan are surrounded with walls which are now look like slid down rolls.
The territory of handicraft and agricultural areas is close to central ruins, it is surrounded by two rows of rolls. The length of the area downstream the river from south-east to north-west is 9.5-10km at the external circle of the walls and 5.5km at the internal circle of the walls.
Historical reference: The settlement is defined as big centre of trade and craft in compound of western turk Kaganate.
Degree of investigation: Starting from 1974, ancient settlement is being excavated by expedition of Kazakh State National University of Al-Farabi. From 2008 the works are being conducted on the program of “Cultural Heritage of Kazakhstan”.
During excavations at the ancient settlement the residential communities, separate farmsteads were found, fortification was explored. Crafts made of ceramics and glass, metal crafts and jewelry, bronze vessels and big amount of coins were gathered during excavations.
4 Guarantees of Authenticity and/or Integrity of an Individual Object – Component:
Being an authentic object of history, culture and architecture, Aktobe ancient settlement is under the protection of government. The ancient settlement was situated on important section of the Silk Road leading from China across Zhetysu to Central Asia, to Middle East, South Kazakhstan and Europe. Architectural works are being performed in that object in the stationary mode. This is first of all certified by archeological materials in the ancient settlement. This is certified first of all by coins: Chinese Tan dynasty, Torgesh coins, Tukhus coins, Samanids and Karakhanids coins. Bronze handicrafts were found – jugs from Iran and Central Asia, central-Asian ceramics. Aktobe ancient settlement can be recorded into the list on 3rd category, because it is an exclusive evidence of cultural tradition or civilization, existing or disappeared.
4 Comparison of the Object – Component of Silk Road with Other Similar Objects, Independently of their Belonging to Silk Road, and its Distinctive Features:
Aktobe ancient settlement belongs to a large group of so-called “ancient settlements with long walls”. They are mainly concentrated in Chu and Talass valleys. Also, there are some in the south of Kazakhstan – Ispidzhab, Budukhist, Karaspan. They are usually connected with routes of the Silk Road. Aktobe relates to the number of those which are notable for big sizes and which are well studied, which are notable for presence of wealthy archeological material gathered during the exploration of many years.
5 Component of Silk Road: Akyrtas – Archeological Complex. Geographical coordinates 42T 0727697 4759493.
5 Brief Description of an Object – Component:
Geographical location: archaeological complex is situated 40 km to east of modern Taraz, 6 km to south of Akchulak railway station, at the foot of Kyrgyz Ala Tau. Now it looks like dry foothills covered by mouths of drying springs, with beds starting from springs situated in the mountain gorges.
Type of the monument: Complex of various objects
Dating: The objects have wide chronological scope
Cultural/ethnical membership: Karluk, Arab
Morphology: The complex includes several archeological and archeological-architectural monuments of different times: palace (monumental construction, rectangular, made of massive stone blocks of red sandstone, with height from 1 to 1.5 m. The size of construction is 169x145m. The long sides of construction are oriented at north-south line. The plan of construction can be read easily: the main street connects north and south entries. One more street which is perpendicular to it goes from east to west and rests against deep “aivans”. Streets divide the construction into four parts, three of them consist of facilities situated round the yards and one (north-west one) is free from development. The center of the whole development is occupied by yard with stone column bases at the perimeter of it, with sizes of 5x5m. The south part of the yard has some traces of foundation pits for water reservoirs. Palace construction dates by the middle of VIII century. There is a garden-park zone near it. It is a sector of subdirect rectangular shape. Sizes are 250x250m. Country farmsteads or “residential neighborhood” are situated to north of “palace complex”. Near the complex, to the west of it, the stone quarry and open cast for stone extraction were found. An observation tower, caravanserais of X-XII and XIII-XIV, settlement of 19th century and Sak burial mounds were found and explored.
Historical reference: Comparison of Akyrtas - Kasribas was supported by K.M. Baypakov, who believes that Akyrtas is an undeveloped Karluk settlement, who owned Semirechye in the IX-X centuries and invited Arab architects for building.
