
丝绸之路文化遗产 丝绸之路:长安天山廊道的路网 丝绸之路:泽拉夫尚-卡拉库姆廊道 丝路预备遗产点 丝路相关世界遗产 丝绸之路:费尔干纳—锡尔河廊道
文物保护单位 省级文物保护单位 市县级文物保护单位
国家 哈萨克斯坦 吉尔吉斯斯坦 乌兹别克斯坦 土库曼斯坦 塔吉克斯坦
世界遗产 跨国遗产
遗产专题 海上丝绸之路遗产点 泉州:宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心 长城及烽燧 万里茶道
考古时期 青铜时代 铁器时代

• 图兰的冷冬沙漠

哈萨克斯坦土库曼斯坦乌兹别克斯坦图兰的冷冬沙漠Cold Winter Deserts of Turan© M. Gritsina遗产类型:自然遗产列入标准:(ix)(x)该遗产是位于哈萨克斯坦、土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦的跨国系列遗产,包括分布于里海和图兰山脉之间的中亚温带干旱地区的14个组成部分。该地区遭受极端天气影响,冬季寒冷,夏季炎热,是陆地生态系统进化和适应极端气候条件 ...

• 丝绸之路:泽拉夫尚-卡拉库姆廊道

塔吉克斯坦/土库曼斯坦/乌兹别克斯坦Silk Roads: Zarafshan-Karakum Corridor丝绸之路:扎拉夫尚-卡拉库姆廊道ICOMOS建议无保留列入扎拉夫尚-卡拉库姆廊道是丝绸之路在中亚的关键路段之一,它连接着来自四面八方的其他廊道。本项目共有34个遗产点,分布在崇山峻岭、肥沃的河谷和荒无人烟的沙漠中,全长866公里,自东向西沿扎拉夫尚河延伸,再向西南沿着穿 ...

• 史国

史国 : 古西域国名。《北史》、《隋书》、《新唐书》诸史《西域传》均有记载,为昭武九姓诸国之一。唐置潏沙州于此。故址在今乌兹别克斯坦撒马尔罕以南之沙赫里夏勃兹城。

• 沙鹿海牙

沙鹿海牙 : 明代城名。亦称肥那开忒、沙鹿黑业。故址在今乌兹别克斯坦塔什干西约80公里,锡尔河北岸之沙哈鲁克亚城。

• The Site of Tosor

TheTosor site on the route, which served as a fortress between two large cities of the area: Barshan and Ton (Тun, Dun). It is on the western end of Tosor village, in 200 m to the north from Balykchi-Karakol road. It has square form with sides 100х100m, o

• 柘折城

柘折城 : 又作柘支城、赭时城、赭支城。即今乌兹别克斯坦塔什干。唐时置大宛都督府于此。

• 图阿达遗址Tuada

图阿达遗址位于乌兹别克斯坦拜松市西北6公里的图阿达村内。此地属西天山南麓山间峡谷地带,地势呈倾斜缓坡状,较为开阔,牧草丰茂,两侧谷地内均为河流。遗址区大部分被现代村落所占据,并遭到严重破坏,范围不明。在村落北侧边缘地带残存数座石构建筑基址,地表现存石筑墙基,由1~2列排列整齐的卵石围成,基本与地表平齐。绝大部分已不完整,其中保存最 ...

• 萨扎干墓地Sazagan

萨扎干(Sazagan)墓地萨扎干墓地位于萨扎干村东侧2公里的西天山北麓坡地上,地势较为平坦开阔,牧草茂盛。在这里的山前地带发现数十座墓葬,大多为圆形的土石混合封堆墓,以石块混合土构筑封堆,中部有明显的凹陷,直径多为5~12、高0.3~0.5米。此外,墓地东北部还有3座高大的土墩墓,呈圆丘形,直径约30、高约4米。同样形态的墓葬在蒙古高原和新疆一带 ...