And finally, one more attempt to explain the purpose of Akyrtas, the time of its construction and related with that political events, was made by German researcher Brentes B.. He believes that Akyrtas was built on the order of the Arab commander Kuteyba. The researcher designates the exact date of commencement of construction - it is 714-715 years. When Kuteiba ibn Muslim became a ruler of Central Asia, and fearing for the fate of his family, called it to him (it reached Merv, when Kuteiba was killed). Akyrtas was built as his residence in the north.
Degree of research: Exploration of the complex is being conducted during many years. From 2004 the explorations are performed on the basis of the “Cultural Heritage of Kazakhstan” program.
5 Guarantees of Authenticity and/or Integrity of an Individual Object – Component:
The archaeological complex of Akyrtas is an authentic object of history, culture and architecture and is under protection of the state, and is the bright sample of palace architecture of 8-10 centuries. The complex is on a line of the Great Silk Road. The archaeological complex of Akyrtas can be recorded in the list with criterion 4 as the outstanding example of a structure type, architectural and technological ensemble or a landscape illustrating an important stage of development of a human history.
The research of archaeological complex was conducted in 1996, 1998, 2000, 2004-2009.
Preservation of the investigated objects in the settlement is outstanding. Conservation (partial and complete recultivation, coating protective layer, dinging and calking by special solution) was conducted on the so-called palace complex. There is a shelter erected over the so-called castle of the ruler. Security zones are defined, museum is being built, state security of the object was established. The management system is absent. Akyrtas is included into the list of historical and cultural monuments of the Republican value.
5 Comparison of the Object – Component of Silk Road with Other Similar Objects, Independently of their Belonging to Silk Road, and its Distinctive Features:
In Kazakhstan and Central Asia there are no constructions like Akyrtas palace. Analogies to this palace can be seen in palace complexes of Iraq and Jordan. These are palaces of Samarra. This is a palace of Ukhaydir (775), al-Hir al-Gharbi, al-Khair al-Sharki.
6 Component of Silk Road: Ornek Ancient Settlement. Geographical coordinates: 43 T 267250 4754732.
6 Brief Description of an Object – Component:
Geographical location: Ornek ancient settlement is situated 6 km to south of settlement of the same name on Altynsu river, in Solutor gorge.
Type of the monument: Settlement.
Cultural/ethnical membership: Karluk, Chigil, Yagma.
Morphology: The central part of the ancient settlement represents the quadrangular platform oriented by corners to the four winds. The sizes of an area on a crest of a roll surrounding it are 155x160 m. The roll was preserved with the height to 5 m with width of the basis of 11-15 m. On corners and on perimeter of walls the hillocks can be noticed, where the towers were supposed to be located: there were 7 of them on the northeast wall (angular also), 6 of them on the northwest wall, 9 on the southeast wall, and 9 on the southwest wall. Each of the four sides has gate (entry) with the shape of ruptures in a roll. Entrances were connected by the roads crossing in the center.
In the center of an ancient settlement, closer to a northwest wall there are round foundation pits for three water reservoirs connected with each other. Diameters of two of them are 30 m and the third is 15 m in diameter.
The central ruins are adjoined by the territory surrounded with the roll with towers. The roll is at a distance of 90 m from a southwest wall, in 40 m – from the southeast wall, in 90 m - from northeast wall and in 100 m – from northwest wall.
The external roll looks like a rectangle with length of the sides: southwest side is 330 m; northwest side is 290 m, northeast side is 300 m, and the southeast side consists of two sectors closed at an obtuse angle with a length of 200 and 160 m. In the middle of a northeast part of a roll a rupture can be seen – the remains of a former pass.
Around the fortification, mainly behind the external wall, to the south and the southeast along Solutor gorge there are sections with rectangular, square and irregular shape are fenced off from each other by stone boulders. The sizes of sections range from 250-300 sq.m. to 1000-2000 sq. m. Inside the sections, usually in a corner, there are hillocks, the remains of the construction-house. The massive of these sections goes upwards on banks of Solutor for 4 km and with 1.2 km of width. Its total area makes about 500 hectares. It is impossible to distinguish visually any system in arrangement of these sections, but sometimes "the roads" can be noticed and they somehow organize the general unsystematic building.
Historical reference: Arabian route guides (in particular, made by ibhn Khordadbekh and by Kudama) testify that Kasribas, Kulshub and Dzhulshub towns were situated between Taraz, Nizhniy Barskhan and Kulan (their location now is rather accurately defined). Most likely, Ornek corresponds to Kulshub which, as well as Kasribas, belonged to Karluks and was the settlement (“stavka”) of one of feudal lords.
Archaeological materials of Ornek excavation allow assuming that “stavka” has appeared at a place of constant settled settlement, probably, at the territory of spring-autumn pastures. It in turn, has served as a kernel around which the town was gradually creating. And this was happening not without the influence of international trade along the Great Silk Road.
Degree of the research: The site of ancient settlement was investigated in 1990-1993 by expedition of the Collection of monuments of Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, Institute of Archeology of А.K. Margulan.
Excavation on the territory of an ancient settlement has partially opened the rectangular construction with sizes of 40x20m. With its sides on external contour of the walls it is directed to the four winds. Their bases are made from stone cobble-stones. The walls themselves were pise-walled with the width of about 1 m. Entry of the construction has been constructed with two ledges of a wall which forms the area. The length of ledges is 3.5 m; the width of the entry is 8m.
A system of stone bases of columns was found out on the surface of the floor which was cleaned in some separate areas. Two of them represent the blocks cut out from massive boulders. The first, with the sizes of 0.5x0.5x1.3m, with the bottom part slightly rounded and the facets removed from two corners, one side of it is decorated with the procarved ornament represented by double line. The figure with the shape of a vase leg is painted on it; it has a leaf with two curls originating from the cutting. The second trapezoid block with a ledge on it has a height of 10cm. Facets are removed from the two edges of it; two sides have images of anthropomorphous beings on them. The third base looks like the two-level block and the sizes of the lower step of it are 1.3x1.2m of 1m height, the top step is 0.85x0.9m, with the height of 0.4m.
The rest 11 bases (together with those 14 described) represent massive boulders, flattened on top with the sizes of 0.8x0.8m. They form regular rows with 3-3.5 m distances from each other. Thus, at the total area of the construction yard there should be either 55, or 66 bases of columns 11 of which 11 were located by length of construction and 5 or 6 of them were located by width.
According to the lay-out and presence of columns bases this was a rectangular construction with flat overlapping which, probably, was based on a great number of columns. Some of the bases were specially cut out from boulders and decorated with a procarved ornament, others represented large raw boulders. Most likely, the construction remains belong to a mosque of the “pillar type”. Such mosques are usual for early stages of development of Muslim religion.
The mosque is dated by X-XII centuries. Constructions of “pillar type” are also known in Central Asia.
Topography studies of Ornek ancient settlement (and it is dated by VIII-XII centuries) and its excavations provide some idea about the center of settled way of life and about the crafts. At the same time, the presence of powerful fortifications and cathedral mosque evidences that the ancient settlement represents the remains of a town which was formed on the basis of the settlement (“stavka”) of nomadic possessors.
6 Guarantees of Authenticity and/or Integrity of an Individual Object – Component:
Archaeological investigations were carried out in 2001.
Preservation of the investigated objects in the settlement is satisfactory. Security zones are not defined, the museum and management system are absent.
6 Comparison of the Object – Component of Silk Road with Other Similar Objects, Independently of their Belonging to Silk Road, and its Distinctive Features:
Ornek ancient settlement is included into the group of the monuments of “tortkol” type. Mainly, it is related to Turks-cattlemen that changed their life to settled way of life. Such ancient settlement presents in Zhetysu, in the south of Kazakhstan, in Tuva, Mongolia, on Don.
Ornek ancient settlement is one of those where the excavation were conducted providing an idea about the way of development of the central part, about character of farmsteads concentrated around the central ruins. The thing is that important is that Ornek ancient settlement provides an idea about the process of development of a town on the basis of stops.