• 萨扎干遗址Sazagan

萨扎干(Sazagan)遗址萨扎干遗址位于乌兹别克斯坦撒马尔罕市西南20公里的萨扎干村中南部,地处西天山北麓萨扎干河谷地带的平坦台地和低缓山丘上,东为萨扎干河,北为河流出山的冲积扇,其余几面均被山丘环绕。遗址区大部分被现代村庄所占据,仅在边缘地带可见一些遗迹。在遗址区东部紧邻萨扎干河左岸处,发现有石构建筑基址群。其中央部位,分布有一座石 ...

• Kokildor-Ota Khanaka

Kokildor-Ota Khanaka, TermezKhanaka-Mausoleum Kokildor-Ota is distinguished by its architecture and unusual planning. This is the portal-domed construction, with many chambers and brick wall on the front. It should be noted that the idea of building a thr

• 法亚兹特佩佛教寺院遗址Fayaz Tepe

法亚兹特佩佛教寺院遗址位于乌兹别克斯坦铁尔梅兹市西北9 公里的铁尔梅兹古城遗址西北的山丘上,周边均为耕地和空地。其西1 公里为阿姆河, 南0.9 公里为卡拉特佩佛教寺院遗址, 东南1 公里为铁尔梅兹古城遗址。

• 乔巴克尔大墓地Chor Bakr Necropolis

UZ-13 Chor Bakr NecropolisThe architectural complex is a testimony of a religious tradition of late Islamic period of Central Asia and an example of the process of local logically continuation of it, starting in a late period of the ancient Silk Roads. At

• 瓦刺赫沙古城Varakhsha Settlement

UZ-14 Varakhsha SettlementThe archaeological site of Varakhsha represents a trading settlement and a palace on the Silk Roads before Arab conquest. It was a Sogdian political center and the outdoor residence of BukharKhudats, bearing highly fortified cita

• 派依肯特古城Paikend Settlement

UZ-15 Paikend SettlementPaikend reflects the impact of the integration of comprehensive relations, the exchange of social values on the Silk Road, to urban development, architecture and cultural traditions. Exceptional example of Sogdian town planning and

• 查斯玛依·约伯冢Chasma-iAyubKhazira

UZ-09 Chasma-iAyubKhaziraThe mausoleum ChashmaAyub reflects the dynamics of Central Asian architecture. First as a mutual succession of religious values, representing the cult of Ayub and his story that is known in early Christian and Jewish sources as Jo

• 瓦尔丹泽古城Vardanze Settlement

UZ-10 Vardanze SettlementVardanze archaeological site represent the remains of a Medieval fortified town of Vardana, which controlled the territories along Samarkand-Bukhara (Shāhrāh) section of the Silk Roads. It was one of the political centers of Weste

• 沃布肯特宣礼塔Vobkent Minaret

UZ-11 Vobkent MinaretThis is a very important monument for studying the genesis and development of the Central Asia’s minarets. The Minaret mirrors the stage when ornaments with masonry of baked bricks is supplemented and later replaced by glazed tiles. I

• 巴赫欧丁纳克什班德建筑群BahouddinNaqshband Architectural Complex

UZ-12 BahouddinNaqshband Architectural ComplexThe complex bears a unique testimony to the local Muslim’s burial tradition of building necropolises for rulers, their families, saints and important clergy. The most unique structure of the complexes, the Kho

• 达布斯亚古城Dabusiya Settlement

UZ-04 Dabusiya SettlementDabusiya archaeological site was an Antique and Medieval urban center controlling a narrow strip of irrigated area of the Silk Roads connecting Samarkand with Bukhara, as well as Nur-ata oasis on the north. It is an example of con

• Qosim Shaikh Architectural Complex

UZ-05 Qosim Shaikh Architectural ComplexIt is the only sample of sacral architecture built in the 16thcentury, which bears a unique testimony of religious and burial traditions that were and still are associated with Central Asian Islam and Sufism. Distin

• 米尔赛义德巴赫罗姆陵墓Mir Sayid Bakhrom Mausoleum

UZ-06 MirSayidBakhrom MausoleumMir-SayidBakhrom Mausoleum is the only mausoleum in this region that belongs to 10th-11thcenturies. The mausoleum and its portal with rich monochrome decorations reflect an early stage in the history of Muslim mausoleums and

• Raboti Malik Caravanserai and Sardoba

UZ-07 Raboti Malik Caravanserai and SardobaArchitectural and functional design solutions of the Raboti Malik Complex, as an integral part of infrastructure and the only local water source, reflect the impact of the integration process with active cultural

• 德加隆清真寺Deggaron Mosque

UZ-08 Deggaron MosqueThe Deggaron mosque architectural complex is an example of an extramural station-mosque located in the frontier zone between the Bukhara oasis and the Steppe. It has been functioning in the Samarkand-Bukhara section of the Silk Roads

• 加尔特帕二号神庙Jartepa II Temple

UZ-01 Jartepa II TempleThe Jartepa II archaeological site is an example of a Zoroastrian temple on the Silk Roads and an extramural pan-Sogdian sanctuary erected the 5thcentury but functioning for a longer period, not attached to any significant settlemen

• 苏雷曼特帕修道院Suleimantepa

UZ-02 SuleimantepaSuleimantepa archaeological site is an example of a Christian monastery of the ‘Church of the East’ on the Silk Roads and is a testimony of the spread of Eastern Syriac Christianity on the Silk Roads in the 5thcentury and its further dev

• 卡菲尔·卡拉古城Kafirkala Settlement

UZ-03 Kafirkala SettlementKafirkala archaeological site was a strategic fortified settlement that in the 1st -9thcenturies controlled the south-north passages along the Zarafshan-Karakum corridor of the Silk Roads that connected Samarkand and Penjikent on

• Silk Roads: Zarafshan-Karakum Corridor (Uzbekistan)

DescriptionThe Silk Roads extended over 6500 km and connected East, South, and Western Asia with the Mediterranean and European world and served as historical network of interlinking trade routes, intercultural dialogue, exchange of traditions, sciences,

• 明铁佩遗址Mingtepa

明特佩遗址(Mingtepa)。位于安集延省马哈马特东郊。城近长方形,略微有些斜,我们由西墙缺口进入,城墙保存很好,但城内已经是农田和果园。 1939年在建设费尔干纳大引水渠的时候,M.E.Masson带领考古学家参观了这个遗址,1946-1947年、1950年A.N,Bernshtam带领的帕米尔-阿尔泰考古队调查了遗址。1973、1986-1987年札德涅普罗夫斯基发掘了遗址。2001年马 ...

• 达尔维津遗址Dalverzin

达尔维津遗址(Dalverzin)是中亚青铜时代晚期至早期铁器时代最大的一个的遗址,位于塔什干州白克阿瓦德区境内位于达尔维津村附近。处于一个椭圆形高地上,面积有25公顷,主要是楚斯特文化的堆积,最厚的堆积达4米,时代为公元前12世纪至公元前7世纪。自1952年开始,札德涅普罗夫斯基(J.A.Zadneprovskiy)开展了16个季度的考古工作,主要集中在祭祀遗址的 ...

• Afrasiab阿夫拉西阿卜古城遗址(康居地、悉万斤、飒秣建)

乌兹别克古代粟特城址。在撒马尔罕城北。城平面为三角形,面积219公顷。北部建于公元前6世纪 。公元前4世纪被希腊马其顿王亚历山大军队占领;古希腊人称此地为马拉坎达。至撒马尔罕城北,居住区已扩大至整个古城 ,成为粟特地区最大的政治经济中心。出土的这一时期的雕塑少数与希腊罗马神话有关,有的与祆教崇拜有关。还有国王会见外国使节的彩色壁画。阿 ...