7 Component of Silk Road: Kulan ancient settlemet. Geographical coordinates: 43 T 316324 4754816
7 Brief Description of an Object – Component of Silk Road:
Geographical location: situated close to (from eastern side) same named settlement.
Type of the monument: Settlement
Dating: VII – XIII
Cultural/ethnical membership: The Kulan town is known from the written sources relating to VIII-XIII centuries. In routing guide of Chinese pilgrim Sjuan Tszjaija and in the history of a dynasty of Tan it is mentioned under the name "Tszjuj-lan’". In IХ-Х centuries Kulan was mentioned by the Arabian authors describing cities located on a line of the Great Silk Road. Ibhn-Khordadbekh and Kudama geographers locate Kulan fourteen “pharsakh” (unit of measure) to the west of Taraz. Here what Kudama told: “... there is sand between Taraz and Kulan from the north side, and behind it there is a desert of sand and pebble, and in this desert there are echidnas, [it stretches] to Kimaks’ border“. The Arabian geographer of X century al-Makdisi describes Kulan as “the fortified city” which has “a cathedral mosque” and which “has already become empty, it is located on big Taraz road”. The author of the geographical dictionary, Yakut who created his work in 20-ies of XIII century, mentions: “Kulan is a pleasant small town on border of the country of Turks, from the side of Maverannakhr».
A number of famous historical events is connected with Kulan: in year 740 the last west-Turkic kagan Ashaina Syn’ has been killed by Turgesh prince Kursul’.
Degree of research: Explorations of remains of this city were facilitated by the fact that according to the sources it was located between two medieval cities the location of which was well-known. In the west, fourteen “pharsakhs” from Kulan the Taraz was located at the place of an ancient settlement in the centre of present Taraz city; in the east, on distance of four “pharsakhs”, there was Mirki town which nowadays has the same name. Therefore, identification of Kulan with ruins close Lugovoye village Meadow, suggested by V.V. Bartold, does not leave any doubts.
The data received by archeologists allow assuming that originally in VII-VIII centuries there was a construction with “pakhsa” walls in the place of citadel. Probably, it was a construction of a castle type.
Dating is based on peculiarities of construction techniques. The above-stated sizes of blocks and bricks and the combined laying of walls are typical for southwest Semirechye of VII – VIII. Such dating for the lower construction horizon is also evidenced by ceramics complex where the handmade dishes prevail, such as houma, cookers, water pitchers with wide neck and also table jugs, covered with red engobe and with light glossing.
The uppermost building horizon demonstrates new methods of building techniques. People used flat stone plates as the base for dwellings, and they applied fired bricks of the square shape for building purposes. Irrigating ware of XI-beginning of XIII serves as a dating material for the upper horizon.
On the territory of the ancient settlement surrounded by long walls there are dozens of hills which represent the remains of castles and farmsteads. Some of these hillocks were excavated. One of them, named as Lugovoye A resembled the truncated letter “pi”. Archeological excavations have completely revealed the central construction which had, as it was found out, "comb-shaped" lay-out typical for early-middle age castles of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The castle consisted of seven premises.
Architecture and techniques of building of the castle were typical for Central Asia and Kazakhstan of VI-VIII centuries. The most similar to Lugovoye castle is the castle of the Krasnorechenskiy ancient settlement identified with the Navaket town.
During the excavations of Lugovoye A castle the material was received allowing to conclude that it has been constructed in VII-VIII centuries, and after that its lay-out undergone some changes, by means of reconstruction, and in such state the castle was used up to X century.
The castle of development of Lugovoye G existed in VII-ХII centuries. Dating of the initial date was confirmed by the coins which were found on the floor of premises. The construction lay-out with its center in the open yard has exits to the premises located around the castle. Presence of numerous premises of different function, findings of carved pieces of IX-XI centuries, and also the terracottas looking like men heads which were a part of the decorated pictures made of carved pieces testify that, most likely, the remains of construction of Lugovoye G are the remains of a country palace, probably, the owner was the governor of a city.