• 阿伊尔塔姆城址Airtam

乌兹别克Airtam遗址出土乐师浮雕  Ayi'ertamu Chengzhi  阿伊尔塔姆城址  City Site at Airtam  中亚大夏-贵霜时期古城遗址。位于乌兹别克加盟共和国铁尔梅兹城以北 18 公里。年代为公元前 2 世纪至公元初。  1933~1937、1964~1966 年苏联考古学家 М.Е.马松等人主持发掘。遗迹分布在阿姆河北岸东西长 2500~3000 米、南北宽 3

• Zaamin Mountains

Description  The territory consists of two sites: Zaamin State Reserve and Zaamin National Park, located in the northern slope of Turkistan mountain range and bordering upon each other. Zaamin State R

• Zarautsoy Rock Paintings

Description  Grotto of Zaraut-kamar in the gorge of Zarautsoy is located in the southeast slope of the mountains Kugitangtau, entering into the system of southwest ridges of Gissar Mountains. Administ

• Siypantosh Rock Paintings

Description  The monument situated in the southwest ridge of Zarafshan mountains, in 40 km to the northwest from Shakhrisyabz, (Kashkadarya Region) in upper gorges Kuruksaj, in the northern suburb of

• Shahruhiya

Description  A site of ancient settlement Shahruhiya (Sharkiya) located in 88 km to the southwest from Tashkent on the right coast of Syrdarya River. It is the first large city of Tashkent oases, situ

• Shokhimardon

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Sarmishsay

Description  The territory of Sarmishsay is one of the largest and most investigated monuments of rock arts in Uzbekistan. Now, about 4000 separate images are registered here, many of whic

• Poykent

Description  Poykent is located in the lower stream of Zarafshan River and was one of the largest cities of the oasis. The city was consisted of citadel, two sites of ancient settlement and rabod (sub

• Khazarasp

Description  Khazarasp is one of the most ancient cities of Central Asia. Many ancient authors of East At-Tabbari (XI century), Arabian historian Al-Istakhri (X century), Beykhaki (XI), Djuveni (XIII

• Minaret in Vobkent

Description  The minaret represents columnar shaped tower. The height of the minaret from the bottom of the socle up to the top of the basic column is equal to 40,3 m. The height of 12-cut socle is 2,

• Khanbandi (dam)

Disclaimer  The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to fa

• Gissar Mountains

Description  The territory consists of two sites: Gissar state reserve (founded in 1983, 80986 hectares) and Kitob State reserve (founded in 1979, 3938 hectares) located in the western end of Gissar m

• Historic Center of Qoqon

Description  Qoqon - is one of the cultural centers of Ancient East. It is located in the western part of Ferghana valley in the lower stream of Sokh. Historical Center of Qoqon consisting of followin

• Complex of Sheikh Mukhtar-Vali (mausoleum)

Description  Mausoleum was erected in the XVI century above the grave of Ostana settlement founder Sheikh-Mukhtar-Vali, who was died in 1287. The Mausoleum has longitudinal shape, one of the most anci

• Desert Castles of Ancient Khorezm

Description  Desert Castles of Ancient Khorezm consists of following: Toprak Qala, Ayaz Qala, Koy-Kirilgan Qala, Big Guldursun fortress, Pil Qala, Anka Qala, Kurgashin Qala and Djanbas Qala.  TOPRAK Q

• Boysun

Description  The territory is located on the ridge of Boysuntog - the southwest spur of Gissar Mountains in the district of Boysun. The sites of Boysun, which is a subject of inclusion in protected hi

• Chashma-Ayub Mausoleum

Description  Chashma-Ayub Mausoleum is in the middle of the small ancient cemetery. The construction has reached with some losses to present day. The preserved parts represent a combination of harmoni

• Arab-Ata Mausoleum

Description  Arab-Ata mausoleum is located in the southeast slope of the high triangle shaped hill - tepa. According to the preliminary archeological dig-out was established that mausoleum erected on

• Bahoutdin Architectural Complex

Description  Sheikh Bohoutdin was the great representative of clergy from Nakshbandiy order, was considered as the spiritual patron of Bukhara governors, and died in 1389. That is why his necropolis,

• 帕普遗址Ancient Pap

Description  A site of ancient settlement Ancient Pap and adjoining urban burial ground are located on the right bank of Syrdarya River. A site of ancient settlement has entered into the scientific li