In its life there are at least two periods of construction that can be traced - VII-VIII centuries and IX-XI centuries.
7 Guarantees of Authenticity and/or Integrity of an Individual Object – Component:
Investigations in the settlement were carried out in 1964, 1998-2008, resulting in a large factual material collected, indicating the settlement as large administrative and commercial center.
Preservation of the investigated objects in the settlement is satisfactory. Conservation (partialand complete recultivation, coating with a protective layer) is performed not at all the investigated objects. In 2008, the canopies were installed over some objects, but strong windload had destroyed them.
The boundaries of contemporary land use (highway and modern construction) geographically had touched a part of the medieval buildings of rabad. The destruction of the medieval homesteads partially extends along the highway. The monument received a status of historical and cultural monument the Republican value. Security zones are not marked, the museum and management system are absent.
7 Comparison of the Object – Component of Silk Road with Other Similar Objects, Independently of their Belonging to Silk Road, and its Distinctive Features:
Kulan ancient settlement belongs to the type of “ancient settlements with long walls” which are popular for Chu, Talass valleys and for South Kazakhstan. Excavations conducted at the Kulan ancient settlement resulted in materials gathered during excavation like such: ceramics, carved pieces (fillet). These make this monument one of the explored objects at the Silk Road route.
8 Component of Silk Road: Kostobe Ancient Settlement – Dzhamukat town. Dating of VI-XII centuries. Geographical coordinates 42 T 705624 4763292.
8 Brief Description of an Object – Component of Silk Road:
Geographical location: to the eastern side from Sarykemer settlement
Type of the monument: Settlement
Dating: VI-XII
Cultural/ethnical membership: Oguz, Karluk, Sogdian.
Morphology: The central part of Kostobe occupies a quadrangular elevated area with the size of 420х 450 surrounded by double wall. Height of the external rolls is 3.5 m.; internal roll is to 5 m. The corners and perimeter of the walls had round towers fixed on them. Four entrances can be seen in the middle of each of the sides.
The citadel is in the middle of the western wall. Now it looks like a pyramidal hill with a flat platform at the top. The sizes of a hill in the basis - 70x80 m, height of the hill is12-15 m.
Shakhristan is attached to the citadel and occupies all southwest corner of the ancient settlement with sizes of 150x150 m. The entrance is located in northern wall. 200 m to the north of shakhristan there is a dome-shaped hillock with diameter of 80 m and height of 15 m. Probably, it was the fire tower.
From the north side, behind external roll there are two necropolises.
Rural districts can be noticed within the radius of 3-5 km from the central ruins. Separate hills are the remains of former farmsteads and castles; they stretch upwards across Talas towards Tortkoltobe ancient settlement identified with Nizhniy Barskhan, located at the basic line of the Great Silk Road.
Historical reference: The ancient settlement is identified with the Dzhamuket town. Arabian geographer al-Makdisi named the Dzhamukat city among the cities of Ispidzhab district and described it like this: “… big [city]. The wall around it. Inside it there is a cathedral mosque and the markets are in rabad”. According to another historian of X century, Nershakhi, Dzhamukat has been founded in VI century by natives of Bukhara and received the name from the name the leader of Bukhara citizens - Dzhamuka.
Degree of research: Excavation of rural necropolises of Kostobe has allowed establishing the type of burial places of citizens in VI-IX centuries. The majority of remains were found in “naus” - funeral constructions of the rectangular and square shape. Their walls of 0.5-0.6 m width are made of thick mudbricks. The sizes of “nauses” are various: square ones of 3.3x3.4 m, 3.8х 3.9 m, 3.5x3.5 m; rectangular – 2.5x4 and 2.5x3.7 m. The floors laid with mudbricks are covered with coating.
Dating of the described necropolis is defined by a finding of a bronze coin with an image of human face on one side and a horse on another. Such coins were minted within a wide area: from the Karshin oasis to Fergana in VI-VIII centuries. The pendant with an image of peacocks (or cocks) is similar to the same pendants from nomadic burial places of Irtysh compared with Kimak ones. As it is known, Kimaks have started to move from Priirtyshye to the West in second half VIII century. Therefore, the presence of nomadic ornaments and the bones of horses in a city necropolis of Kostobe is reasonable, and indicates that representatives of groups of the population, differing in their ethnic and religious signs have been buried here.
Excavation at the Kostobe citadel has uncovered a group of the constructions of different periods relating to VI-ХII centuries. Those of them which were found in the uppermost building horizon are greatly destroyed, because starting from XIII century the citadel was used as a cemetery. Numerous Muslim burial places have changed the integrity of the initial lay-out. However, the ceramics and coins allow to date the top building horizon ХI-ХII centuries.
It was possible to establish that the earliest complex of constructions on a citadel relates to VI-VIII centuries. This was a fortress-castle with roundabout corridors and premises of inhabited and economic appointment; they were constructed of “pakhsa” blocks and mudbricks. Then, in IХ-Х centuries, some considerable re-constructions of a complex occured: the roundabout gallery was divided into separate compartments-rooms serving mainly for economic needs. They were connected with habitable rooms, front doors and cult premises by corridors. Two premises looking like big halls were excavated. The walls of one of these were decorated by carved pictures which have slipped to the floor and got broken. Fragments remained and they show that the carving was done on thick plaster coat about 7 cm.
Analyzing the findings of the Kostobe ancient settlement, it can be noted that they are close to findings and works of art from excavations of the Central Asian cities like Afrasiaba, Varakhsha, and other famous cultural centers of the Middle East. Due to the fact that all building horizon is dated by IХ-Х centuries it indicates the presence of cultural and commercial relations between the cities of Talass valley located on the line of Silk Road.
8 Guarantees of Authenticity and/or Integrity of an Individual Object – Component:
In 1987, 1991 archaeological research of the settlement were carried out by expedition of the Monuments Collection and the South-Kazakhstan complex archaeological expedition of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, the head K.M. Baipakov. Investigations were conducted in the settlement in 1964, 1998-2010 resulting in a large factual material collected, indicating the settlement as large administrative and commercial center.
Preservation of the investigated objects in the settlement is satisfactory. Conservation (partialand complete recultivation, coating with a protective layer) is performed not at all the investigated objects. The boundaries of contemporary land use (highway and modern construction) geographically had touched a part of the medieval buildings in the area of “long” walls of rabad. Security zones are not defined, the museum and management system are absent.
8 Comparison of the Object – Component of Silk Road with Other Similar Objects, Independently of their Belonging to Silk Road, and its Distinctive Features:
Kostobe ancient settlement is related to the type of “ancient settlements with long walls” prevailing in the south-east Zhetysu, in Chu, Talass valleys, on the south of Kazakhstan. Excavations of the Kostobe ancient settlement revelaed the development at citadel; bury ceremonies in the rural necropolis; these provided a precious archeological materials – ceramics, metal crafts, coins, and they allow putting the monument into the preliminary List of the World Heritage of UNESCO.
9 Component of Silk Road: Zhuantobe Ancient Settlement. Geographical coordinates 42 T 509502 4709412
9 Brief Description of an Object – Component of Silk Road:
Geographical location: Situated at the left bank of Arys river, at the north-eastern outskirt of Kultogan village.
Type of the monument:Settlement
Dating: I B.C. – IX A.D.
Cultural/ethnical membership: Kauchin culture, Kangar-Pecheneg, Oguz, Sogdian.
Morphology: The site of ancient settlement has two-part structure: the central part looks like “tobe” with a ground at the top and the territory looks like a “ring-shaped hilling” surrounding the central part, distant with 20 to 60 m from the central part. The first is a hillock of conic form with abrupt walls and a ground at the top. Its sizes are 85x75 m and the ground is 65x55 m, the height of “tobe” is 17m. The three corners of it (except the northern one) have some remains of towers and it can be seen rather well. Around it, at a foot there is a ditch with the width of 40 m and depth of 1.5-2 m, and there is a development behind the ditch looking like a ring roll with the width of about to 60 m and height of 6-7m. The east corner has a rupture with the width to 50 m. The total area of the ancient settlement makes about 14 hectares (380x380).