• Ahsiket

Description  A site of ancient settlement Ahsiket located on the right branch of Sirdarya River in Turakargan district of Namangan region. Its area occupies the territory of more than 25 hectares. The

• Ak Astana-baba (mausoleum)

Description  The mausoleum is situated on the territory of large and ancient burial—ground and built in honour of the Abu—Khu Khureyra considered as prophet's associate. The mausoleum has centric comp

• Abdulkhan Bandi Dam

Description  According to the data of historian Khafizi, the dam of Abdulkhan bandi was built by Akhmadali Nayman atalik, constitutionally to the order of Abdulakhan, the ruler of Bukhara. Remains of

• 卡姆佩尔特佩 (Kampyrtepa) 古城遗址

卡姆佩尔特佩 (Kampyrtepa) 古城遗址卡姆佩尔特佩古城遗址位于阿姆河右岸台地的山丘上, 东南距乌兹别克斯坦苏尔汉河州铁尔梅兹市30公里。遗址东为自然峡谷, 南为阿姆河谷地。遗址为一古城, 平面近似椭圆形, 东西长260、南北宽160米, 面积约4万平方米。北侧、东侧被城墙环绕, 城墙以土坯垒砌, 厚约5米。城墙外围每隔一段距离有一凸出马面, 东北城角有圆形角 ...

• 考科特佩 (Kok Tepa) 遗址

考科特佩 (Kok Tepa) 遗址考科特佩遗址位于乌兹别克斯坦撒马尔罕市以北25公里的开阔平原上, 北部有低矮山丘, 西南15公里为泽拉夫善河。考科特佩遗址为一聚落和古城遗址, 东西长920、南北宽865米。遗址现存内外两道城墙, 内城保存较好, 墙体基本连续, 平面近三角形, 面积约16万平方米;外城已不完整, 仅余部分北墙。墙体均由泥砖垒砌, 其上有半圆形的马面和 ...

• 巴赫赤 (Bakhchi) 遗址

巴赫赤遗址位于乌兹别克斯坦苏尔汉河一条支流右岸的台地上, 东南距舒尔奇市7.8公里。周围均是农田, 地势平坦。遗址东200米为河谷, 对面为巴赫赤村。遗址为一古城或聚落, 现存一高大土丘, 形状不规则, 面积约1.9万平方米。土丘南侧可见疑似城墙和城壕, 而其余部分已被农田破坏。图一九萨帕利文化出土陶器下载原图1~4.高柄盘5、6.带流壶7.盆8.高颈壶9、10.折 ...

• 萨帕利特佩 (Sapalli Tepe) 遗址

萨帕利特佩遗址位于阿姆河右岸的台地上, 东南距乌兹别克斯坦铁尔梅兹市46公里。周围均是棉田, 地势平坦, 土壤肥沃。遗址原呈一土丘状, 1971年进行了完整发掘, 确认其为青铜时代的聚落遗址。遗址主体形制类似一个方形的堡垒或要塞, 边长82米。周围用泥砖砌墙, 墙残高1.5、厚1.7米, 泥砖规格为42×20×10、44×22×12和46×24×13厘米。沿着每堵墙的内侧, 均 ...

• 西部天山

“ 西部天山”遗产由三个中亚国家共享:哈萨克斯坦,吉尔吉斯斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦。 遗产主要位于吉尔吉斯斯坦谢克市,乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干和哈萨克斯坦小镇奇姆肯特之间的三角地带,占地面积467,550公顷,海拔700至4,503米。基本资料遗产名称:西部天山(Western Tien-Shan)入选时间:2016年遴选依据:自然遗产(x)地理位置:N43 43 60 E68 40 44遗产编 ...

• 巴拉雷克城堡遗址Balalyk Tepe

中亚中世纪早期城堡遗址。位于苏联乌兹别克加盟共和国铁尔梅兹城西北约30公里处。1953~1955年苏联考古学家П.И.阿利巴乌姆发掘。City Site of Balalyk-Tepe这一遗址以迄今所知最早的中亚中世纪大型壁画而著称。遗址为高10米、每边长30米的截顶金字塔状,上面有土坯建筑物。壁画发现于西侧的一个4.85米见方的房间内,其题材为宴饮场面,在保存下来的画面 ...