Historical reference: Arabian geographer of X century Ibn Haukal mentions: “…it is between Farab, Kendzhida and Shash, there are good pastures in it, and about a thousand of families of Turks have already turned to Islam... Subaniket is the main town of Kendzhida”. Istakhri (X century) writes that “From Ispidzhab to Usbaniket there are two days of travelling, from Usbaniket to Keder, the main town of Barab (Farab) two easy day passages».
The anonymous author of “Khudud al-Alem” (X century) writes: “Subaniket is a pleasant prospering rich city”. According to Yakut (XII century), “Usbaniket is a city in Maverannakhr, one of the cities of Ispidzhab, a long day of travelling is between them”. According to al-Makdisi (X century) “Arsubaniket is big, pure, fortified town; a cathedral mosque is in it, and constructions in rabid”. On the basis of stated distances between Ispidzhab and Usbaniket, Usbaniket and Keder, V.V. Bartold has localized the district of Kendzhidu at the middle Arys’.
There is an opinion that Arsubaniket is corresponded by the ancient settlement of Zhuantobe or Shortobe in the middle current of the Arys’ river. Shortobe ruins are now occupied by a modern cemetery, therefore it was not explored, but according to the upper material it is dated by I-XIV centuries of A.D.
Degree of research: Zhuantobe ancient settlement is a well-known monument and its exploration was conducted already in 1953 by the South Kazakhstan archaeological expedition headed by A.N. Bernshtam and E.I. Ageyeva; and in 1988-91 the expedition of the South Kazakhstan regional museum of local history museum led by A.N. Grishchenko was doing the excavations here. Since 2004 the ancient settlement is occupied by excavations of the South Kazakhstan complex archaeological expedition.
As the result of works carried out at the “ring hilling” the remains of two premises were excavated, a site of external face of the defensive wall and cultural beddings behind it, and in the central part - nine premises of "housing estate" and “Sogdian house” were uncovered.
The complex is dated by IV-VII century A.D.
At the flat top of “tobe” the buildings of three construction periods were revealed dated in range of IV-VIII centuries. The houses grouped around the inter-quarter small streets are characterized by presence of “sufs” along two or three walls, entries with vestibule walls and the floor hearths with square shape and with boards.
Construction of “Sogdian house” of VII-VIII century in a southern part of “tobe” is interesting; it provided a complex of “Sogdian ceramics” of VII – the beginning of VIII centuries. During excavations the ceramics of IV-VI centuries relating to “Kaunchin” culture and a complex of “Kangar” ceramics of VII-VIII centuries were gathered.
9 Guarantees of Authenticity and/or Integrity of an Individual Object – Component:
Investigations in the settlement were carried out in 1998, 2005-2011, resulting in a large factual material collected, indicating the settlement as large administrative and commercial center. Membership of the population to the various religious confessions had influenced on the material culture.
Preservation of the investigated objects in the settlement is good. Conservation (partialand complete recultivation, coating with a protective layer) is performed at all the investigated objects. The boundaries of contemporary land use geographically had touched a part of the medieval buildings of rabad. Security zones are not defined, the museum and management system are absent.
9 Comparison of the Object – Component of Silk Road with Other Similar Objects, Independently of their Belonging to Silk Road, and its Distinctive Features:
The Settlement Zhuantobe is represented by a striking monument at the Silk Road, largely stimulated the development of South-Kazakhstani sector and at the same time was dependent on it. He finds a lot of similarities, both within the region and beyond. But it is distinguished by a rich pre-Islamic layer, illustrating the earliest stages of urbanization of Kazakhstani part of the Silk Road.
10 Component of Silk Road: Karaspan Ancient Settlement. Geographical coordinates: 42 T 503406 4704606
10 Brief Description of an Object – Component of Silk Road:
Geographical location: Situated at the left bank of Arys river, to 2 km to the east from Karaspan village.
Type of the monument:Settlement
Dating: I-XVIII
Cultural/ethnical membership: Otrar-karatau culture, Sogdian, Turk, Sart, Kazakh
Morphology: The central part of the ancient settlement is a high subdirect square in the plan “tobe”, the basis of it is 220-260 m and the height is 22 m. Around the ancient settlement there is a shakhristan development surrounded by roll. The sizes of its territory are 850х 600 m. Outside of shakhristan the remains of rabid can be observed, but it is impossible to determine its sizes because it was thrown open and built up.
Historical reference: The settlement of course is identified with Karasaman town, known in the sources of XIV-XVIII.
Degree of investigation: The ancient settlement was explored by the South-Kazakhstani archaeological expedition (1948-1951) and the excavations were recommenced in 2004, 2008 by the South-Kazakhstani complex archaeological expedition.
Excavations of the central part revealed the building constructions of ХVI - ХVII centuries. The houses with habitable and economic constructions were uncovered. In the habitable premises the pasted “sufa” occupies ¾ of the total area, there is “tandyr” with a flue constructed in “sufa”, and a “tashnau” area (the sanitary-and-hygienic device) before it. Clay vessels were found in premises – houmas, jugs, and mugs. It is interesting that among the invariable findings for dwelling premises is a grain grater (“zernoterka”) – “a manual mill”, and irrigation basin-“tagora”. It is interesting that “tagora” has its own original design in each house and different ornamental drawings. One of such “tagoras” has images of fishes on it.
During excavations of the central part the collection of coins of XVI-ХVII centuries was collected, these define the dating of the top layers of a site of ancient settlement in a more exact way.
The excavations were performed on the territory of shakhristan where the prospect hole has been installed cutting the stratum of cultural beddings to the depth of 3,5 m and this provided the material of I - XII centuries A.D. Assuredly, the ancient settlement is identified with Karasaman city that is known from the sources of XIV-XVIII centuries.
Citizens of settlement sold to explorers a series of copper “felses” and silver “dirhams” of XIII century. Thus, the history and culture of a big city on Arys’ river starts shape better and better. Coins of XIII caulked in Otrar, Kanzhe, Samarkand, Buhara, fragments of Chinese porcelain wereregistered in this area.
10 Guarantees of Authenticity and/or Integrity of an Individual Object – Component:
Investigations in the settlement were carried out in 1998, 2005-2009, mainly concentrated on the territory of citadel, on the rabid territory was laid a foundation of stratigraphical pit. It resulted in a large factual material collected, indicating the settlement as large administrative and commercial center.
Preservation of the investigated objects in the settlement is satisfactory. Conservation (partialand complete recultivation, coating with a protective layer) is performed at some of the investigated objects. The boundaries of contemporary land use geographically had touched a part of the medieval buildings of rabad. Security zones are not defined, the museum and management system are absent.
10 Comparison of the Object – Component of Silk Road with Other Similar Objects, Independently of their Belonging to Silk Road, and its Distinctive Features:
The Settlement Karaspan applies to a wide range of monuments that have arisen on the ground suitable for agriculture and the implementation of trade along the Silk Road, its functioning led to the existence of the town for more than a half millennium. Pecularity of the monument is its inextricable connection with the system of the Silk Road, with which it was a single entity.
11 Component of Silk Road: Borizhar Burial Grounds. Geographical coordinates: 42 T 510703 4708714
11 Brief Description of an Object – Component of Silk Road:
Geographical location: left bank of Arys river, at the place of Badam river’s inflow
Type of the monument: Burial ground
Dating: II B.C. – VII A.D.
Cultural/ethnical membership: Kauchin culture, Kangyuy.
Morphology: Borizhar burial ground is the biggest necropolis of South Kazakhstan. Burial mounds of earth are spread all over the left bank of Arys’ river, for more than 13 km from Karaultobe settlement to the mouth of Badam river which falls into Arys’ river o