• Cultural Landscape of Safid Bulan

5Cultural Landscape of Safid BulanKyrgyzstan, Djalal Abat oblast266,5Shakh Fazil mausoleum41" 27' 56 N71" 37' 08 OName of Silk Roads component:Cultural Landscape of Safid BulanBrief description of the component:The sites making these series, are

• 乌兹别克斯坦的丝绸之路遗产点Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan

Date of Submission:19/02/2010Criteria:(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)Category:CulturalSubmitted by:Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of UzbekistanRef.:5500Justification of Outstanding Universal ValueThe Silk Roads are routes of integration, exchange and

• Sheikh Mukhtor-Vali

Sheikh Mukhtor-ValiKhorezm Region

• Qosim Sheikh

Qosim SheikhNavoi Region Karmana District36

• Raboti Malik

Raboti MalikNavoi Region

• 巴胡丁建筑群Bahoutdin Complex

Bahoutdin ComplexBukhara Region

• 派肯特Poykent

PoykentBukhara Region14ha39o30' N; 63o50' EName of individual Silk Roads component property: PoykentBrief description of the component property:Poykent is located in the lower stream of Zarafshan River and was one of the largest cities of the oasis. The c

• 瓦拉赫沙Varakhsha

Name of individual Silk Roads component property: VarakhshaBrief description of the component property:Varakhsha is one of the biggest cities located in 45 km from the West of Bukhara, in the bank of abounding in water Rometonrud an ancient stream of Zara

• 安集延Andijon

AndijonAndijon Region100ha40o45' N; 72o15'EName of individual Silk Roads component property: AndijonAndijon是中亚最大的历史和文化中心,是位于丝绸之路最繁忙的十字路口的古老城镇之一。Andijon对大夏、粟特、及塔什干与中国的经济和文化关系影响深远。Brief description of the component property:Andijon is the biggest historical

• Kanka康卡(窳匿城)

Chinese_Name康卡English_NameKankaTimes公元6-7世纪至公元11-12世纪窳匿城 : 汉西域城名。见于《汉书·西域传》。为康居五小王之一窳匿王都城。“去都护五千二百六十六里,去阳关七千五百二十五里”。约在今乌兹别克斯坦塔什干市中心的坎卡 (Kanka)遗址。DescriptionA site of ancient settlement of Kanka in the territorial and administrative attitud ...

• 铁尔梅兹Ancient Termiz呾蜜城

铁尔梅兹城址 : 中亚古城遗址。在乌兹别克铁尔梅兹城北,中国古代文献中将该城音译为“怛密”、“怛没”等。1927年起发掘。该城在公元前大夏王国时期已存在,公元1—4世纪贵霜王国时期趋于繁荣,佛教兴盛,遗址甚多,主要有卡拉丘和法亚兹丘二佛寺。9—12世纪城市达于鼎盛,1220年被蒙古军攻破后衰落。

• 马利克_拉巴特驿站Rabati Malik Caravanserai


• 乌兹别克斯坦布哈拉历史中心Bukhara


• 乌兹别克斯坦沙赫利苏伯兹历史中心(Shahrisabz乞史城)


• 乌兹别克斯坦处在文化十字路口的撒马尔罕城

撒马尔罕城位于今日乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干附近,这里是当年中国通向印度、阿拉伯和欧洲的必经之地,因此四方商贾云集,各种文化互相交融,一派“国际都市”的景象。2001年,作为文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界 ...

• 乌兹别克斯坦伊钦•卡拉内城

伊钦•卡拉内城,是希瓦古城的一个重要组成部分,位于乌兹别克斯坦西南边界阿姆河下游的希瓦绿洲上,是中亚保存完好的穆斯林建筑群中的典范。1990年作为世界文化遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。世界遗产委员会描述 ...


